Add vim commands for ease of use

This commit is contained in:
Steven Arcangeli 2021-06-17 11:10:54 -07:00
parent 639ffe285b
commit 6e04e5a263
5 changed files with 203 additions and 119 deletions

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@ -39,12 +39,10 @@ local custom_attach = function(client)
-- Aerial does not set any mappings by default, so you'll want to set some up
-- Toggle the aerial window with <leader>a
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', '<leader>a', '<cmd>lua require"aerial".toggle()<CR>', {})
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', '<leader>a', '<cmd>AerialToggle!<CR>', {})
-- Jump forwards/backwards with '[[' and ']]'
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', '[[', '<cmd>lua require"aerial".prev_item()<CR>zvzz', {})
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'v', '[[', '<cmd>lua require"aerial".prev_item()<CR>zvzz', {})
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', ']]', '<cmd>lua require"aerial".next_item()<CR>zvzz', {})
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'v', ']]', '<cmd>lua require"aerial".next_item()<CR>zvzz', {})
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', '[[', '<cmd>AerialPrev<CR>', {})
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', ']]', '<cmd>AerialNext<CR>', {})
-- This is a great place to set up all your other LSP mappings
@ -55,6 +53,18 @@ require'lspconfig'.vimls.setup{
## Commands
Command | arg | description
------- | --- | -----------
`AerialToggle` | `left`/`right` | Open (and enter) or close the aerial window
`AerialToggle!` | `left`/`right` | Open or close the aerial window
`AerialOpen` | `left`/`right` | Open (and enter) the aerial window
`AerialOpen!` | `left`/`right` | Open the aerial window
`AerialClose` | | Close the aerial window
`AerialPrev` | N=1 | Jump backwards N symbols
`AerialNext` | N=1 | Jump forwards N symbols
## Options
@ -116,13 +126,13 @@ vim.g.aerial = {
-- You can also override the default icons.
vim.g.aerial = {
icons = {
Class = '';
Class = '';
-- The icon to use when a class has been collapsed in the tree
ClassCollapsed = '喇';
Function = '';
Constant = '[c]'
Function = '';
Constant = '[c]'
-- The default icon to use when any symbol is collapsed in the tree
Collapsed = '▶';
Collapsed = '▶';

