vim.cmd([[set runtimepath+=.]]) vim.o.swapfile = false = false vim.filetype.add({ -- Neovim doesn't have built-in filetype detection for these filetypes extension = { just = "just", norg = "norg", objdump = "objdump", usd = "usd", usda = "usd", smk = "snakemake", }, }) local langs = {} for lang, _ in vim.fs.dir("queries") do -- "help" has been renamed to "vimdoc" if lang ~= "help" then table.insert(langs, lang) end end local master_nvim_ts, configs = pcall(require, "nvim-treesitter.configs") if master_nvim_ts then configs.setup({ ensure_installed = langs, sync_install = true, }) -- this needs to be run a second time to make tests behave require("nvim-treesitter").setup() vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("RunTests", function(opts) local path = opts.fargs[1] or "tests" require("plenary.test_harness").test_directory( path, { minimal_init = "./tests/minimal_init.lua" } ) end, { nargs = "?" }) else -- Use compiler that includes c++14 features by default -- If `cc` doesn't implement those, override it for tests run with -- `CC=gcc-13 ./` local parser_config = require("nvim-treesitter.parsers").configs parser_config.norg = { install_info = { url = "", files = { "src/parser.c", "src/" }, branch = "main", }, tier = 3, } vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("RunTests", function(opts) local path = opts.fargs[1] or "tests" require("nvim-treesitter.install").install(langs, { skip = { installed = true } }, function() vim.schedule(function() require("plenary.test_harness").test_directory( path, -- nvim-treesitter `main` sets up some useful filetype mappings -- as a plugin, which doesn't get executed by plenary buster -- when running with `minimal_init` -- -- While this can be circumvented by setting all the associations -- in the init, for some reason they don't get picked up by the -- time a spec gets executed, leading to false negatives { init = "./tests/minimal_init.lua" } ) end) end) end, { nargs = "?" }) end