Add support for decompiling .class files

This commit is contained in:
Mathias Fussenegger 2023-03-21 17:53:15 +01:00 committed by Mathias Fußenegger
parent 34202bc141
commit f8fb45e05e
3 changed files with 51 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -120,16 +120,15 @@ M.jol({mode?}, {classname?}) *jdtls.jol*
{classname?} (string) fully qualified class name. Defaults to the current class. {classname?} (string) fully qualified class name. Defaults to the current class.
M.open_jdt_link() *jdtls.open_jdt_link* M.open_classfile({fname}) *jdtls.open_classfile*
Reads the uri into the current buffer Open `jdt://` uri or decompile class contents and load them into the buffer
This requires at least one open buffer that is connected to the jdtls
language server.
nvim-jdtls by defaults configures a `BufReadCmd` event which uses this function. nvim-jdtls by defaults configures a `BufReadCmd` event which uses this function.
You shouldn't need to call this manually. You shouldn't need to call this manually.
@param uri string expected to be a `jdt://` uri
Parameters: ~
{fname} (string)
M.set_runtime({runtime}) *jdtls.set_runtime* M.set_runtime({runtime}) *jdtls.set_runtime*

View file

@ -1092,77 +1092,61 @@ function M.jol(mode, classname)
end end
--- Reads the uri into the current buffer --- Open `jdt://` uri or decompile class contents and load them into the buffer
--- This requires at least one open buffer that is connected to the jdtls
--- language server.
--- ---
--- nvim-jdtls by defaults configures a `BufReadCmd` event which uses this function. --- nvim-jdtls by defaults configures a `BufReadCmd` event which uses this function.
--- You shouldn't need to call this manually. --- You shouldn't need to call this manually.
--- ---
--- @param uri string expected to be a `jdt://` uri ---@param fname string
function M.open_jdt_link(uri) function M.open_classfile(fname)
local client local uri
for _, c in ipairs(vim.lsp.get_active_clients()) do local use_cmd
if c.config.init_options if vim.startswith(fname, "jdt://") then
and c.config.init_options.extendedClientCapabilities uri = fname
and c.config.init_options.extendedClientCapabilities.classFileContentsSupport then use_cmd = false
client = c
assert(client, 'Must have a buffer open with a language client connected to to load JDT URI')
local buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local params = {
uri = uri
local response = nil
local cb = function(err, result)
response = {err, result}
local ok, request_id = client.request('java/classFileContents', params, cb, buf)
assert(ok, 'Request to `java/classFileContents` must succeed to open JDT URI. Client shutdown?')
local timeout_ms = M.settings.jdt_uri_timeout_ms
local wait_ok, reason = vim.wait(timeout_ms, function() return response end)
local log_path = require('jdtls.path').join(vim.fn.stdpath('cache'), 'lsp.log')
local buf_content
if wait_ok and #response == 2 and response[2] then
local content = response[2]
if content == "" then
buf_content = {
'Received response from server, but it was empty. Check the log file for errors', log_path}
buf_content = vim.split(response[2], '\n', { plain = true })
else else
local error_msg uri = vim.uri_from_fname(fname)
if not wait_ok then use_cmd = true
client.cancel_request(request_id) if not vim.startswith(uri, "file://") then
local wait_failure = { return
[-1] = 'timeout';
[-2] = 'interrupted';
[-3] = 'error'
error_msg = wait_failure[reason]
error_msg = response[1]
end end
buf_content = {
'Failed to load content for uri',
'Error was: ',
vim.list_extend(buf_content, vim.split(vim.inspect(error_msg), '\n'))
vim.list_extend(buf_content, {'', 'Check the log file for errors', log_path})
end end
local buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf()[buf].modifiable = true[buf].modifiable = true[buf].swapfile = false[buf].swapfile = false[buf].buftype = 'nofile'[buf].buftype = 'nofile'
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, false, buf_content) -- This triggers FileType event which should fire up the lsp client if not already running[buf].filetype = 'java'[buf].filetype = 'java'[buf].modifiable = false local timeout_ms = M.settings.jdt_uri_timeout_ms
vim.wait(timeout_ms, function()
return next(vim.lsp.get_active_clients({ name = "jdtls", bufnr = buf })) ~= nil
local client = vim.lsp.get_active_clients({ name = "jdtls", bufnr = buf })[1]
assert(client, 'Must have a `jdtls` client to load class file or jdt uri')
local content
local function handler(err, result)
assert(not err, vim.inspect(err))
content = result
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, false, vim.split(result, "\n", { plain = true }))[buf].modifiable = false
if use_cmd then
local command = {
command = "java.decompile",
arguments = { uri }
execute_command(command, handler)
local params = {
uri = uri
client.request("java/classFileContents", params, handler, buf)
-- Need to block. Otherwise logic could run that sets the cursor to a position
-- that's still missing.
vim.wait(timeout_ms, function() return content ~= nil end)
end end

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ if exists('g:nvim_jdtls')
endif endif
let g:nvim_jdtls = 1 let g:nvim_jdtls = 1
au BufReadCmd jdt://* lua require('jdtls').open_jdt_link(vim.fn.expand('<amatch>')) au BufReadCmd jdt://* lua require('jdtls').open_classfile(vim.fn.expand('<amatch>'))
au BufReadCmd *.class lua require("jdtls").open_classfile(vim.fn.expand("<amatch>"))
command! JdtWipeDataAndRestart lua require('jdtls.setup').wipe_data_and_restart() command! JdtWipeDataAndRestart lua require('jdtls.setup').wipe_data_and_restart()
command! JdtShowLogs lua require('jdtls.setup').show_logs() command! JdtShowLogs lua require('jdtls.setup').show_logs()