cleanup: remove deprecated commands

This commit is contained in:
Steven Arcangeli 2023-02-13 12:15:48 -08:00
parent 76a0aa0ec5
commit 1bdb9ca19b

View file

@ -53,17 +53,6 @@ local commands = {
desc = "Close all visible aerial windows.",
cmd = "AerialCloseAllButCurrent",
func = "close_all_but_current",
deprecated = {
alternative = "aerial.close_all_but_current()",
help = "aerial.close_all_but_current",
defn = {
desc = "Close all visible aerial windows except for the one currently focused or for the currently focused window.",
cmd = "AerialNext",
func = "next",
@ -80,30 +69,6 @@ local commands = {
count = 1,
cmd = "AerialNextUp",
func = "next_up",
deprecated = {
alternative = "aerial.next_up()",
help = "aerial.next_up",
defn = {
desc = "Jump up the tree [count] levels, moving forwards in the file (default 1).",
count = 1,
cmd = "AerialPrevUp",
func = "next_up",
deprecated = {
alternative = "aerial.prev_up()",
help = "aerial.prev_up",
defn = {
desc = "Jump up the tree [count] levels, moving backwards in the file (default 1).",
count = 1,
cmd = "AerialGo",
func = "go",
@ -115,88 +80,6 @@ local commands = {
long_desc = 'If with [!] and inside aerial window, the cursor will stay in the aerial window. [split] can be "v" to open a new vertical split, or "h" to open a horizontal split. [split] can also be a raw vim command, such as "belowright split". This command respects |switchbuf|=uselast',
cmd = "AerialTreeOpen",
func = "tree_open",
deprecated = {
alternative = "aerial.tree_open()",
help = "aerial.tree_cmd",
defn = {
desc = "Expand the tree at the current location. If with [!] then will expand recursively.",
bang = true,
cmd = "AerialTreeClose",
func = "tree_close",
deprecated = {
alternative = "aerial.tree_close()",
help = "aerial.tree_close",
defn = {
desc = "Collapse the tree at the current location. If with [!] then will collapse recursively.",
bang = true,
cmd = "AerialTreeToggle",
func = "tree_toggle",
deprecated = {
alternative = "aerial.tree_toggle()",
help = "aerial.tree_toggle",
defn = {
desc = "Toggle the tree at the current location. If with [!] then will toggle recursively.",
bang = true,
cmd = "AerialTreeOpenAll",
func = "tree_open_all",
deprecated = {
alternative = "aerial.tree_open_all()",
help = "aerial.tree_open_all",
defn = {
desc = "Expand all the tree nodes.",
cmd = "AerialTreeCloseAll",
func = "tree_close_all",
deprecated = {
alternative = "aerial.tree_close_all()",
help = "aerial.tree_close_all",
defn = {
desc = "Collapse all the tree nodes.",
cmd = "AerialTreeSyncFolds",
func = "tree_sync_folds",
deprecated = {
alternative = "aerial.tree_sync_folds()",
help = "aerial.tree_sync_folds",
defn = {
desc = "Sync code folding with current tree state. This ignores the link_tree_to_folds setting.",
cmd = "AerialTreeSetCollapseLevel",
func = "tree_set_collapse_level",
args = "N",
deprecated = {
alternative = "aerial.tree_set_collapse_level()",
help = "aerial.tree_set_collapse_level",
defn = {
desc = "Collapse symbols at a depth greater than N (0 collapses all)",
nargs = 1,
cmd = "AerialInfo",
func = "info",
@ -220,22 +103,6 @@ end
local function create_commands()
for _, v in pairs(commands) do
local callback = lazy("command", v.func)
if v.deprecated then
local msg = string.format(":%s is deprecated.", v.cmd)
if type(v.deprecated) == "table" then
if v.deprecated.alternative then
msg = string.format("%s Please use %s instead", msg, v.deprecated.alternative)
if then
msg = string.format("%s (see :help %s)", msg,
msg = msg .. "\nThis command will be removed on 2023-02-01"
callback = function(...)
vim.notify_once(msg, vim.log.levels.WARN)
lazy("command", v.func)(...)
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command(v.cmd, callback, v.defn)