# zupper A Zig version manager, written in zig. ## features - managing multiple zig installations - installing zig - switching zig installations - removing installations - automatic updates - fancy CLI - concurrent downloading and unpacking - multi-platform support (actually, not sure about windows xD) - tiny binary (211 KB) - few native dependencies - written in zig ## building ### Linux Zupper requires `libarchive` to be installed. libarchive is used to unpack the compiler toolchain. This dependency will probably be swapped out for zig a version at some point once a suitable library pops up. 1. Install the dependencies. You probably already have them installed, but just to make sure, here are the commands to install them. Arch: ```bash pacman -S --needed \ libarchive ``` Debian: ```bash apt install \ libarchive-dev ``` 2. Install the zig toolchain Zupper requires the 0.12.0 version of Zig. You can get a compiler from the [Zig website](https://ziglang.org), or your distribution's package manager. 3. Build it! ```bash zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseFast -p ~/.local ``` ### macOS I'll be honest here, I got no idea. You should be able to do it in a similar fashion to Linux. ### windows It might work if you can get the dependencies working. Maybe, I'll add static linking some day. As for now, good luck lol.