View file

@ -3,83 +3,47 @@
CONTENTS *aerial-contents*
1. Configure.......................................|aerial-configure|
2. Commands........................................|aerial-commands|
3. Options.........................................|aerial-options|
CONFIGURE *aerial-configure*
This is a minimal configuration to get you started:
local aerial = require'aerial'
local custom_attach = function(client)
-- Aerial does not set any mappings by default, so you'll want to set some up
-- Toggle the aerial window with <leader>a
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', '<leader>a', '<cmd>lua require"aerial".toggle()<CR>', {})
-- Jump forwards/backwards with '[[' and ']]'
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', '[[', '<cmd>lua require"aerial".prev_item()<CR>zvzz', {})
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'v', '[[', '<cmd>lua require"aerial".prev_item()<CR>zvzz', {})
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', ']]', '<cmd>lua require"aerial".next_item()<CR>zvzz', {})
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'v', ']]', '<cmd>lua require"aerial".next_item()<CR>zvzz', {})
-- This is a great place to set up all your other LSP mappings
-- Set up your LSP clients here, using the custom on_attach method
on_attach = custom_attach,
The aerial window itself has some sane default bindings, however you can easily
override them. The easiest way to is to use a ftplugin (e.g.
`.vim/ftplugin/aerial.vim`). You can find the default bindings in this
plugin's `ftplugin` dir.
By default, the symbols information in the buffer should stay updated, but if
you'd like to tweak the behavior see |g:aerial_diagnostics_trigger_update| and
you can manually call |vim.lsp.buf.document_symbol()|.
As a side note you will probably want to 'set sessionoptions-=blank' to avoid
storing aerial buffers (and other scratch buffers) when you call `:mksession`.
See 'sessionoptions' for more info
1. Commands........................................|aerial-commands|
2. Options.........................................|aerial-options|
3. Functions.......................................|aerial-functions|
COMMANDS *aerial-commands*
aerial.on_attach({client}, [{opts}] *aerial.on_attach()*
This must be called in the on_attach of your LSP client configuration. The
{opts} dictionary can contain the following entries:
:AerialToggle[!] [direction]
Open or close the aerial window. [direction] can be either `left` or
`right`. If without [!] the cursor will jump to the aerial window if
it was opened.
preserve_callback boolean. If true, will add to the
textDocument/documentSymbol callback instead of
replacing it.
:AerialOpen[!] [direction]
Open the aerial window. [direction] can be either `left` or `right`.
If without [!] the cursor will jump to the aerial window.[{focus}], [{direction}]) **
Open the aerial window for the current buffer. {focus} is a boolean that,
if true, will also jump your cursor to the aerial buffer. {direction} can
be either "left" or "right", to indicate which direction of vsplit to use
(default will try to autodetect which to use).
Close the aerial window.
aerial.close() *aerial.close()*
Close the aerial window for the current buffer.
aerial.toggle([{focus}], [{direction}]) *aerial.toggle()*
Same as ||, but will close the window if it is already open.
aerial.focus() *aerial.focus()*
Jump to the aerial window for the current buffer if it exists.
aerial.is_open() *aerial.is_open()*
Returns true if the aerial window is open for the current buffer.
Jump forwards [count] symbols (default 1).
Jump backwards [count] symbols (default 1).
OPTIONS *aerial-options*
Note that the options can be specified individually as listed below, or in a
single dict. If using a single dict, remove the "aerial_" prefix.
let g:aerial = {
\ 'default_direction': 'left',
\ 'min_width': 20,
g:aerial_default_direction *g:aerial_default_direction*
The default direction to open the window. Valid values are:
left Open the split to the left
@ -89,25 +53,10 @@ g:aerial_default_direction *g:aerial_default_direction
prefer_right Open to the right unless there are other windows right
and none to the left (default)
g:aerial_min_width *g:aerial_min_width*
The minimum width of the aerial window. Default 10.
g:aerial_max_width *g:aerial_max_width*
The maximum width of the aerial window. Default 40. If you want to disable
the dynamic resizing of the aerial window, set this to the same value as
g:aerial_update_when_errors *g:aerial_update_when_errors*
Update the aerial buffer even when your file has errors. Default true.
g:aerial_diagnostics_trigger_update *g:aerial_diagnostics_trigger_update*
Call |vim.lsp.buf.document_symbol()| to update symbols whenenever the LSP
client receives diagnostics. Default `true`.
