doc: rework documentation generation

This commit is contained in:
Steven Arcangeli 2022-10-21 12:26:47 -07:00
parent d67b06e80f
commit f5ecd1ee9d
12 changed files with 945 additions and 330 deletions

.envrc Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
layout python

.github/ vendored Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
import json
import os
import os.path
import re
import subprocess
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import List
from nvim_doc_tools import (
HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__)
ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(HERE, os.path.pardir))
README = os.path.join(ROOT, "")
DOC = os.path.join(ROOT, "doc")
VIMDOC = os.path.join(DOC, "aerial.txt")
def update_treesitter_languages():
languages = sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(ROOT, "queries")))
language_lines = ["\n"] + [f"- {l}\n" for l in languages] + ["\n"]
r"^\s*<summary>Supported treesitter languages",
def update_config_options():
config_file = os.path.join(ROOT, "lua", "aerial", "config.lua")
opt_lines = read_section(config_file, r"^\s*local default_options =", r"^}$")
r"^\-\- Call the setup function",
['require("aerial").setup({\n'] + opt_lines,
VIMDOC, r'^\s*require\("aerial"\)\.setup', r"^\s*}\)$", indent(opt_lines, 4)
def update_md_api():
funcs = parse_functions(os.path.join(ROOT, "lua", "aerial", "init.lua"))
lines = ["\n"] + render_md_api(funcs, 2) + ["\n"]
api_doc = os.path.join(DOC, "")
r"^<!-- API -->$",
r"^<!-- /API -->$",
toc = ["\n"] + generate_md_toc(api_doc) + ["\n"]
r"^<!-- TOC -->$",
r"^<!-- /TOC -->$",
r"^<!-- API -->$",
r"^<!-- /API -->$",
def update_readme_toc():
toc = ["\n"] + generate_md_toc(README) + ["\n"]
r"^<!-- TOC -->$",
r"^<!-- /TOC -->$",
def get_commands() -> List[Command]:
return commands_from_json(read_nvim_json('require("aerial").get_all_commands()'))
def update_md_commands():
commands = get_commands()
lines = ["\n"] + format_md_commands(commands) + ["\n"]
r"^## Commands",
def get_options_vimdoc() -> "VimdocSection":
section = VimdocSection("options", "aerial-options")
config_file = os.path.join(ROOT, "lua", "aerial", "config.lua")
opt_lines = read_section(config_file, r"^local default_options =", r"^}$")
lines = ["\n", ">\n", ' require("aerial").setup({\n']
lines.extend(indent(opt_lines, 4))
lines.extend([" })\n", "<\n"])
section.body = lines
return section
def get_commands_vimdoc() -> "VimdocSection":
section = VimdocSection("Commands", "aerial-commands", ["\n"])
commands = get_commands()
return section
def get_notes_vimdoc() -> "VimdocSection":
section = VimdocSection("Notes", "aerial-notes")
section.body.extend(read_section(VIMDOC, "^NOTES", r"^[=\-]"))
return section
def generate_vimdoc():
doc = Vimdoc("aerial.txt", "aerial")
funcs = parse_functions(os.path.join(ROOT, "lua", "aerial", "init.lua"))
VimdocSection("API", "aerial-api", render_vimdoc_api("aerial", funcs)),
with open(VIMDOC, "w", encoding="utf-8") as ofile:
def main() -> None:
"""Update the README"""

.github/ vendored Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import os
import sys
HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__)
ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(HERE, os.path.pardir))
DOC = os.path.join(ROOT, "doc")
def main() -> None:
"""Generate docs"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=main.__doc__)
parser.add_argument("command", choices=["generate", "lint"])
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.command == "generate":
import generate
elif args.command == "lint":
from nvim_doc_tools import lint_md_links
files = [os.path.join(ROOT, "")] + [
os.path.join(DOC, file) for file in os.listdir(DOC) if file.endswith(".md")
lint_md_links.main(ROOT, files)
if __name__ == "__main__":

.github/nvim_doc_tools vendored Submodule

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 96e7b98ec289710b0337d8255629ca2814247b9e

View file

@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import os
import os.path
import re
import subprocess
from typing import List
HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__)
ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(HERE, os.path.pardir))
README = os.path.join(ROOT, "")
DOC = os.path.join(ROOT, "doc", "aerial.txt")
def indent(lines: List[str], amount: int) -> List[str]:
ret = []
for line in lines:
if amount >= 0:
ret.append(" " * amount + line)
space = re.match(r"[ \t]+", line)
if space:
ret.append(line[min(abs(amount), space.span()[1]) :])
return ret
def replace_section(file: str, start_pat: str, end_pat: str, lines: List[str]) -> None:
prefix_lines: List[str] = []
postfix_lines: List[str] = []
file_lines = prefix_lines
found_section = False
with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as ifile:
inside_section = False
for line in ifile:
if inside_section:
if re.match(end_pat, line):
inside_section = False
file_lines = postfix_lines
if re.match(start_pat, line):
inside_section = True
found_section = True
if inside_section or not found_section:
raise Exception(f"could not find file section {start_pat}")
all_lines = prefix_lines + lines + postfix_lines
with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as ofile:
def read_section(filename: str, start_pat: str, end_pat: str) -> List[str]:
lines = []
with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as ifile:
inside_section = False
for line in ifile:
if inside_section:
if re.match(end_pat, line):
elif re.match(start_pat, line):
inside_section = True
return lines
def update_treesitter_languages():
languages = sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(ROOT, "queries")))
language_lines = ["\n"] + [f"- {l}\n" for l in languages] + ["\n"]
README, r"^\s*<summary>Supported treesitter languages", r"^[^\s\-]", language_lines
def update_config_options():
config_file = os.path.join(ROOT, "lua", "aerial", "config.lua")
opt_lines = read_section(config_file, r"^\s*local default_options =", r"^}$")
r"^\-\- Call the setup function",
['require("aerial").setup({\n'] + opt_lines,
DOC, r'^\s*require\("aerial"\)\.setup', r"^\s*}\)$", indent(opt_lines, 4)
def update_default_bindings():
code, txt = subprocess.getstatusoutput(
"""nvim --headless --noplugin -u /dev/null -c 'set runtimepath+=.' -c 'lua print(vim.json.encode(require("aerial.bindings").keys))' +qall"""
if code != 0:
raise Exception(f"Error updating default bindings: {txt}")
bindings = json.loads(txt)
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
raise Exception(f"Json decode error: {txt}") from e
lhs = []
rhs = []
for keys, _command, desc in bindings:
if not isinstance(keys, list):
keys = [keys]
lhs.append("/".join([f"`{key}`" for key in keys]))
max_lhs = max(map(len, lhs))
max_rhs = max(map(len, rhs))
lhs.insert(0, "-" * max_lhs)
rhs.insert(0, "-" * max_rhs)
lines = [
"| " + left.ljust(max_lhs) + " | " + right.ljust(max_rhs) + " |\n"
for left, right in zip(lhs, rhs)
replace_section(README, r"^\|\s*Key.*Command", r"^\s*$", lines)
def main() -> None:
"""Update the README"""
if __name__ == "__main__":

