Kyle Beede bd4881660b
fix: safely close last tree window (#2913)
fix: safely close tree window with pcall and debug logging

Co-authored-by: Alexander Courtis <alex@courtis.org>
2024-09-14 16:34:36 +10:00

3120 lines
117 KiB

*nvim-tree.lua* A File Explorer For Neovim Written In Lua
Author: Yazdani Kiyan
CONTENTS *nvim-tree*
1. Introduction |nvim-tree-introduction|
2. Quickstart |nvim-tree-quickstart|
2.1 Quickstart: Setup |nvim-tree-quickstart-setup|
2.2 Quickstart: Help |nvim-tree-quickstart-help|
2.3 Quickstart: Custom Mappings |nvim-tree-quickstart-custom-mappings|
2.4 Quickstart: Highlight |nvim-tree-quickstart-highlight|
3. Commands |nvim-tree-commands|
4. Setup |nvim-tree-setup|
5. Opts |nvim-tree-opts|
5.1 Opts: Sort |nvim-tree-opts-sort|
5.2 Opts: View |nvim-tree-opts-view|
5.3 Opts: Renderer |nvim-tree-opts-renderer|
5.4 Opts: Hijack Directories |nvim-tree-opts-hijack-directories|
5.5 Opts: Update Focused File |nvim-tree-opts-update-focused-file|
5.6 Opts: System Open |nvim-tree-opts-system-open|
5.7 Opts: Git |nvim-tree-opts-git|
5.8 Opts: Diagnostics |nvim-tree-opts-diagnostics|
5.9 Opts: Modified |nvim-tree-opts-modified|
5.10 Opts: Filters |nvim-tree-opts-filters|
5.11 Opts: Live Filter |nvim-tree-opts-live-filter|
5.12 Opts: Filesystem Watchers |nvim-tree-opts-filesystem-watchers|
5.13 Opts: Actions |nvim-tree-opts-actions|
5.14 Opts: Trash |nvim-tree-opts-trash|
5.15 Opts: Tab |nvim-tree-opts-tab|
5.16 Opts: Notify |nvim-tree-opts-notify|
5.17 Opts: Help |nvim-tree-opts-help|
5.18 Opts: UI |nvim-tree-opts-ui|
5.19 Opts: Experimental |nvim-tree-opts-experimental|
5.20 Opts: Log |nvim-tree-opts-log|
6. API |nvim-tree-api|
6.1 API Tree |nvim-tree-api.tree|
6.2 API File System |nvim-tree-api.fs|
6.3 API Node |nvim-tree-api.node|
6.4 API Git |nvim-tree-api.git|
6.5 API Events |nvim-tree-api.events|
6.6 API Live Filter |nvim-tree-api.live_filter|
6.7 API Marks |nvim-tree-api.marks|
6.8 API Config |nvim-tree-api.config|
6.9 API Commands |nvim-tree-api.commands|
6.10 API Diagnostics |nvim-tree-api.diagnostics|
7. Mappings |nvim-tree-mappings|
7.1 Mappings: Default |nvim-tree-mappings-default|
8. Highlight |nvim-tree-highlight|
8.1 Highlight: Default |nvim-tree-highlight-default|
8.2 Highlight: Overhaul |nvim-tree-highlight-overhaul|
9. Events |nvim-tree-events|
10. Prompts |nvim-tree-prompts|
11. OS Specific Restrictions |nvim-tree-os-specific|
12. Netrw |nvim-tree-netrw|
13. Legacy |nvim-tree-legacy|
13.1 Legacy: Opts |nvim-tree-legacy-opts|
13.2 Legacy: Highlight |nvim-tree-legacy-highlight|
14. Index |nvim-tree-index|
14.1 Index: Opts |nvim-tree-index-opts|
14.2 Index: API |nvim-tree-index-api|
1. INTRODUCTION *nvim-tree-introduction*
- Automatic updates
- File type icons
- Git integration
- Diagnostics integration: LSP and COC
- (Live) filtering
- Cut, copy, paste, rename, delete, create
- Highly customisable
File Icons
https://github.com/nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons is optional and used to display file icons.
