#+TITLE: Crouching Tiger Changelog #+DATE: Tues Jan 23, 2024 #+AUTHOR: Anoduck #+PROJECT: Crouching Tiger #+REPO: #+LICENSE: MIT #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:T *:T #+EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS: EXPORT #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport # --------------------------------------- * Tasks ** dhcp **** TODO Rework logging of clients in database * Changelog ** unreleased *** 2024.03.28 - Can't believe it has been so long between working on this - created apname class, database configuration, and apname fetching. **** TODO working on how to automate the initializtion of classes and recieving the return value. *** 2024.03.19 - Refactored logging *** 2024.03.17 - Research on dns proxying performed - created signal class - created beacon module *** 2024.03.16 - Continued to flush out much of database integration. - configured initial connection to db - reworking DB operations for dhcp. - created function to add time to creation of leases - created function to add expiration to leases - Mapped out modules for proxy and portal *** 2024.03.15 - Updated Hidden Dragon init files to reflect changes and Structure - Cleaned up unresolved references in dhcp.__main__ - Massive refactoring of dhcp service - created function for time - created methods for db actions - corrected database creation file. - Opted to load dhcp dicts in database for speed - Worked on preventing disconnection from remote hosts. *** 2024.03.14 - Changed mk_inf to interfaces to cover all interfaces - Forked out HDragon into two modules; network & accesspoint - created additional files to help map out functionality of HDragon - I just learned the same functionality can be acquired through sockets and a lib than as scapy. - created method for creating a dns database for the dns server implementation - Mostly done with DNS implementation - Broke down dhcp into classes and modules *** 2024.03.12 - Committed changes and modified Changelog - Added imports to __init__ - Added Beacon class to ap - Created client dataframe to keep track of clients - Tried to modify activity.plantuml - split routing into separate module - Considering creating timing module - working on processing of net_database *** 2024.03.11 **** :construction: Hidden Dragon Work - Using standard csv to rearrange network database - Created bare knuckle dhcp server - Added function for dhcp to assign more than one IP address. - Added Eap file - Corrected reading of version file from __version__.py - for some reason still using semver to parse version - corrected parsing of configuration file when there is none. - renamed access point database csv to netdb_file - Renamed DataFrame class to CtigerDataFrame to avoid confusion - Corrected dual loading of ap network dataframe - added contents of rpy.py to mkintf *** 2024.02.24 - Created awk script to rearrange ap_db file. - Further flushing out of args to pass to hidden dragon. - Polished up TapIF Class - Removed mon_type from list of arguments for Hidden Dragon. *** 2024.02.23 - Added two additional dataclasses to the data module. - Log level selection no longer produces errors - Added new ascii art to crouching tiger. *** 2024.02.22 **** feat(Features): 🚩 Begin development of Hidden Dragon - Reconfigured logging to allow dynamic level setting - Setup log to Rotate using logging.handlers.RotateLogging (or something like that.) - Created HDragon class in preparation for creation of hidden_dragon module. - Created apData class in hidden_dragon module. - added scapy-fakeap to project workspace for reference. - Created TapIf for hidden_dragon - Created __main__ for hdragon. - Began to add hdragon parameters to config file. - Created native banner for ctiger, art no longer needed. - Created banner for hdragon, art still no longer needed. - added argparse condiguration for hdragon. - ctiger passes args to hdragon class and displays cute message. ** 0.4.3 *** 2024.02.13 - Setup own awkward Semver solution, not too pleased - Reworked module imports to actually work outside the module. - corrected failed imports several times over again. - TODO need to work on cleaning up git tags - sketching out deployment idea with plantuml, that was a disappointment - working on sketching with dia of all things. - Getting version to print to log. - BUG DETECTED: DF writes header to file every time. - Fixed bug by exchanging index or header on df.tocsv. - Fixed incorrectly formatted log string - TODO Cleanup the repo. *** 2024.02.12 **** refactor(Structure): :art: More modularization **** refactor(Structure): :art: Begin Modularization ** 0.4.2 *** 2024.02.10 **** perf: :art: Minor Performance improvements, code cleanup, no more double entries - Revising Diagram of processes - adding function to load data from csv *** 2024.01.27 - Garbage collection for class definitions - massive refactoring of how variables are passed. - fixed chan_hop argument error - fixed signal_handler undefined log error - removed globalization of scan_df - added duplicate prevention for csv valid file - removed cause of annoying duplicate entry. ** 0.4.1 *** 2024.01.26 - Fixing interface name resolution error in @__init__@. - removed useless references to "self.variable = variable" - Removed pointless use of threading for solitary processing - Corrected or removed context managers for threading. - Removed unneeded "**kwargs" for function definitions. - corrected log file path - renamed chan_hop to do_hop - fixed mon_dev startup for attack - Repairing mon_if functions *** 2024.01.25 - added context managers to threads (later removed) ** 0.4.0 *** 2024.01.23 - Dropped Asynchronous processing, as it was pointless - Moved Attack action into it's own class. - Code cleanup. - Removed usage of trio. - removed trio from project file - removed daemon from project file - removed daemonize from project file - corrected purge startup - It works