# libaoc A library for writing very rusty AdventOfCode solutions with miette error handling. ## Example ```rust fn main() -> libaoc::miette::Result<()> { libaoc::run_days!(day1) } // This could also be a new file with #![...] at the start using nightly rust! #[libaoc::day(1, "../input/day1.txt")] mod day1 { use libaoc::miette::Result; fn part1() -> Result<()> { println!("Running part 1. My input is '{}'", INPUT); Ok(()) } // This is optional. fn part2() -> Result<()> { println!("Running part 2. My input is '{}'", INPUT); Ok(()) } } ``` This gives the output ``` Running day 1... --- Part 1 --- Running part 1. My input is 'day 1 input file here!' --- Part 2 --- Running part 2. My input is 'day 1 input file here!' ```