Remove progress report capability 1.18.0 has a working `$/progress` implementation. A
dedicated capability and handler is no longer required.
This commit is contained in:
Mathias Fussenegger 2022-12-13 20:17:20 +01:00 committed by Mathias Fußenegger
parent f5a602a1f6
commit efefcdc108

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@ -62,28 +62,6 @@ end
M.restart = lsp_clients.restart
local function progress_report(_, result, ctx)
local client = lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id)
if not client then
-- Messages are only cleared on consumption, so protect against messages
-- filling up infinitely if user doesn't consume them by discarding new ones.
-- Ring buffer would be nicer, but messages.progress is a dict
if vim.tbl_count(client.messages.progress) > 100 then
client.messages.progress[ or 'DUMMY'] = {
title = result.task,
message = result.subTask,
percentage = (result.workDone / result.totalWork) * 100,
done = result.complete
vim.cmd("doautocmd <nomodeline> User LspProgressUpdate")
local function attach_to_active_buf(bufnr, client_name)
for _, buf in pairs(vim.fn.getbufinfo({bufloaded=true})) do
if api.nvim_buf_get_option(buf.bufnr, 'filetype') == 'java' then
@ -118,7 +96,6 @@ end
M.extendedClientCapabilities = {
progressReportProvider = true;
classFileContentsSupport = true;
generateToStringPromptSupport = true;
hashCodeEqualsPromptSupport = true;
@ -258,7 +235,6 @@ function M.start_or_attach(config)
or vim.fn.getcwd()
config.handlers = config.handlers or {}
config.handlers['language/progressReport'] = config.handlers['language/progressReport'] or progress_report
config.handlers['language/status'] = config.handlers['language/status'] or status_callback
config.handlers['workspace/configuration'] = config.handlers['workspace/configuration'] or configuration_handler
local capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend('keep', config.capabilities or {}, lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities())
@ -286,7 +262,6 @@ function M.start_or_attach(config)
-- the `java` property is used in other places to detect the client as the jdtls client
-- don't remove it without updating those places
java = {
progressReports = { enabled = true },
config.on_init = init_with_config_notify(config.on_init)