g:aerial_highlight_on_jump *g:aerial_highlight_on_jump*
Briefly highlight the line jumped from |aerial.jump_to_loc()|. Default
g:aerial_highlight_mode *g:aerial_highlight_mode*
Valid values are "split_width", "full_width" or "last".
@ -120,42 +69,135 @@ g:aerial_highlight_mode *g:aerial_highlight_mode
last Only the most-recently focused window will have its
location marked in the aerial buffer.
g:aerial_default_bindings *g:aerial_default_bindings*
If false, don't set up the default keybindings in the aerial buffer.
g:aerial_highlight_on_jump *g:aerial_highlight_on_jump*
Briefly highlight the line jumped from |aerial.jump_to_loc()|. This value
is the number of milliseconds the highlight remains active for (default
300). It can also be set to `v:true` for the default, or `v:false` to
disable the highlight.
g:aerial_max_width *g:aerial_max_width*
The maximum width of the aerial window. Default 40.
g:aerial_min_width *g:aerial_min_width*
The minimum width of the aerial window. Default 10. If you want to disable
the dynamic resizing of the aerial window, set this to the same value as
g:aerial_nerd_font *g:aerial_nerd_font*
If true the default icons will use Nerd Font icons. Valid values are:
`true` Use Nerd Font icons
`false` Do not use Nerd Font icons
'auto' Use Nerd Font icons if nvim-web-devicons is installed (default)
g:aerial_open_automatic *g:aerial_open_automatic*
If `true`, open aerial automatically when entering a new buffer. This can
be a boolean or a |dict| mapping of filetypes. A key of '_' will be used
as the default if the filetype is not present.
let g:aerial_open_automatic = {
\ '_': v:true,
\ 'python': v:false,
\ 'rust': v:false,
g:aerial_open_automatic_min_lines *g:aerial_open_automatic_min_lines*
When using |aerial.set_open_automatic()|, you can set this value to only
When |g:aerial_open_automatic| = `true`, you can set this value to only
automatically open aerial on files greater than a certain length.
g:aerial_open_automatic_min_symbols *g:aerial_open_automatic_min_symbols*
When using |aerial.set_open_automatic()|, you can set this value to only
automatically open aerial when there are this many document symbols.
When |g:aerial_open_automatic| = `true`, you can set this value to only
automatically open aerial when there are at least this many document
g:aerial_use_icons *g:aerial_use_icons*
When true, use use icons in the display. Requires a nerd font (see Will try to smart default by looking for
`nvim-web-devicons` (
g:aerial_update_when_errors *g:aerial_update_when_errors*
Update the aerial buffer even when your file has LSP errors. Default `true`.
aerial.set_icon({kind}, {icon}) *aerial.set_icon()*
Configures the icons for each of the symbols.
for a complete list of the possible SymbolKind values.
g:aerial_default_bindings *g:aerial_default_bindings*
If `false`, don't set up the default keybindings in the aerial buffer.
aerial.set_icon('Function', '[F]')
Function = '[F]',
Method = '[M]',
g:aerial_icons *g:aerial_icons*
A map of |SymbolKind| to icons. You can also specify '<Symbol>Collapsed'
to change the icon when the tree is collapsed at this symbol, or
'Collapsed' to specify a default collapsed icon.
let g:aerial_icons = {
\ 'Class' : '';
\ 'ClassCollapsed' : '喇';
\ 'Function' : '';
\ 'Constant' : '[c]'
\ 'Collapsed' : '▶';
*SymbolKind* *symbol*
A quick note on SymbolKind. An authoritative list of valid SymbolKinds can be
found in the LSP spec:
A current list is below.
You can set a different value to display when the line is collapsed
aerial.set_icon('FunctionCollapsed', '-F-')
FUNCTIONS *aerial-functions*
The special value of `Collapsed` will be used as the default for any
collapsed symbols that have not been defined
aerial.on_attach({client}, [{opts}] *aerial.on_attach()*
This must be called in the on_attach of your LSP client configuration. The
{opts} dictionary can contain the following entries:
aerial.set_icon('Collapsed', '---')
preserve_callback boolean. If true, will add to the
textDocument/documentSymbol callback instead of
replacing it.[{focus}], [{direction}]) **
Open the aerial window for the current buffer. {focus} is a boolean that,
if true, will also jump your cursor to the aerial buffer. {direction} can
be either "left" or "right", to indicate which direction of vsplit to use
(defaults to |g:aerial_default_direction|).
aerial.close() *aerial.close()*
Close the aerial window for the current buffer.
aerial.toggle([{focus}], [{direction}]) *aerial.toggle()*
Same as ||, but will close the window if it is already open.
aerial.focus() *aerial.focus()*
Jump to the aerial window for the current buffer if it exists.
aerial.is_open() *aerial.is_open()*
Returns true if the aerial window is open for the current buffer.[{opts}]) **
TODO{step}, [{opts}]) **
aerial.tree_cmd({action}, [{opts}]) *aerial.tree_cmd()*