It requires a patched font: https://www.nerdfonts.com
Your terminal emulator must be configured to use that font, usually "Hack Nerd Font"
 should look like an open folder.
To disable the display of icons see |renderer.icons.show|
Syntax highlighting uses g:terminal_color_ from colorschemes, falls back to
ugly colors otherwise.
Git Integration
One or two icons for git status. When two are shown, the left is staged.
✗ unstaged
✓ staged
 unmerged
➜ renamed
★ untracked
 deleted
◌ ignored
This file explorer requires `neovim >= 0.9.0`
2. QUICKSTART *nvim-tree-quickstart*
Install the plugins via your package manager:
Disabling |netrw| is strongly advised, see |nvim-tree-netrw|
2.1 QUICKSTART: SETUP *nvim-tree-quickstart-setup*
Setup the plugin in your `init.lua` >
-- disable netrw at the very start of your init.lua
vim.g.loaded_netrw = 1
vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1
-- optionally enable 24-bit colour
vim.opt.termguicolors = true
-- empty setup using defaults
-- OR setup with some options
sort = {
sorter = "case_sensitive",
view = {
width = 30,
renderer = {
group_empty = true,
filters = {
dotfiles = true,
2.2 QUICKSTART: HELP *nvim-tree-quickstart-help*
Open the tree: `:NvimTreeOpen`
Show the mappings: `g?`
`<C-]>` CD |nvim-tree-api.tree.change_root_to_node()|
`<C-e>` Open: In Place |nvim-tree-api.node.open.replace_tree_buffer()|
`<C-k>` Info |nvim-tree-api.node.show_info_popup()|
`<C-r>` Rename: Omit Filename |nvim-tree-api.fs.rename_sub()|
`<C-t>` Open: New Tab |nvim-tree-api.node.open.tab()|
`<C-v>` Open: Vertical Split |nvim-tree-api.node.open.vertical()|
`<C-x>` Open: Horizontal Split |nvim-tree-api.node.open.horizontal()|
`<BS>` Close Directory |nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.parent_close()|
`<CR>` Open |nvim-tree-api.node.open.edit()|
`<Tab>` Open Preview |nvim-tree-api.node.open.preview()|
`>` Next Sibling |nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.sibling.next()|
`<` Previous Sibling |nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.sibling.prev()|
`.` Run Command |nvim-tree-api.node.run.cmd()|
`-` Up |nvim-tree-api.tree.change_root_to_parent()|
`a` Create File Or Directory |nvim-tree-api.fs.create()|
`bd` Delete Bookmarked |nvim-tree-api.marks.bulk.delete()|
`bt` Trash Bookmarked |nvim-tree-api.marks.bulk.trash()|
`bmv` Move Bookmarked |nvim-tree-api.marks.bulk.move()|
`B` Toggle Filter: No Buffer |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle_no_buffer_filter()|
`c` Copy |nvim-tree-api.fs.copy.node()|
`C` Toggle Filter: Git Clean |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle_git_clean_filter()|
`[c` Prev Git |nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.git.prev()|
`]c` Next Git |nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.git.next()|
`d` Delete |nvim-tree-api.fs.remove()|
`D` Trash |nvim-tree-api.fs.trash()|
`E` Expand All |nvim-tree-api.tree.expand_all()|
`e` Rename: Basename |nvim-tree-api.fs.rename_basename()|
`]e` Next Diagnostic |nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.diagnostics.next()|
`[e` Prev Diagnostic |nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.diagnostics.prev()|
`F` Live Filter: Clear |nvim-tree-api.live_filter.clear()|
`f` Live Filter: Start |nvim-tree-api.live_filter.start()|
`g?` Help |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle_help()|
`gy` Copy Absolute Path |nvim-tree-api.fs.copy.absolute_path()|
`ge` Copy Basename |nvim-tree-api.fs.copy.basename()|
