.PHONY: all doc test lint fastlint clean update_snapshots all: doc lint test # Regenerate documentation doc: scripts/nvim_doc_tools python scripts/main.py generate # Run the test suite test: ./run_tests.sh # Update the symbols snapshot files update_snapshots: ./run_tests.sh --update # Run all linters lint: scripts/nvim-typecheck-action fastlint ./scripts/nvim-typecheck-action/typecheck.sh --workdir scripts/nvim-typecheck-action lua # Run all the fast linters fastlint: scripts/nvim_doc_tools python scripts/main.py lint luacheck lua tests --formatter plain stylua --check lua tests scripts/nvim_doc_tools: git clone https://github.com/stevearc/nvim_doc_tools scripts/nvim_doc_tools scripts/nvim-typecheck-action: git clone https://github.com/stevearc/nvim-typecheck-action scripts/nvim-typecheck-action clean: rm -rf scripts/nvim_doc_tools scripts/nvim-typecheck-action