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -39,3 +39,4 @@ luac.out

.gitmodules vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[submodule ".github/nvim_doc_tools"]
path = .github/nvim_doc_tools
url =

View file

@ -2,19 +2,23 @@
A code outline window for skimming and quick navigation
<!-- TOC -->
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Setup](#setup)
- [Keymaps](#keymaps)
- [Commands](#commands)
- [Options](#options)
- [Third-party integrations](#third-party-integrations)
- [Telescope](#telescope)
- [Fzf](#fzf)
- [fzf](#fzf)
- [Lualine](#lualine)
- [Highlight](#highlight)
- [API](#api)
- [FAQ](#faq)
<!-- /TOC -->
## Requirements
@ -96,7 +100,16 @@ Somewhere in your init.lua you will need to call `aerial.setup()`. See below for
[a full list of options](#options).
-- optionally use on_attach to set keymaps when aerial has attached to a buffer
on_attach = function(bufnr)
-- Jump forwards/backwards with '{' and '}'
vim.keymap.set('n', '{', '<cmd>AerialPrev<CR>', {buffer = bufnr})
vim.keymap.set('n', '}', '<cmd>AerialNext<CR>', {buffer = bufnr})
-- You probably also want to set a keymap to toggle aerial
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>a', '<cmd>AerialToggle!<CR>')
In addition, you will need to have either Treesitter or a working LSP client. You can configure your preferred source(s) with the `backends` option (see [Options](#options)). The default is to prefer Treesitter when it's available and fall back to LSP.
@ -139,49 +152,21 @@ it](
### Keymaps
While not required, you may want to add some keymaps for aerial. The best way to
do this is with the `on_attach` option:
on_attach = function(bufnr)
-- Toggle the aerial window with <leader>a
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>a', '<cmd>AerialToggle!<CR>', {buffer = bufnr})
-- Jump forwards/backwards with '{' and '}'
vim.keymap.set('n', '{', '<cmd>AerialPrev<CR>', {buffer = bufnr})
vim.keymap.set('n', '}', '<cmd>AerialNext<CR>', {buffer = bufnr})
-- Jump up the tree with '[[' or ']]'
vim.keymap.set('n', '[[', '<cmd>AerialPrevUp<CR>', {buffer = bufnr})
vim.keymap.set('n', ']]', '<cmd>AerialNextUp<CR>', {buffer = bufnr})
## Commands
| Command | arg | description |
| ---------------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `AerialToggle[!]` | `left`/`right`/`float` | Open or close the aerial window. With `[!]` cursor stays in current window |
| `AerialOpen[!]` | `left`/`right`/`float` | Open the aerial window. With `[!]` cursor stays in current window |
| `AerialOpenAll` | | Open an aerial window for each visible window |
| `AerialClose` | | Close the aerial window |
| `AerialCloseAll` | | Close all visible aerial windows |
| `AerialCloseAllButCurrent` | | Close all visible aerial windows except for the focused one |
| `AerialPrev` | N=1 | Jump backwards N symbols |
| `AerialNext` | N=1 | Jump forwards N symbols |
| `AerialPrevUp` | N=1 | Jump up the tree N levels, moving backwards |
| `AerialNextUp` | N=1 | Jump up the tree N levels, moving forwards |
| `AerialGo` | N=1, `v`/`h` | Jump to the Nth symbol |
| `AerialTreeOpen[!]` | | Expand tree at current location. `[!]` makes it recursive. |
| `AerialTreeClose[!]` | | Collapse tree at current location. `[!]` makes it recursive. |
| `AerialTreeToggle[!]` | | Toggle tree at current location. `[!]` makes it recursive. |
| `AerialTreeOpenAll` | | Open all tree nodes |
| `AerialTreeCloseAll` | | Collapse all tree nodes |
| `AerialTreeSetCollapseLevel` | N | Collapse symbols at a depth greater than N (0 collapses all) |
| `AerialTreeSyncFolds` | | Sync code folding with current tree state |
| `AerialInfo` | | Print out debug info related to aerial |
| Command | Args | Description |
| -------------------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `AerialToggle[!]` | `left/right/float` | Open or close the aerial window. With `!` cursor stays in current window |