`H` Toggle Filter: Dotfiles |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle_hidden_filter()|
`I` Toggle Filter: Git Ignore |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle_gitignore_filter()|
`J` Last Sibling |nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.sibling.last()|
`K` First Sibling |nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.sibling.first()|
`L` Toggle Group Empty |nvim-tree-api.node.open.toggle_group_empty()|
`M` Toggle Filter: No Bookmark |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle_no_bookmark_filter()|
`m` Toggle Bookmark |nvim-tree-api.marks.toggle()|
`o` Open |nvim-tree-api.node.open.edit()|
`O` Open: No Window Picker |nvim-tree-api.node.open.no_window_picker()|
`p` Paste |nvim-tree-api.fs.paste()|
`P` Parent Directory |nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.parent()|
`q` Close |nvim-tree-api.tree.close()|
`r` Rename |nvim-tree-api.fs.rename()|
`R` Refresh |nvim-tree-api.tree.reload()|
`s` Run System |nvim-tree-api.node.run.system()|
`S` Search |nvim-tree-api.tree.search_node()|
`u` Rename: Full Path |nvim-tree-api.fs.rename_full()|
`U` Toggle Filter: Hidden |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle_custom_filter()|
`W` Collapse |nvim-tree-api.tree.collapse_all()|
`x` Cut |nvim-tree-api.fs.cut()|
`y` Copy Name |nvim-tree-api.fs.copy.filename()|
`Y` Copy Relative Path |nvim-tree-api.fs.copy.relative_path()|
`<2-LeftMouse>` Open |nvim-tree-api.node.open.edit()|
`<2-RightMouse>` CD |nvim-tree-api.tree.change_root_to_node()|
2.3 QUICKSTART: CUSTOM MAPPINGS *nvim-tree-quickstart-custom-mappings*
|nvim-tree-mappings-default| are applied by default however you may customise
via |nvim-tree.on_attach| e.g. >
local function my_on_attach(bufnr)
local api = require "nvim-tree.api"
local function opts(desc)
return { desc = "nvim-tree: " .. desc, buffer = bufnr, noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true }
-- default mappings
-- custom mappings
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-t>', api.tree.change_root_to_parent, opts('Up'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '?', api.tree.toggle_help, opts('Help'))
-- pass to setup along with your other options
require("nvim-tree").setup {
on_attach = my_on_attach,
2.4 QUICKSTART: HIGHLIGHT *nvim-tree-quickstart-highlight*
Run |:NvimTreeHiTest| to show all the highlights that nvim-tree uses.
They can be customised before or after setup is called and will be immediately
applied at runtime. e.g. >
:hi NvimTreeExecFile guifg=#ffa0a0
:hi NvimTreeSpecialFile guifg=#ff80ff gui=underline
:hi NvimTreeSymlink guifg=Yellow gui=italic
:hi link NvimTreeImageFile Title
See |nvim-tree-highlight| for details.
3. COMMANDS *nvim-tree-commands*
Opens the tree. See |nvim-tree-api.tree.open()|
Calls: `api.tree.open({ path = "<args>" })`
Closes the tree. See |nvim-tree-api.tree.close()|
Calls: `api.tree.close()`
Open or close the tree. See |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle()|
Calls: `api.tree.toggle({ path = "<args>", find_file = false, update_root = false, focus = true, })`
Open the tree if it is closed, and then focus on the tree.
See |nvim-tree-api.tree.open()|
Calls: `api.tree.open()`
Refresh the tree. See |nvim-tree-api.tree.reload()|
Calls: `api.tree.reload()`
The command will change the cursor in the tree for the current bufname.
It will also open the leafs of the tree leading to the file in the buffer
(if you opened a file with something else than the NvimTree, like `fzf` or
Invoke with a bang `:NvimTreeFindFile!` to update the root.
