Add 'ignore' configuration options

This commit is contained in:
Maddison Hellstrom 2022-02-20 01:44:21 -08:00
parent 5304724ccf
commit 94281d4218
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: CDB2888C2BA26FBB
6 changed files with 177 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -281,6 +281,44 @@ require("aerial").setup({
-- If you have lspkind-nvim installed, aerial will use it for icons.
icons = {},
-- Control which windows and buffers aerial should ignore.
-- If close_behavior is "global", focusing an ignored window/buffer will
-- not cause the aerial window to update.
-- If open_automatic is true, focusing an ignored window/buffer will not
-- cause an aerial window to open.
-- If open_automatic is a function, ignore rules have no effect on aerial
-- window opening behavior; it's entirely handled by the open_automatic
-- function.
ignore = {
-- Ignore unlisted buffers. See :help buflisted
unlisted_buffers = true,
-- List of filetypes to ignore.
filetypes = {},
-- Ignored buftypes.
-- Can be one of the following:
-- false or nil - No buftypes are ignored.
-- "special" - All buffers other than normal buffers are ignored.
-- table - A list of buftypes to ignore. See :help buftype for the
-- possible values.
-- function - A function that returns true if the buffer should be
-- ignored or false if it should not be ignored.
-- Takes two arguments, `bufnr` and `buftype`.
buftypes = "special",
-- Ignored wintypes.
-- Can be one of the following:
-- false or nil - No wintypes are ignored.
-- "special" - All windows other than normal windows are ignored.
-- table - A list of wintypes to ignore. See :help win_gettype() for the
-- possible values.
-- function - A function that returns true if the window should be
-- ignored or false if it should not be ignored.
-- Takes two arguments, `winid` and `wintype`.
wintypes = "special",
-- When you fold code with za, zo, or zc, update the aerial tree as well.
-- Only works when manage_folds = true
link_folds_to_tree = false,

View file

@ -153,6 +153,44 @@ Configure aerial by calling the setup() function.
-- If you have lspkind-nvim installed, aerial will use it for icons.
icons = {},
-- Control which windows and buffers aerial should ignore.
-- If close_behavior is "global", focusing an ignored window/buffer will
-- not cause the aerial window to update.
-- If open_automatic is true, focusing an ignored window/buffer will not
-- cause an aerial window to open.
-- If open_automatic is a function, ignore rules have no effect on aerial
-- window opening behavior; it's entirely handled by the open_automatic
-- function.
ignore = {
-- Ignore unlisted buffers. See :help buflisted
unlisted_buffers = true,
-- List of filetypes to ignore.
filetypes = {},
-- Ignored buftypes.
-- Can be one of the following:
-- false or nil - No buftypes are ignored.
-- "special" - All buffers other than normal buffers are ignored.
-- table - A list of buftypes to ignore. See :help buftype for the
-- possible values.
-- function - A function that returns true if the buffer should be
-- ignored or false if it should not be ignored.
-- Takes two arguments, `bufnr` and `buftype`.
buftypes = "special",
-- Ignored wintypes.
-- Can be one of the following:
-- false or nil - No wintypes are ignored.
-- "special" - All windows other than normal windows are ignored.
-- table - A list of wintypes to ignore. See :help win_gettype() for the
-- possible values.
-- function - A function that returns true if the window should be
-- ignored or false if it should not be ignored.
-- Takes two arguments, `winid` and `wintype`.
wintypes = "special",
-- When you fold code with za, zo, or zc, update the aerial tree as well.
-- Only works when manage_folds = true
link_folds_to_tree = false,

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ end
M.on_enter_buffer = util.throttle(function()
if util.is_floating_win() then
if util.is_ignored_win() then