| `AerialOpen[!]` | `left/right/float` | Open the aerial window. With `!` cursor stays in current window |
| `AerialOpenAll` | | Open an aerial window for each visible window. |
| `AerialClose` | | Close the aerial window. |
| `AerialCloseAll` | | Close all visible aerial windows. |
| `[count]AerialNext` | | Jump forwards {count} symbols (default 1). |
| `[count]AerialPrev` | | Jump backwards [count] symbols (default 1). |
| `[count]AerialGo[!]` | | Jump to the [count] symbol (default 1). |
| `AerialInfo` | | Print out debug info related to aerial. |
## Options
@ -224,8 +209,46 @@ require("aerial").setup({
-- unsupported - close aerial when attaching to a buffer that has no symbol source
close_automatic_events = {},
-- Set to false to remove the default keybindings for the aerial buffer
default_bindings = true,
-- Keymaps in aerial window. Can be any value that `vim.keymap.set` accepts.
-- Additionally, if it is a string that matches "aerial.<name>",
-- it will use the function at require("aerial.action").<name>
-- Set to `false` to remove a keymap
keymaps = {
["?"] = "actions.show_help",
["g?"] = "actions.show_help",
["<CR>"] = "actions.jump",
["<2-LeftMouse>"] = "actions.jump",
["<C-v>"] = "actions.jump_vsplit",
["<C-s>"] = "actions.jump_split",
["p"] = "actions.scroll",
["<C-j>"] = "actions.down_and_scroll",
["<C-k>"] = "actions.up_and_scroll",
["{"] = "actions.prev",
["}"] = "",
["[["] = "actions.prev_up",
["]]"] = "actions.next_up",
["q"] = "actions.close",
["o"] = "actions.tree_toggle",
["za"] = "actions.tree_toggle",
["O"] = "actions.tree_toggle_recursive",
["zA"] = "actions.tree_toggle_recursive",
["l"] = "actions.tree_open",
["zo"] = "actions.tree_open",
["L"] = "actions.tree_open_recursive",
["zO"] = "actions.tree_open_recursive",
["h"] = "actions.tree_close",
["zc"] = "actions.tree_close",
["H"] = "actions.tree_close_recursive",
["zC"] = "actions.tree_close_recursive",
["zR"] = "actions.tree_open_all",
["zM"] = "actions.tree_close_all",
["zx"] = "actions.tree_sync_folds",
["zX"] = "actions.tree_sync_folds",
-- When true, don't load aerial until a command or function is called
-- Defaults to true, unless `on_attach` is provided, then it defaults to false
lazy_load = true,
-- Disable aerial on files with this many lines
disable_max_lines = 10000,
@ -331,12 +354,11 @@ require("aerial").setup({
nerd_font = "auto",
-- Call this function when aerial attaches to a buffer.
-- Useful for setting keymaps. Takes a single `bufnr` argument.
on_attach = nil,
on_attach = function(bufnr) end,
-- Call this function when aerial first sets symbols on a buffer.
-- Takes a single `bufnr` argument.
on_first_symbols = nil,
on_first_symbols = function(bufnr) end,
-- Automatically open aerial when entering supported buffers.
-- This can be a function (see :help aerial-open-automatic)
@ -533,6 +555,38 @@ hi AerialGuide1 guifg=Red
hi AerialGuide2 guifg=Blue
## API
<!-- API -->
- [setup(opts)](#setupopts)
- [is_open(opts)](#is_openopts)
- [close()](#close)
- [close_all()](#close_all)
- [close_all_but_current()](#close_all_but_current)
- [open(opts)](#openopts)
- [open_all()](#open_all)
- [focus()](#focus)
- [toggle(opts)](#toggleopts)
- [select(opts)](#selectopts)
- [next(step)](#nextstep)
- [prev(step)](#prevstep)
- [next_up(count)](#next_upcount)
- [prev_up(count)](#prev_upcount)
- [get_location(exact)](#get_locationexact)
- [tree_close_all(bufnr)](#tree_close_allbufnr)
- [tree_open_all(bufnr)](#tree_open_allbufnr)
- [tree_set_collapse_level(bufnr, level)](#tree_set_collapse_levelbufnr-level)
- [tree_open(opts)](#tree_openopts)
- [tree_close(opts)](#tree_closeopts)
- [tree_toggle(opts)](#tree_toggleopts)
- [sync_folds(bufnr)](#sync_foldsbufnr)
- [info()](#info)
- [num_symbols(bufnr)](#num_symbolsbufnr)
- [was_closed(default)](#was_closeddefault)
<!-- /API -->
## FAQ
**Q: I accidentally opened a file into the aerial window and it looks bad. How can I prevent this from happening?**

