2024-07-15 11:31:20 -07:00

139 lines
4 KiB

local config = require("aerial.config")
local M = {}
---@param group1 string
---@param group2 string
local function link(group1, group2)
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group1, { link = group2, default = true })
local symbol_kinds = {
---@param symbol aerial.Symbol
---@param is_icon boolean
---@param is_collapsed boolean
---@return nil|string
M.get_highlight = function(symbol, is_icon, is_collapsed)
local hl_group = config.get_highlight(symbol, is_icon, is_collapsed)
if hl_group then
return hl_group
-- If the symbol has a non-public scope, use that as the highlight group (e.g. AerialPrivate)
if symbol.scope and not is_icon and symbol.scope ~= "public" then
return string.format("Aerial%s", symbol.scope:gsub("^%l", string.upper))
return string.format("Aerial%s%s", symbol.kind, is_icon and "Icon" or "")
---@param name string
---@return vim.api.keyset.hl_info
local function get_hl_by_name(name)
return vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = name, link = false })
M.create_highlight_groups = function()
-- Use Normal colors for AerialNormal, while stripping bold/italic/etc
local normal_defn = get_hl_by_name("Normal")
-- The default text highlight
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "AerialNormal", {
fg = normal_defn.fg,
ctermfg = normal_defn.cterm and normal_defn.cterm.ctermfg,
blend = normal_defn.blend,
default = true,
-- Set another group for NormalFloat, for use in the nav view
local normal_float_defn = get_hl_by_name("NormalFloat")
-- Don't set the background for the float so that it blends nicely with the cursorline
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "AerialNormalFloat", {
fg = normal_float_defn.fg,
ctermfg = normal_float_defn.cterm and normal_float_defn.cterm.ctermfg,
blend = normal_float_defn.blend,
default = true,
-- The line that shows where your cursor(s) are
link("AerialLine", "QuickFixLine")
link("AerialLineNC", "AerialLine")
-- Highlight groups for private and protected functions/fields/etc
link("AerialPrivate", "Comment")
link("AerialProtected", "Comment")
-- Use Comment colors for AerialGuide, while stripping bold/italic/etc
local comment_defn = get_hl_by_name("Comment")
-- The guides when show_guide = true
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "AerialGuide", {
fg = comment_defn.fg,
ctermfg = comment_defn.cterm and comment_defn.cterm.ctermfg,
blend = comment_defn.blend,
default = true,
for i = 1, 9 do
link(string.format("AerialGuide%d", i), "AerialGuide")
-- The name of the symbol
for _, symbol_kind in ipairs(symbol_kinds) do
link(string.format("Aerial%s", symbol_kind), "AerialNormal")
-- The icon displayed to the left of the symbol
link("AerialArrayIcon", "Identifier")
link("AerialBooleanIcon", "Identifier")
link("AerialClassIcon", "Type")
link("AerialConstantIcon", "Constant")
link("AerialConstructorIcon", "Special")
link("AerialEnumIcon", "Type")
link("AerialEnumMemberIcon", "Identifier")
link("AerialEventIcon", "Identifier")
link("AerialFieldIcon", "Identifier")
link("AerialFileIcon", "Identifier")
link("AerialFunctionIcon", "Function")
link("AerialInterfaceIcon", "Type")
link("AerialKeyIcon", "Identifier")
link("AerialMethodIcon", "Function")
link("AerialModuleIcon", "Include")
link("AerialNamespaceIcon", "Include")
link("AerialNullIcon", "Identifier")
link("AerialNumberIcon", "Identifier")
link("AerialObjectIcon", "Identifier")
link("AerialOperatorIcon", "Identifier")
link("AerialPackageIcon", "Include")
link("AerialPropertyIcon", "Identifier")
link("AerialStringIcon", "Identifier")
link("AerialStructIcon", "Type")
link("AerialTypeParameterIcon", "Identifier")
link("AerialVariableIcon", "Identifier")
return M