See |nvim-tree-api.tree.find_file()|
Calls: `api.tree.find_file({ update_root = <bang>, open = true, focus = true, })`
close the tree or change the cursor in the tree for the current bufname,
similar to combination of |:NvimTreeToggle| and |:NvimTreeFindFile|. Takes an
optional path argument.
Invoke with a bang `:NvimTreeFindFileToggle!` to update the root.
See |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle()|
Calls: `api.tree.toggle({ path = "<args>", update_root = <bang>, find_file = true, focus = true, })`
Print clipboard content for both cut and copy
See |nvim-tree-api.fs.print_clipboard()|
Calls: `api.fs.print_clipboard()`
Resize the NvimTree window to the given size. Example: `:NvimTreeResize 50`
resizes the window to the width of 50. If the size starts with "+" or "-" it
adds or removes the given value to the current window width.
Example `:NvimTreeResize -20` removes the value 20 from the current width. And
`:NvimTreeResize +20` adds the value 20 to the current width.
Collapses the nvim-tree recursively.
See |nvim-tree-api.tree.collapse_all()|
Calls: `api.tree.collapse_all(false)`
Collapses the nvim-tree recursively, but keep the directories open, which are
used in an open buffer.
See |nvim-tree-api.tree.collapse_all()|
Calls: `api.tree.collapse_all(true)`
Show nvim-tree highlight groups similar to `:so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim`
See |nvim-tree-api.diagnostics.hi_test()|
Calls: `api.diagnostics.hi_test()`
4. SETUP *nvim-tree-setup*
You must run setup() function once to initialise nvim-tree. It may be called
again to apply a change in configuration without restarting nvim.
setup() function takes one optional argument: configuration table. If omitted
nvim-tree will be initialised with default configuration.
The first setup() call is cheap: it does nothing more than validate / apply
the configuration. Nothing happens until the tree is first opened.
Subsequent setup() calls are expensive as they tear down the world before
applying configuration.
Following is the default configuration. See |nvim-tree-opts| for details.
require("nvim-tree").setup { -- BEGIN_DEFAULT_OPTS
on_attach = "default",
hijack_cursor = false,
auto_reload_on_write = true,
disable_netrw = false,
hijack_netrw = true,
hijack_unnamed_buffer_when_opening = false,
root_dirs = {},
prefer_startup_root = false,
sync_root_with_cwd = false,
reload_on_bufenter = false,
respect_buf_cwd = false,
select_prompts = false,
sort = {
sorter = "name",
folders_first = true,
files_first = false,
view = {
centralize_selection = false,
cursorline = true,
debounce_delay = 15,
side = "left",
preserve_window_proportions = false,
number = false,
relativenumber = false,
signcolumn = "yes",
width = 30,
float = {
enable = false,
quit_on_focus_loss = true,
open_win_config = {
relative = "editor",
border = "rounded",
width = 30,
height = 30,
row = 1,
col = 1,
renderer = {
add_trailing = false,
group_empty = false,
full_name = false,
root_folder_label = ":~:s?$?/..?",
indent_width = 2,
special_files = { "Cargo.toml", "Makefile", "README.md", "readme.md" },
hidden_display = "none",
symlink_destination = true,
highlight_git = "none",
highlight_diagnostics = "none",
highlight_opened_files = "none",
highlight_modified = "none",
highlight_hidden = "none",
highlight_bookmarks = "none",
highlight_clipboard = "name",
indent_markers = {
enable = false,
inline_arrows = true,
icons = {
corner = "└",
edge = "│",
item = "│",
bottom = "─",
none = " ",
icons = {
web_devicons = {
file = {
enable = true,
color = true,
folder = {
enable = false,
color = true,
git_placement = "before",
modified_placement = "after",
hidden_placement = "after",
diagnostics_placement = "signcolumn",
bookmarks_placement = "signcolumn",
padding = " ",
symlink_arrow = " ➛ ",
show = {
file = true,
folder = true,
folder_arrow = true,
git = true,
modified = true,
hidden = false,
diagnostics = true,
bookmarks = true,
glyphs = {
default = "",
symlink = "",
bookmark = "󰆤",
modified = "●",
hidden = "󰜌",
folder = {
arrow_closed = "",
arrow_open = "",
default = "",
open = "",
empty = "",
empty_open = "",
symlink = "",
symlink_open = "",
git = {