View file

@ -1,109 +1,16 @@
*Aerial* *aerial* *aerial.nvim*
CONTENTS *aerial-contents*
CONTENTS *aerial-contents*
1. Commands........................................|aerial-commands|
2. Options.........................................|aerial-options|
3. Notes...........................................|aerial-notes|
1. Options..................................................|aerial-options|
2. Commands................................................|aerial-commands|
3. Api..........................................................|aerial-api|
4. Notes......................................................|aerial-notes|
COMMANDS *aerial-commands*
OPTIONS *aerial-options*
:AerialToggle[!] [direction]
Open or close the aerial window. [direction] can be `left`,
`right`, or `float`. If without [!] the cursor will jump to the aerial
window if it was opened.
:AerialOpen[!] [direction]
Open the aerial window. [direction] can be either `left`, `right`, or
`float`. If without [!] the cursor will jump to the aerial window.
Open an aerial window for each visible window.
Close the aerial window.
Close all visible aerial windows.
Close all visible aerial windows except for the one currently focused
or for the currently focused window.
Print out debug info related to aerial.
Jump forwards [count] symbols (default 1).
Jump backwards [count] symbols (default 1).
Jump up the tree [count] levels, moving forwards in the file
(default 1).
Jump up the tree [count] levels, moving backwards in the file
(default 1).
:[count]AerialGo[!] [split]
Jump to the [count] symbol (default 1). If with [!] and inside aerial
window, the cursor will stay in the aerial window. [split] can be "v"
to open a new vertical split, or "h" to open a horizontal split.
[split] can also be a raw vim command, such as "belowright split".
This command respects |switchbuf|=uselast
Expand the tree at the current location. If with [!] then will expand
Collapse the tree at the current location. If with [!] then will
collapse recursively.
Toggle the tree at the current location. If with [!] then will toggle
Expand all the tree nodes.
Collapse all the tree nodes.
Collapse symbols at a depth greater than N (0 collapses all)
Sync code folding with current tree state. This ignores the
link_tree_to_folds setting.
OPTIONS *aerial-options*
Configure aerial by calling the setup() function.
-- Priority list of preferred backends for aerial.
@ -142,8 +49,46 @@ Configure aerial by calling the setup() function.
-- unsupported - close aerial when attaching to a buffer that has no symbol source
close_automatic_events = {},
-- Set to false to remove the default keybindings for the aerial buffer
default_bindings = true,
-- Keymaps in aerial window. Can be any value that `vim.keymap.set` accepts.
-- Additionally, if it is a string that matches "aerial.<name>",
-- it will use the function at require("aerial.action").<name>
-- Set to `false` to remove a keymap
keymaps = {
["?"] = "actions.show_help",
["g?"] = "actions.show_help",
["<CR>"] = "actions.jump",
["<2-LeftMouse>"] = "actions.jump",
["<C-v>"] = "actions.jump_vsplit",
["<C-s>"] = "actions.jump_split",
["p"] = "actions.scroll",
["<C-j>"] = "actions.down_and_scroll",
["<C-k>"] = "actions.up_and_scroll",
["{"] = "actions.prev",
["}"] = "",
["[["] = "actions.prev_up",
["]]"] = "actions.next_up",
["q"] = "actions.close",
["o"] = "actions.tree_toggle",
["za"] = "actions.tree_toggle",
["O"] = "actions.tree_toggle_recursive",
["zA"] = "actions.tree_toggle_recursive",
["l"] = "actions.tree_open",
["zo"] = "actions.tree_open",
["L"] = "actions.tree_open_recursive",
["zO"] = "actions.tree_open_recursive",
["h"] = "actions.tree_close",
["zc"] = "actions.tree_close",
["H"] = "actions.tree_close_recursive",
["zC"] = "actions.tree_close_recursive",
["zR"] = "actions.tree_open_all",
["zM"] = "actions.tree_close_all",
["zx"] = "actions.tree_sync_folds",
["zX"] = "actions.tree_sync_folds",
-- When true, don't load aerial until a command or function is called
-- Defaults to true, unless `on_attach` is provided, then it defaults to false
lazy_load = true,
-- Disable aerial on files with this many lines
disable_max_lines = 10000,
@ -249,12 +194,11 @@ Configure aerial by calling the setup() function.
nerd_font = "auto",
-- Call this function when aerial attaches to a buffer.
-- Useful for setting keymaps. Takes a single `bufnr` argument.
on_attach = nil,
on_attach = function(bufnr) end,
-- Call this function when aerial first sets symbols on a buffer.
-- Takes a single `bufnr` argument.
on_first_symbols = nil,
on_first_symbols = function(bufnr) end,
-- Automatically open aerial when entering supported buffers.
-- This can be a function (see :help aerial-open-automatic)
@ -340,8 +284,239 @@ Configure aerial by calling the setup() function.
NOTES *aerial-notes*
COMMANDS *aerial-commands*
AerialToggle[!] `left/right/float` *:AerialToggle*
Open or close the aerial window. With `!` cursor stays in current window
AerialOpen[!] `left/right/float` *:AerialOpen*
Open the aerial window. With `!` cursor stays in current window
AerialOpenAll *:AerialOpenAll*
Open an aerial window for each visible window.
AerialClose *:AerialClose*
Close the aerial window.
AerialCloseAll *:AerialCloseAll*
Close all visible aerial windows.
[count]AerialNext *:AerialNext*
Jump forwards {count} symbols (default 1).
[count]AerialPrev *:AerialPrev*
Jump backwards [count] symbols (default 1).
[count]AerialGo[!] *:AerialGo*
Jump to the [count] symbol (default 1).
If with [!] and inside aerial window, the cursor will stay in the aerial
