refactor(blame): improve color calc

This commit is contained in:
Lewis Russell 2024-06-20 12:27:29 +01:00
parent 9cdfcb5f03
commit bcae8395fb

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@ -7,24 +7,39 @@ local async = require('gitsigns.async')
local log = require('gitsigns.debug.log')
local dprint = log.dprint
local hash_colors = {} --- @type table<string,string>
local hash_colors = {} --- @type table<integer,string>
local ns = api.nvim_create_namespace('gitsigns_blame_win')
local ns_hl = api.nvim_create_namespace('gitsigns_blame_win_hl')
--- Convert a hex char to a rgb color component
--- Taken from vim-fugitive:
--- Avoid color components lower than 0x20 and higher than 0xdf to help
--- avoid colors that blend into the background, light or dark.
--- @param x string hex char
--- @return integer
local function mod(x)
local y = tonumber(x, 16)
return math.min(0xdf, 0x20 + math.floor((y * 0x10 + (15 - y)) * 0.75))
--- Taken from vim-fugitive
--- Use 3 characters of the commit hash, limiting the maximum total colors to
--- 4,096.
--- @param sha string
--- @return string
local function get_hash_color(sha)
local r, g, b = sha:match('(%x)%x(%x)%x(%x)')
local color = mod(r) * 0x10000 + mod(g) * 0x100 + mod(b)
if hash_colors[sha] then
return hash_colors[sha]
local r0, g0, b0 = sha:match('(%x)%x(%x)%x(%x)')
local color = tonumber(string.format('%s0%s0%s0', r0, g0, b0), 16)
local hl_name = 'GitSignsBlameHash' .. sha
local hl_name = string.format('GitSignsBlameColor.%s%s%s', r, g, b)
api.nvim_set_hl(0, hl_name, { fg = color })
hash_colors[sha] = hl_name
hash_colors[color] = hl_name
return hl_name
@ -257,6 +272,7 @@ M.blame = function()
vim.cmd('normal! zt')
vim.cmd('normal! 0')
local cur_wlo = vim.wo[win][0]
cur_wlo.foldenable = false