unstaged = "✗",
staged = "✓",
unmerged = "",
renamed = "➜",
untracked = "★",
deleted = "",
ignored = "◌",
hijack_directories = {
enable = true,
auto_open = true,
update_focused_file = {
enable = false,
update_root = {
enable = false,
ignore_list = {},
exclude = false,
system_open = {
cmd = "",
args = {},
git = {
enable = true,
show_on_dirs = true,
show_on_open_dirs = true,
disable_for_dirs = {},
timeout = 400,
cygwin_support = false,
diagnostics = {
enable = false,
show_on_dirs = false,
show_on_open_dirs = true,
debounce_delay = 50,
severity = {
min = vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT,
max = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR,
icons = {
hint = "",
info = "",
warning = "",
error = "",
modified = {
enable = false,
show_on_dirs = true,
show_on_open_dirs = true,
filters = {
enable = true,
git_ignored = true,
dotfiles = false,
git_clean = false,
no_buffer = false,
no_bookmark = false,
custom = {},
exclude = {},
live_filter = {
prefix = "[FILTER]: ",
always_show_folders = true,
filesystem_watchers = {
enable = true,
debounce_delay = 50,
ignore_dirs = {},
actions = {
use_system_clipboard = true,
change_dir = {
enable = true,
global = false,
restrict_above_cwd = false,
expand_all = {
max_folder_discovery = 300,
exclude = {},
file_popup = {
open_win_config = {
col = 1,
row = 1,
relative = "cursor",
border = "shadow",
style = "minimal",
open_file = {
quit_on_open = false,
eject = true,
resize_window = true,
window_picker = {
enable = true,
picker = "default",
exclude = {
filetype = { "notify", "packer", "qf", "diff", "fugitive", "fugitiveblame" },
buftype = { "nofile", "terminal", "help" },
remove_file = {
close_window = true,
trash = {
cmd = "gio trash",
tab = {
sync = {
open = false,
close = false,
ignore = {},
notify = {
threshold = vim.log.levels.INFO,
absolute_path = true,
help = {
sort_by = "key",
ui = {
confirm = {
remove = true,
trash = true,
default_yes = false,
experimental = {
actions = {
open_file = {
relative_path = false,
log = {
enable = false,
truncate = false,
types = {
all = false,
config = false,
copy_paste = false,
dev = false,
diagnostics = false,
git = false,
profile = false,
watcher = false,
5. OPTS *nvim-tree-opts*
Runs when creating the nvim-tree buffer. Use this to set your nvim-tree
specific mappings. See |nvim-tree-mappings|.
When on_attach is not a function, |nvim-tree-mappings-default| will be called.
Type: `function(bufnr) | string`, Default: `"default"`
Keeps the cursor on the first letter of the filename when moving in the tree.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Reloads the explorer every time a buffer is written to.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Completely disable netrw
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
It is strongly advised to eagerly disable netrw, due to race conditions at vim
Set the following at the very beginning of your `init.lua` / `init.vim`: >
vim.g.loaded_netrw = 1
vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1
Hijack netrw windows (overridden if |disable_netrw| is `true`)
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Opens in place of the unnamed buffer if it's empty.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Preferred root directories.
Only relevant when `update_focused_file.update_root` is `true`
Type: `{string}`, Default: `{}`
Prefer startup root directory when updating root directory of the tree.
Only relevant when `update_focused_file.update_root` is `true`
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Changes the tree root directory on `DirChanged` and refreshes the tree.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Automatically reloads the tree on `BufEnter` nvim-tree.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Will change cwd of nvim-tree to that of new buffer's when opening nvim-tree.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Use |vim.ui.select| style prompts. Necessary when using a UI prompt decorator
such as dressing.nvim or telescope-ui-select.nvim
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
5.1 OPTS: SORT *nvim-tree-opts-sort*
File and folder sorting options.