window. [split] can be "v" to open a new vertical split, or "h" to open a
horizontal split. [split] can also be a raw vim command, such as "belowright
split". This command respects |switchbuf|=uselast
AerialInfo *:AerialInfo*
Print out debug info related to aerial.
API *aerial-api*
setup({opts}) *aerial.setup*
Initialize aerial
{opts} `nil|table`
is_open({opts}): boolean *aerial.is_open*
Returns true if aerial is open for the current window or buffer (returns
false inside an aerial buffer)
{opts} `nil|table`
{bufnr} `nil|integer`
{winid} `nil|integer`
close() *aerial.close*
Close the aerial window.
close_all() *aerial.close_all*
Close all visible aerial windows.
close_all_but_current() *aerial.close_all_but_current*
Close all visible aerial windows except for the one currently focused or for
the currently focused window.
open({opts}) **
Open the aerial window for the current buffer.
{opts} `nil|table`
{focus} `boolean` If true, jump to aerial window if it is opened
(default true)
{direction} `"left"|"right"|"float"` Direction to open aerial window
open_all() *aerial.open_all*
Open an aerial window for each visible window.
focus() *aerial.focus*
Jump to the aerial window for the current buffer, if it is open
toggle({opts}) *aerial.toggle*
Open or close the aerial window for the current buffer.
{opts} `nil|table`
{focus} `boolean` If true, jump to aerial window if it is opened
(default true)
{direction} `"left"|"right"|"float"` Direction to open aerial window
select({opts}) **
Jump to a specific symbol.
{opts} `nil|table`
{index} `nil|integer` The symbol to jump to. If nil, will jump to the
symbol under the cursor (in the aerial buffer)
{split} `nil|string` Jump to the symbol in a new split. Can be "v" for
vertical or "h" for horizontal. Can also be a raw command to
execute (e.g. "belowright split")
{jump} `nil|boolean` If false and in the aerial window, do not leave
the aerial window. (Default true)
next({step}) **
Jump forwards in the symbol list.
{step} `nil|integer` Number of symbols to jump by (default 1)
prev({step}) *aerial.prev*
Jump backwards in the symbol list.
{step} `nil|integer` Number of symbols to jump by (default 1)
next_up({count}) *aerial.next_up*
Jump to a symbol higher in the tree, moving forwards
{count} `nil|integer` How many levels to jump up (default 1)
prev_up({count}) *aerial.prev_up*
Jump to a symbol higher in the tree, moving backwards
{count} `nil|integer` How many levels to jump up (default 1)
get_location({exact}): table *aerial.get_location*
Get a list representing the symbol path to the current location.
{exact} `nil|boolean` If true, only return symbols if we are exactly
inside the hierarchy. When false, will return the closest symbol.
`table` []
Returns empty list if none found or in an invalid buffer.
Items have the following keys:
name The name of the symbol
kind The SymbolKind of the symbol
icon The icon that represents the symbol
tree_close_all({bufnr}) *aerial.tree_close_all*
Collapse all nodes in the symbol tree
{bufnr} `nil|integer`
tree_open_all({bufnr}) *aerial.tree_open_all*
Expand all nodes in the symbol tree
{bufnr} `nil|integer`
tree_set_collapse_level({bufnr}, {level}) *aerial.tree_set_collapse_level*
Set the collapse level of the symbol tree
{bufnr} `integer`
{level} `integer` 0 is all closed, use 99 to open all
tree_open({opts}) *aerial.tree_open*
Open the tree at the selected location
{opts} `nil|table`
{index} `nil|integer` The index of the symbol to perform the action
on. Defaults to cursor location.
{fold} `nil|boolean` If false, do not modify folds regardless of
'link_tree_to_folds' setting. (default true)
{recurse} `nil|boolean` If true, perform the action recursively on all
children (default false)
{bubble} `nil|boolean` If true and current symbol has no children,
perform the action on the nearest parent (default true)
tree_close({opts}) *aerial.tree_close*
Collapse the tree at the selected location
{opts} `nil|table`
{index} `nil|integer` The index of the symbol to perform the action
on. Defaults to cursor location.
{fold} `nil|boolean` If false, do not modify folds regardless of
'link_tree_to_folds' setting. (default true)
{recurse} `nil|boolean` If true, perform the action recursively on all
children (default false)
{bubble} `nil|boolean` If true and current symbol has no children,
perform the action on the nearest parent (default true)
tree_toggle({opts}) *aerial.tree_toggle*
Toggle the collapsed state at the selected location
{opts} `nil|table`
{index} `nil|integer` The index of the symbol to perform the action
on. Defaults to cursor location.
{fold} `nil|boolean` If false, do not modify folds regardless of
'link_tree_to_folds' setting. (default true)
{recurse} `nil|boolean` If true, perform the action recursively on all
children (default false)
{bubble} `nil|boolean` If true and current symbol has no children,
perform the action on the nearest parent (default true)
sync_folds({bufnr}) *aerial.sync_folds*
Sync code folding with the current tree state.
{bufnr} `integer`
Ignores the 'link_tree_to_folds' config option.
info(): table **
Get debug info for aerial
num_symbols({bufnr}): integer *aerial.num_symbols*
Returns the number of symbols for the buffer
{bufnr} `integer`
was_closed({default}): nil|boolean *aerial.was_closed*
Returns true if the user has manually closed aerial. Will become false if
the user opens aerial again.
{default} `nil|boolean`
NOTES *aerial-notes*
Certain options can be configured per-filetype by passing in a table. "_" will
@ -422,5 +597,5 @@ Struct