View file

@ -66,6 +66,44 @@ local default_options = {
-- If you have lspkind-nvim installed, aerial will use it for icons.
icons = {},
-- Control which windows and buffers aerial should ignore.
-- If close_behavior is "global", focusing an ignored window/buffer will
-- not cause the aerial window to update.
-- If open_automatic is true, focusing an ignored window/buffer will not
-- cause an aerial window to open.
-- If open_automatic is a function, ignore rules have no effect on aerial
-- window opening behavior; it's entirely handled by the open_automatic
-- function.
ignore = {
-- Ignore unlisted buffers. See :help buflisted
unlisted_buffers = true,
-- List of filetypes to ignore.
filetypes = {},
-- Ignored buftypes.
-- Can be one of the following:
-- false or nil - No buftypes are ignored.
-- "special" - All buffers other than normal buffers are ignored.
-- table - A list of buftypes to ignore. See :help buftype for the
-- possible values.
-- function - A function that returns true if the buffer should be
-- ignored or false if it should not be ignored.
-- Takes two arguments, `bufnr` and `buftype`.
buftypes = "special",
-- Ignored wintypes.
-- Can be one of the following:
-- false or nil - No wintypes are ignored.
-- "special" - All windows other than normal windows are ignored.
-- table - A list of wintypes to ignore. See :help win_gettype() for the
-- possible values.
-- function - A function that returns true if the window should be
-- ignored or false if it should not be ignored.
-- Takes two arguments, `winid` and `wintype`.
wintypes = "special",
-- When you fold code with za, zo, or zc, update the aerial tree as well.
-- Only works when manage_folds = true
link_folds_to_tree = false,
@ -291,8 +329,8 @@ M.setup = function(opts)
if type(newconf.open_automatic) == "boolean" then
local open_automatic = newconf.open_automatic
newconf.open_automatic = function()
return open_automatic
newconf.open_automatic = function(bufnr)
return open_automatic and not require("aerial.util").is_ignored_buf(bufnr)
elseif type(newconf.open_automatic) ~= "function" then
local open_automatic_fn = create_filetype_opt_getter(newconf.open_automatic, false)

View file

@ -185,10 +185,68 @@ M.get_fixed_wins = function(bufnr)
return wins
M.get_non_ignored_fixed_wins = function(bufnr)
return vim.tbl_map(function(winid)
return not M.is_ignored_win(winid)
end, M.get_fixed_wins(bufnr))
M.is_floating_win = function(winid)
return vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(winid or 0).relative ~= ""
M.is_ignored_filetype = function(filetype)
local ignore = config.ignore
return ignore.filetypes and vim.tbl_contains(ignore.filetypes, filetype)
M.is_ignored_buf = function(bufnr)
local ignore = config.ignore
if ignore.unlisted_buffers and not vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, "buflisted") then
return true
if ignore.buftypes then
local buftype = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, "buftype")
if ignore.buftypes == "special" and buftype ~= "" then
return true
elseif type(ignore.buftypes) == "table" then
if vim.tbl_contains(ignore.buftypes, buftype) then
return true
elseif type(ignore.buftypes) == "function" then
if ignore.buftypes(bufnr, buftype) then
return true
if ignore.filetypes then
local filetype = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, "filetype")
if M.is_ignored_filetype(filetype) then
return true
return false
M.is_ignored_win = function(winid)
local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(winid)
if M.is_ignored_buf(bufnr) then
return true
local ignore = config.ignore
if ignore.wintypes then
local wintype = vim.fn.win_gettype(winid)
if ignore.wintypes == "special" and wintype ~= "" then
return true
elseif type(ignore.wintypes) == "table" then
if vim.tbl_contains(ignore.wintypes, wintype) then
return true
return false
M.is_managing_folds = function(winid)
return vim.api.nvim_win_get_option(winid or 0, "foldexpr") == "v:lua.aerial_foldexpr()"

View file

@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ end
-- Updates all cursor positions for a given source buffer
M.update_all_positions = function(bufnr, last_focused_win)
local source_buffer = util.get_buffers(bufnr)
local all_source_wins = util.get_fixed_wins(source_buffer)
local all_source_wins = util.get_non_ignored_fixed_wins(source_buffer)
M.update_position(all_source_wins, last_focused_win)
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ M.update_position = function(winids, last_focused_win)
if util.is_aerial_buffer(win_bufnr) then
winids = util.get_fixed_wins(bufnr)
winids = util.get_non_ignored_fixed_wins(bufnr)
local bufdata = data[bufnr]