View file

@ -1,26 +1,37 @@
:AerialClose aerial.txt /*:AerialClose*
:AerialNext aerial.txt /*:AerialNext*
:AerialOpen aerial.txt /*:AerialOpen*
:AerialPrev aerial.txt /*:AerialPrev*
:AerialToggle aerial.txt /*:AerialToggle*
Aerial aerial.txt /*Aerial*
SymbolKind aerial.txt /*SymbolKind*
aerial aerial.txt /*aerial*
aerial-commands aerial.txt /*aerial-commands*
aerial-configure aerial.txt /*aerial-configure*
aerial-contents aerial.txt /*aerial-contents*
aerial-functions aerial.txt /*aerial-functions*
aerial-options aerial.txt /*aerial-options*
aerial.close() aerial.txt /*aerial.close()*
aerial.focus() aerial.txt /*aerial.focus()*
aerial.is_open() aerial.txt /*aerial.is_open()* aerial.txt /**
aerial.nvim aerial.txt /*aerial.nvim*
aerial.on_attach() aerial.txt /*aerial.on_attach()* aerial.txt /**
aerial.set_icon() aerial.txt /*aerial.set_icon()* aerial.txt /**
aerial.toggle() aerial.txt /*aerial.toggle()*
aerial.tree_cmd() aerial.txt /*aerial.tree_cmd()*
aerial.txt aerial.txt /*aerial.txt*
g:aerial_default_bindings aerial.txt /*g:aerial_default_bindings*
g:aerial_default_direction aerial.txt /*g:aerial_default_direction*
g:aerial_diagnostics_trigger_update aerial.txt /*g:aerial_diagnostics_trigger_update*
g:aerial_highlight_mode aerial.txt /*g:aerial_highlight_mode*
g:aerial_highlight_on_jump aerial.txt /*g:aerial_highlight_on_jump*
g:aerial_icons aerial.txt /*g:aerial_icons*
g:aerial_max_width aerial.txt /*g:aerial_max_width*
g:aerial_min_width aerial.txt /*g:aerial_min_width*
g:aerial_nerd_font aerial.txt /*g:aerial_nerd_font*
g:aerial_open_automatic aerial.txt /*g:aerial_open_automatic*
g:aerial_open_automatic_min_lines aerial.txt /*g:aerial_open_automatic_min_lines*
g:aerial_open_automatic_min_symbols aerial.txt /*g:aerial_open_automatic_min_symbols*
g:aerial_update_when_errors aerial.txt /*g:aerial_update_when_errors*
g:aerial_use_icons aerial.txt /*g:aerial_use_icons*
symbol aerial.txt /*symbol*

View file

@ -60,9 +60,7 @@ local function create_aerial_window(bufnr, aer_bufnr, direction)
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(0, 'relativenumber', false)
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(0, 'wrap', false)
local aer_winid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()
if my_winid ~= split_target then
return aer_winid
@ -103,6 +101,15 @@ M.maybe_open_automatic = function()
end = function(focus, direction)
-- We get empty strings from the vim command
if focus == '' then
focus = true
elseif focus == '!' then
focus = false
if direction == '' then
direction = nil
if vim.lsp.buf_get_clients() == 0 then
error("Cannot open aerial. No LSP clients")

View file

@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
command! -bang -complete=customlist,<sid>OpenDirection -nargs=? AerialToggle
\ call luaeval("require'aerial'.toggle(_A[1], _A[2])", [expand('<bang>'), expand('<args>')])
command! -bang -complete=customlist,<sid>OpenDirection -nargs=? AerialOpen
\ call luaeval("require'aerial'.open(_A[1], _A[2])", [expand('<bang>'), expand('<args>')])
command! AerialClose lua require'aerial'.close()
command! -count=1 AerialNext call luaeval("require'aerial'.next(tonumber(_A))", expand('<count>'))
command! -count=1 AerialPrev call luaeval("require'aerial'.next(-1*tonumber(_A))", expand('<count>'))
function! s:OpenDirection(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
let l:opts = ['right', 'left']
return filter(l:opts, 'v:val =~ "^'. a:ArgLead .'"')
" The line that shows where your cursor(s) are
highlight default link AerialLine QuickFixLine