doc/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
<!-- TOC -->
- [setup(opts)](#setupopts)
- [is_open(opts)](#is_openopts)
- [close()](#close)
- [close_all()](#close_all)
- [close_all_but_current()](#close_all_but_current)
- [open(opts)](#openopts)
- [open_all()](#open_all)
- [focus()](#focus)
- [toggle(opts)](#toggleopts)
- [select(opts)](#selectopts)
- [next(step)](#nextstep)
- [prev(step)](#prevstep)
- [next_up(count)](#next_upcount)
- [prev_up(count)](#prev_upcount)
- [get_location(exact)](#get_locationexact)
- [tree_close_all(bufnr)](#tree_close_allbufnr)
- [tree_open_all(bufnr)](#tree_open_allbufnr)
- [tree_set_collapse_level(bufnr, level)](#tree_set_collapse_levelbufnr-level)
- [tree_open(opts)](#tree_openopts)
- [tree_close(opts)](#tree_closeopts)
- [tree_toggle(opts)](#tree_toggleopts)
- [sync_folds(bufnr)](#sync_foldsbufnr)
- [info()](#info)
- [num_symbols(bufnr)](#num_symbolsbufnr)
- [was_closed(default)](#was_closeddefault)
<!-- /TOC -->
<!-- API -->
## setup(opts)
`setup(opts)` \
Initialize aerial
| Param | Type | Desc |
| ----- | ------------ | ---- |
| opts | `nil\|table` | |
## is_open(opts)
`is_open(opts): boolean` \
Returns true if aerial is open for the current window or buffer (returns false inside an aerial buffer)
| Param | Type | Desc | |
| ----- | ------------ | -------------- | --- |
| opts | `nil\|table` | | |
| | bufnr | `nil\|integer` | |
| | winid | `nil\|integer` | |
## close()
`close()` \
Close the aerial window.
## close_all()
`close_all()` \
Close all visible aerial windows.
## close_all_but_current()
`close_all_but_current()` \
Close all visible aerial windows except for the one currently focused or for the currently focused window.
## open(opts)
`open(opts)` \
Open the aerial window for the current buffer.
| Param | Type | Desc | |
| ----- | ------------ | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| opts | `nil\|table` | | |
| | focus | `boolean` | If true, jump to aerial window if it is opened (default true) |
| | direction | `"left"\|"right"\|"float"` | Direction to open aerial window |
## open_all()
`open_all()` \
Open an aerial window for each visible window.
## focus()
`focus()` \
Jump to the aerial window for the current buffer, if it is open
## toggle(opts)
`toggle(opts)` \
Open or close the aerial window for the current buffer.
| Param | Type | Desc | |
| ----- | ------------ | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| opts | `nil\|table` | | |
| | focus | `boolean` | If true, jump to aerial window if it is opened (default true) |
| | direction | `"left"\|"right"\|"float"` | Direction to open aerial window |
## select(opts)
`select(opts)` \
Jump to a specific symbol.
| Param | Type | Desc | |
| ----- | ------------ | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| opts | `nil\|table` | | |
| | index | `nil\|integer` | The symbol to jump to. If nil, will jump to the symbol under the cursor (in the aerial buffer) |
| | split | `nil\|string` | Jump to the symbol in a new split. Can be "v" for vertical or "h" for horizontal. Can also be a raw command to execute (e.g. "belowright split") |
| | jump | `nil\|boolean` | If false and in the aerial window, do not leave the aerial window. (Default true) |
## next(step)
`next(step)` \
Jump forwards in the symbol list.
| Param | Type | Desc |
| ----- | -------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| step | `nil\|integer` | Number of symbols to jump by (default 1) |
## prev(step)
`prev(step)` \
Jump backwards in the symbol list.
| Param | Type | Desc |
| ----- | -------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| step | `nil\|integer` | Number of symbols to jump by (default 1) |
## next_up(count)
`next_up(count)` \
Jump to a symbol higher in the tree, moving forwards
| Param | Type | Desc |
| ----- | -------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| count | `nil\|integer` | How many levels to jump up (default 1) |
## prev_up(count)
`prev_up(count)` \
Jump to a symbol higher in the tree, moving backwards
| Param | Type | Desc |
| ----- | -------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| count | `nil\|integer` | How many levels to jump up (default 1) |
## get_location(exact)
`get_location(exact): table` \
Get a list representing the symbol path to the current location.
| Param | Type | Desc |
| ----- | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| exact | `nil\|boolean` | If true, only return symbols if we are exactly inside the hierarchy. When false, will return the closest symbol. |
| Type | Desc |
| ----- | ---- |
| table | [] |
Returns empty list if none found or in an invalid buffer.
Items have the following keys:
name The name of the symbol
kind The SymbolKind of the symbol
icon The icon that represents the symbol
## tree_close_all(bufnr)
`tree_close_all(bufnr)` \
Collapse all nodes in the symbol tree
| Param | Type | Desc |
| ----- | -------------- | ---- |
| bufnr | `nil\|integer` | |
## tree_open_all(bufnr)
`tree_open_all(bufnr)` \
Expand all nodes in the symbol tree
| Param | Type | Desc |
| ----- | -------------- | ---- |
| bufnr | `nil\|integer` | |
## tree_set_collapse_level(bufnr, level)
`tree_set_collapse_level(bufnr, level)` \
Set the collapse level of the symbol tree
| Param | Type | Desc |
| ----- | --------- | ----------------------------------- |
| bufnr | `integer` | |
| level | `integer` | 0 is all closed, use 99 to open all |
## tree_open(opts)
`tree_open(opts)` \
Open the tree at the selected location
| Param | Type | Desc | |
| ----- | ------------ | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| opts | `nil\|table` | | |
| | index | `nil\|integer` | The index of the symbol to perform the action on. Defaults to cursor location. |
| | fold | `nil\|boolean` | If false, do not modify folds regardless of 'link_tree_to_folds' setting. (default true) |
| | recurse | `nil\|boolean` | If true, perform the action recursively on all children (default false) |
| | bubble | `nil\|boolean` | If true and current symbol has no children, perform the action on the nearest parent (default true) |
## tree_close(opts)
`tree_close(opts)` \
Collapse the tree at the selected location
| Param | Type | Desc | |
| ----- | ------------ | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| opts | `nil\|table` | | |
| | index | `nil\|integer` | The index of the symbol to perform the action on. Defaults to cursor location. |
| | fold | `nil\|boolean` | If false, do not modify folds regardless of 'link_tree_to_folds' setting. (default true) |
| | recurse | `nil\|boolean` | If true, perform the action recursively on all children (default false) |
| | bubble | `nil\|boolean` | If true and current symbol has no children, perform the action on the nearest parent (default true) |
## tree_toggle(opts)
`tree_toggle(opts)` \
Toggle the collapsed state at the selected location
| Param | Type | Desc | |
| ----- | ------------ | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| opts | `nil\|table` | | |
| | index | `nil\|integer` | The index of the symbol to perform the action on. Defaults to cursor location. |
| | fold | `nil\|boolean` | If false, do not modify folds regardless of 'link_tree_to_folds' setting. (default true) |
| | recurse | `nil\|boolean` | If true, perform the action recursively on all children (default false) |
| | bubble | `nil\|boolean` | If true and current symbol has no children, perform the action on the nearest parent (default true) |
## sync_folds(bufnr)
`sync_folds(bufnr)` \
Sync code folding with the current tree state.
| Param | Type | Desc |
| ----- | --------- | ---- |
| bufnr | `integer` | |
Ignores the 'link_tree_to_folds' config option.
## info()
`info(): table` \
Get debug info for aerial
## num_symbols(bufnr)
`num_symbols(bufnr): integer` \
Returns the number of symbols for the buffer
| Param | Type | Desc |
| ----- | --------- | ---- |
| bufnr | `integer` | |
## was_closed(default)
`was_closed(default): nil|boolean` \
Returns true if the user has manually closed aerial. Will become false if the user opens aerial again.
| Param | Type | Desc |
| ------- | -------------- | ---- |
| default | `nil\|boolean` | |
<!-- /API -->