Changes how files within the same directory are sorted.
Can be one of `"name"`, `"case_sensitive"`, `"modification_time"`, `"extension"`,
`"suffix"`, `"filetype"` or a function.
`"extension"` uses all suffixes e.g. `foo.tar.gz` -> `.tar.gz`
`"suffix"` uses the last e.g. `.gz`
Type: `string` | `function(nodes)`, Default: `"name"`
Function may perform a sort or return a string with one of the above
methods. It is passed a table of nodes to be sorted, each node containing:
- `absolute_path`: `string`
- `executable`: `boolean`
- `extension`: `string`
- `filetype`: `string`
- `link_to`: `string`
- `name`: `string`
- `type`: `"directory"` | `"file"` | `"link"`
Example: sort by name length: >
local sorter = function(nodes)
table.sort(nodes, function(a, b)
return #a.name < #b.name
Sort folders before files. Has no effect when |nvim-tree.sort.sorter| is a
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Sort files before folders. Has no effect when |nvim-tree.sort.sorter| is a
function. If set to `true` it overrides |nvim-tree.sort.folders_first|.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
5.2 OPTS: VIEW *nvim-tree-opts-view*
When entering nvim-tree, reposition the view so that the current node is
initially centralized, see |zz|.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Enable |cursorline| in the tree window.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Idle milliseconds before some reload / refresh operations.
Increase if you experience performance issues around screen refresh.
Type: `number`, Default: `15` (ms)
Side of the tree, can be `"left"`, `"right"`.
Type: `string`, Default: `"left"`
Preserves window proportions when opening a file.
If `false`, the height and width of windows other than nvim-tree will be equalized.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Print the line number in front of each line.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Show the line number relative to the line with the cursor in front of each line.
If the option `view.number` is also `true`, the number on the cursor line
will be the line number instead of `0`.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Show |signcolumn|. Value can be `"yes"`, `"auto"`, `"no"`.
Type: `string`, Default: `"yes"`
Width of the window: can be a `%` string, a number representing columns, a
function or a table.
A table indicates that the view should be dynamically sized based on the
longest line.
Type: `string | number | table | function()` returning a number
Default: `30`
Minimum dynamic width.
Type: `string | number | function()` returning a number
Default: `30`
Maximum dynamic width, -1 for unbounded.
Type: `string | number | function()` returning a number
Default: `-1`
Extra padding to the right.
Type: `number | function()` returning a number
Default: `1`
Use nvim-tree in a floating window.
Tree window will be floating.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Close the floating tree window when it loses focus.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Floating window config. See |nvim_open_win| for more details.
Type: `table | function` returning a table
`relative = "editor",`
`border = "rounded",`
`width = 30,`
`height = 30,`
`row = 1,`
`col = 1,`
5.3 OPTS: RENDERER *nvim-tree-opts-renderer*
Highlight precedence, additive:
git < opened < modified < bookmarked < diagnostics < copied < cut
Appends a trailing slash to folder names.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Compact folders that only contain a single folder into one node.
Boolean or function that takes one argument (the relative path
of grouped folders) and returns a string to be displayed.
Type: `boolean | function(relative_path):string`, Default: `false`
Display node whose name length is wider than the width of nvim-tree window in
floating window.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
In what format to show root folder. See `:help filename-modifiers` for
available `string` options.
Set to `false` to hide the root folder.
Type: `string` or `boolean` or `function(root_cwd)`, Default: `":~:s?$?/..?"`
Function is passed the absolute path of the root folder and should
return a string. e.g. >
my_root_folder_label = function(path)
return ".../" .. vim.fn.fnamemodify(path, ":t")
Number of spaces for an each tree nesting level. Minimum 1.
