feat: add option API

This commit is contained in:
LordMZTE 2023-06-08 15:32:45 +02:00
parent 76e05485a7
commit cf233fd3c6
Signed by: LordMZTE
GPG key ID: B64802DC33A64FF6

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@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
const std = @import("std");
const c = @import("nvim_c");
test {
const log = std.log.scoped(.znvim);
/// Convenient wrapper for nvim's Error
pub const Error = struct {
@ -161,6 +159,106 @@ pub const Dictionary = struct {
/// Thin wrapper around TriState booleans
pub const TriState = enum(c_int) {
none = c.kNone,
false = c.kFalse,
true = c.kTrue,
pub inline fn ofBool(b: bool) TriState {
return if (b) .true else .false;
pub inline fn fromNvim(n: c.TriState) TriState {
return @intToEnum(TriState, n);
pub inline fn toNvim(self: TriState) c.TriState {
return @enumToInt(self);
/// API for nvim options
pub const OptionValue = union(enum) {
tristate: TriState,
number: i64,
string: []const u8,
/// Scope of an option
pub const Scope = enum(c_int) {
local = c.OPT_LOCAL,
global = c.OPT_GLOBAL,
both = 0,
pub inline fn toNvim(self: Scope) c_int {
return @enumToInt(self);
pub fn of(x: anytype) OptionValue {
if (@TypeOf(x) == TriState) {
return .{ .tristate = x };
} else {
return switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(x))) {
.Null => .nil,
.Bool => .{ .tristate = TriState.ofBool(x) },
.Int, .ComptimeInt => .{ .number = x },
.Pointer => .{ .string = @constCast(x) },
else => @compileError("Unsupported OptionValue type: " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(x))),
pub fn fromNvim(v: c.OptVal) OptionValue {
return switch (v.type) {
c.kOptValTypeNil => .nil,
c.kOptValTypeBoolean => .{ .tristate = TriState.fromNvim(v.data.boolean) },
c.kOptValTypeNumber => .{ .number = v.data.number },
c.kOptValTypeString => .{ .string = v.data.string.data[0..v.data.string.size] },
else => unreachable,
pub fn toNvim(self: OptionValue) c.OptVal {
return switch (self) {
.nil => std.mem.zeroInit(c.OptVal, .{ .type = c.kOptValTypeNil }),
.tristate => |b| .{
.type = c.kOptValTypeBoolean,
.data = .{ .boolean = b.toNvim() },
.number => |n| .{
.type = c.kOptValTypeNumber,
.data = .{ .number = n },
.string => |s| .{
.type = c.kOptValTypeString,
.data = .{ .string = nvimString(@constCast(s)) },
/// Gets the option for a given scope and key.
pub inline fn get(key: [*:0]const u8, scope: Scope) OptionValue {
return OptionValue.fromNvim(c.get_option_value(key, null, scope.toNvim(), null));
/// Sets the option to this value for a given key and scope.
/// Returns null on success and an error message on error.
pub inline fn set(self: OptionValue, key: [*:0]const u8, scope: Scope) ?[*:0]const u8 {
return c.set_option_value(key, self.toNvim(), scope.toNvim());
/// Sets the option to this value for a given key and scope.
/// In case of an error, log that error and return error.SetOption
pub fn setLog(self: OptionValue, key: [*:0]const u8, scope: Scope) !void {
if (self.set(key, scope)) |e| {
log.err("setting option: {s}", .{e});
return error.SetOption;
test "Dictionary" {
var dict = Dictionary{ .alloc = std.testing.allocator };
defer dict.deinit();
@ -169,3 +267,11 @@ test "Dictionary" {
try dict.push(@constCast("number"), nvimObject(@as(c_int, 42)));
try dict.push(@constCast("bool"), nvimObject(true));
test "OptionValue.of" {
try std.testing.expectEqual(OptionValue.nil, OptionValue.of(null));
try std.testing.expectEqual(OptionValue{ .tristate = .true }, OptionValue.of(true));
try std.testing.expectEqual(OptionValue{ .tristate = .none }, OptionValue.of(TriState.none));
try std.testing.expectEqual(OptionValue{ .number = 42 }, OptionValue.of(42));
try std.testing.expectEqual(OptionValue{ .string = "Hello" }, OptionValue.of("Hello"));