View file

@ -1,25 +1,16 @@
:AerialClose aerial.txt /*:AerialClose*
:AerialCloseAll aerial.txt /*:AerialCloseAll*
:AerialCloseAllButCurrent aerial.txt /*:AerialCloseAllButCurrent*
:AerialGo aerial.txt /*:AerialGo*
:AerialInfo aerial.txt /*:AerialInfo*
:AerialNext aerial.txt /*:AerialNext*
:AerialNextUp aerial.txt /*:AerialNextUp*
:AerialOpen aerial.txt /*:AerialOpen*
:AerialOpenAll aerial.txt /*:AerialOpenAll*
:AerialPrev aerial.txt /*:AerialPrev*
:AerialPrevUp aerial.txt /*:AerialPrevUp*
:AerialToggle aerial.txt /*:AerialToggle*
:AerialTreeClose aerial.txt /*:AerialTreeClose*
:AerialTreeCloseAll aerial.txt /*:AerialTreeCloseAll*
:AerialTreeOpen aerial.txt /*:AerialTreeOpen*
:AerialTreeOpenAll aerial.txt /*:AerialTreeOpenAll*
:AerialTreeSetCollapseLevel aerial.txt /*:AerialTreeSetCollapseLevel*
:AerialTreeSyncFolds aerial.txt /*:AerialTreeSyncFolds*
:AerialTreeToggle aerial.txt /*:AerialTreeToggle*
Aerial aerial.txt /*Aerial*
SymbolKind aerial.txt /*SymbolKind*
aerial aerial.txt /*aerial*
aerial-api aerial.txt /*aerial-api*
aerial-close-behavior aerial.txt /*aerial-close-behavior*
aerial-commands aerial.txt /*aerial-commands*
aerial-contents aerial.txt /*aerial-contents*
@ -28,7 +19,32 @@ aerial-filter aerial.txt /*aerial-filter*
aerial-notes aerial.txt /*aerial-notes*
aerial-open-automatic aerial.txt /*aerial-open-automatic*
aerial-options aerial.txt /*aerial-options*
aerial.close aerial.txt /*aerial.close*
aerial.close_all aerial.txt /*aerial.close_all*
aerial.close_all_but_current aerial.txt /*aerial.close_all_but_current*
aerial.focus aerial.txt /*aerial.focus*
aerial.get_location aerial.txt /*aerial.get_location* aerial.txt /**
aerial.is_open aerial.txt /*aerial.is_open* aerial.txt /**
aerial.next_up aerial.txt /*aerial.next_up*
aerial.num_symbols aerial.txt /*aerial.num_symbols*
aerial.nvim aerial.txt /*aerial.nvim* aerial.txt /**
aerial.open_all aerial.txt /*aerial.open_all*
aerial.prev aerial.txt /*aerial.prev*
aerial.prev_up aerial.txt /*aerial.prev_up* aerial.txt /**
aerial.setup aerial.txt /*aerial.setup*
aerial.sync_folds aerial.txt /*aerial.sync_folds*
aerial.toggle aerial.txt /*aerial.toggle*
aerial.tree_close aerial.txt /*aerial.tree_close*
aerial.tree_close_all aerial.txt /*aerial.tree_close_all*
aerial.tree_open aerial.txt /*aerial.tree_open*
aerial.tree_open_all aerial.txt /*aerial.tree_open_all*
aerial.tree_set_collapse_level aerial.txt /*aerial.tree_set_collapse_level*
aerial.tree_toggle aerial.txt /*aerial.tree_toggle*
aerial.txt aerial.txt /*aerial.txt*
aerial.was_closed aerial.txt /*aerial.was_closed*
if aerial.txt /*if*
symbol aerial.txt /*symbol*