Type: `number`, Default: `2`
A list of filenames that gets highlighted with `NvimTreeSpecialFile`.
Type: `table`, Default: `{ "Cargo.toml", "Makefile", "README.md", "readme.md", }`
Show a summary of hidden files below the tree using `NvimTreeHiddenDisplay
Type: `function | string`, Default: `"none"`
Possible string values are:
- `"none"`: Doesn't inform anything about hidden files.
- `"simple"`: Shows how many hidden files are in a folder.
- `"all"`: Shows how many files are hidden and the number of hidden
files per reason why they're hidden.
Example `"all"`:
If a folder has 14 hidden items for various reasons, the display might
show: >
(14 total git: 5, dotfile: 9)
If a function is provided, it receives a table `hidden_stats` where keys are
reasons and values are the count of hidden files for that reason.
The `hidden_stats` argument is structured as follows, where <num> is the
number of hidden files related to the field: >
hidden_stats = {
bookmark = <num>,
buf = <num>,
custom = <num>,
dotfile = <num>,
git = <num>,
live_filter = <num>,
Example of function that can be passed: >
local total_count = 0
for reason, count in pairs(hidden_stats) do
total_count = total_count + count
if total_count > 0 then
return "(" .. tostring(total_count) .. " hidden)"
return nil
Whether to show the destination of the symlink.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Enable highlight for git attributes using `NvimTreeGit*HL` highlight groups.
Requires |nvim-tree.git.enable|
Value can be `"none"`, `"icon"`, `"name"` or `"all"`.
Type: `string`, Default: `"none"`
Enable highlight for diagnostics using `NvimTreeDiagnostic*HL` highlight groups.
Requires |nvim-tree.diagnostics.enable|
Value can be `"none"`, `"icon"`, `"name"` or `"all"`.
Type: `string`, Default: `"none"`
Highlight icons and/or names for |bufloaded()| files using the
`NvimTreeOpenedHL` highlight group.
See |nvim-tree-api.navigate.opened.next()| and |nvim-tree-api.navigate.opened.prev()|
Value can be `"none"`, `"icon"`, `"name"` or `"all"`.
Type: `string`, Default: `"none"`
Highlight icons and/or names for modified files using the
`NvimTreeModifiedFile` highlight group.
Requires |nvim-tree.modified.enable|
Value can be `"none"`, `"icon"`, `"name"` or `"all"`
Type: `string`, Default `"none"`
Highlight icons and/or names for hidden files (dotfiles) using the
`NvimTreeHiddenFileHL` highlight group.
Value can be `"none"`, `"icon"`, `"name"` or `"all"`
Type: `string`, Default `"none"`
Highlight bookmarked using the `NvimTreeBookmarkHL` group.
Value can be `"none"`, `"icon"`, `"name"` or `"all"`
Type: `string`, Default `"none"`
Enable highlight for clipboard items using the `NvimTreeCutHL` and
`NvimTreeCopiedHL` groups.
Value can be `"none"`, `"icon"`, `"name"` or `"all"`.
Type: `string`, Default: `"name"`
Configuration options for tree indent markers.
Display indent markers when folders are open
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Display folder arrows in the same column as indent marker
when using |renderer.icons.show.folder_arrow|
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Icons shown before the file/directory. Length 1.
Type: `table`, Default: >
corner = "└",
edge = "│",
item = "│",
bottom = "─",
none = " ",
Configuration options for icons.
Icon order and sign column precedence:
git < hidden < modified < bookmarked < diagnostics
`renderer.icons.*_placement` options may be:
- `"before"` : before file/folder, after the file/folders icons
- `"after"` : after file/folder
- `"signcolumn"` : far left, requires |nvim-tree.view.signcolumn| enabled
- `"right_align"` : far right
Configure optional plugin `"nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons"`
File icons.
Show icons on files.
Overrides |nvim-tree.renderer.icons.glyphs.default|
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Use icon colors for files. Overrides highlight groups.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Folder icons.
Show icons on folders.