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ local commands = {
cmd = "AerialToggle",
args = "`left/right/float`",
func = "toggle",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Open or close the aerial window. With `!` cursor stays in current window",
nargs = "?",
bang = true,
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ local commands = {
cmd = "AerialOpen",
args = "`left/right/float`",
func = "open",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Open the aerial window. With `!` cursor stays in current window",
nargs = "?",
bang = true,
@ -35,21 +35,21 @@ local commands = {
cmd = "AerialOpenAll",
func = "open_all",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Open an aerial window for each visible window.",
cmd = "AerialClose",
func = "close",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Close the aerial window.",
cmd = "AerialCloseAll",
func = "close_all",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Close all visible aerial windows.",
@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ local commands = {
alternative = "aerial.close_all_but_current()",
help = "aerial.close_all_but_current",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Close all visible aerial windows except for the one currently focused or for the currently focused window.",
cmd = "AerialNext",
func = "next",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Jump forwards {count} symbols (default 1).",
count = 1,
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ local commands = {
cmd = "AerialPrev",
func = "prev",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Jump backwards [count] symbols (default 1).",
count = 1,
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ local commands = {
alternative = "aerial.up()",
help = "aerial.up",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Jump up the tree [count] levels, moving forwards in the file (default 1).",
count = 1,
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ local commands = {
alternative = "aerial.up()",
help = "aerial.up",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Jump up the tree [count] levels, moving backwards in the file (default 1).",
count = 1,
@ -107,12 +107,13 @@ local commands = {
cmd = "AerialGo",
func = "go",
def = {
desc = 'Jump to the [count] symbol (default 1). If with [!] and inside aerial window, the cursor will stay in the aerial window. [split] can be "v" to open a new vertical split, or "h" to open a horizontal split. [split] can also be a raw vim command, such as "belowright split". This command respects switchbuf=uselast',
defn = {
desc = "Jump to the [count] symbol (default 1).",
count = 1,
bang = true,
nargs = "?",
long_desc = 'If with [!] and inside aerial window, the cursor will stay in the aerial window. [split] can be "v" to open a new vertical split, or "h" to open a horizontal split. [split] can also be a raw vim command, such as "belowright split". This command respects |switchbuf|=uselast',
cmd = "AerialTreeOpen",
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ local commands = {
alternative = "aerial.tree_open()",
help = "aerial.tree_cmd",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Expand the tree at the current location. If with [!] then will expand recursively.",
bang = true,
@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ local commands = {
alternative = "aerial.tree_close()",
help = "aerial.tree_close",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Collapse the tree at the current location. If with [!] then will collapse recursively.",
bang = true,
@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ local commands = {
alternative = "aerial.tree_toggle()",
help = "aerial.tree_toggle",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Toggle the tree at the current location. If with [!] then will toggle recursively.",
bang = true,
@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ local commands = {
alternative = "aerial.tree_open_all()",
help = "aerial.tree_open_all",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Expand all the tree nodes.",
@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ local commands = {
alternative = "aerial.tree_close_all()",
help = "aerial.tree_close_all",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Collapse all the tree nodes.",
@ -179,18 +180,19 @@ local commands = {
alternative = "aerial.tree_sync_folds()",
help = "aerial.tree_sync_folds",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Sync code folding with current tree state. This ignores the link_tree_to_folds setting.",
cmd = "AerialTreeSetCollapseLevel",
func = "tree_set_collapse_level",
args = "N",
deprecated = {
alternative = "aerial.tree_set_collapse_level()",
help = "aerial.tree_set_collapse_level",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Collapse symbols at a depth greater than N (0 collapses all)",
nargs = 1,
@ -198,7 +200,7 @@ local commands = {
cmd = "AerialInfo",
func = "info",
def = {
defn = {
desc = "Print out debug info related to aerial.",
@ -234,7 +236,7 @@ local function create_commands()
lazy("command", v.func)(...)
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command(v.cmd, callback, v.def)
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command(v.cmd, callback, v.defn)
@ -307,8 +309,7 @@ M.setup = function(opts)
---Returns true if aerial is open for the current window or buffer
---(returns false inside an aerial buffer)
---Returns true if aerial is open for the current window or buffer (returns false inside an aerial buffer)
---@param opts nil|table
--- bufnr nil|integer
--- winid nil|integer
@ -448,11 +449,11 @@ end
---@param exact nil|boolean If true, only return symbols if we are exactly inside the hierarchy. When false, will return the closest symbol.
---@return table[]
---Returns empty list if none found or in an invalid buffer.
---Items have the following keys:
--- name The name of the symbol
--- kind The SymbolKind of the symbol
--- icon The icon that represents the symbol
--- Returns empty list if none found or in an invalid buffer.
--- Items have the following keys:
--- name The name of the symbol
--- kind The SymbolKind of the symbol
--- icon The icon that represents the symbol
M.get_location = function(exact)
local config = require("aerial.config")
@ -530,8 +531,9 @@ M.tree_close = lazy("tree", "close")
M.tree_toggle = lazy("tree", "toggle")
---Sync code folding with the current tree state.
---Ignores the 'link_tree_to_folds' config option.
---@param bufnr integer
--- Ignores the 'link_tree_to_folds' config option.
M.sync_folds = function(bufnr)
local fold = require("aerial.fold")
@ -583,10 +585,9 @@ M.num_symbols = function(bufnr)
---Returns true if the user has manually closed aerial.
---Will become false if the user opens aerial again.
---@param default? boolean
---@return boolean|nil
---Returns true if the user has manually closed aerial. Will become false if the user opens aerial again.
---@param default nil|boolean
---@return nil|boolean
M.was_closed = function(default)
if was_closed == nil then
return default
@ -597,4 +598,19 @@ end
_G.aerial_foldexpr = lazy("fold", "foldexpr")
---Used for documentation generation
M.get_all_commands = function()
local cmds = vim.deepcopy(commands)
for _, v in ipairs(cmds) do
-- Remove all function values from the command definition so we can serialize it
for k, param in pairs(v.defn) do
if type(param) == "function" then
v.defn[k] = nil
return cmds
return M