Overrides |nvim-tree.renderer.icons.glyphs.folder|
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Use icon colors for folders. Overrides highlight groups.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Git icons placement.
Type: `string`, Default: `"before"`
Diganostic icon placement.
Type: `string`, Default: `"signcolumn"`
Modified icon placement.
Type: `string`, Default: `"after"`
Hidden icon placement.
Type: `string`, Default: `"after"`
Bookmark icon placement.
Type: `string`, Default: `signcolumn`
Inserted between icon and filename.
Type: `string`, Default: `" "`
Used as a separator between symlinks' source and target.
Type: `string`, Default: `" ➛ "`
Configuration options for showing icon types.
Left to right order: file/folder, git, modified, hidden, diagnostics, bookmarked.
Show an icon before the file name.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Show an icon before the folder name.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Show a small arrow before the folder node. Arrow will be a part of the
node when using |renderer.indent_markers|.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Show a git status icon, see |renderer.icons.git_placement|
Requires |git.enable| `= true`
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Show a modified icon, see |renderer.icons.modified_placement|
Requires |modified.enable| `= true`
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Show a hidden icon, see |renderer.icons.hidden_placement|
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Show a diagnostics status icon, see |renderer.icons.diagnostics_placement|
Requires |diagnostics.enable| `= true`
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Show a bookmark icon, see |renderer.icons.bookmarks_placement|
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Configuration options for icon glyphs.
NOTE: Do not set any glyphs to more than two characters if it's going
to appear in the signcolumn.
Glyph for files.
Overridden by |nvim-tree.renderer.icons.web_devicons| if available.
Type: `string`, Default: `""`
Glyph for symlinks to files.
Type: `string`, Default: `""`
Icon to display for modified files.
Type: `string`, Default: `"●"`
Icon to display for hidden files.
Type: `string`, Default: `"󰜌""`
Glyphs for directories.
Overridden by |nvim-tree.renderer.icons.web_devicons| if available.
Type: `table`, Default:
`arrow_closed = "",`
`arrow_open = "",`
`default = "",`
`open = "",`
`empty = "",`
`empty_open = "",`
`symlink = "",`
`symlink_open = "",`
Glyphs for git status.
Type: `table`, Default:
`unstaged = "✗",`
`staged = "✓",`
`unmerged = "",`
`renamed = "➜",`
`untracked = "★",`
`deleted = "",`
`ignored = "◌",`
5.4 OPTS: HIJACK DIRECTORIES *nvim-tree-opts-hijack-directories*
Enable the feature.
Disable this option if you use vim-dirvish or dirbuf.nvim.
If `hijack_netrw` and `disable_netrw` are `false`, this feature will be disabled.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Opens the tree if the tree was previously closed.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
5.5 OPTS: UPDATE FOCUSED FILE *nvim-tree-opts-update-focused-file*
Update the focused file on `BufEnter`, un-collapses the folders recursively
until it finds the file.
Enable this feature.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Update the root directory of the tree if the file is not under current
root directory. It prefers vim's cwd and `root_dirs`.
Otherwise it falls back to the folder containing the file.
Only relevant when `update_focused_file.enable` is `true`
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
List of buffer names and filetypes that will not update the root dir
of the tree if the file isn't found under the current root directory.
Only relevant when `update_focused_file.update_root.enable` and
`update_focused_file.enable` are `true`.
Type: {string}, Default: `{}`
A function that returns true if the file should not be focused when opening.
Takes the `BufEnter` event as an argument. see |autocmd-events|
Type: {function}, Default: `false`
5.6 OPTS: SYSTEM OPEN *nvim-tree-opts-system-open*
Open a file or directory in your preferred application.
|vim.ui.open| was introduced in neovim 0.10 and is the default.
Once nvim-tree minimum neovim version is updated to 0.10, these options will
no longer be necessary and will be removed.
The open command itself.
Type: `string`, Default: `""`
neovim >= 0.10 defaults to |vim.ui.open|
neovim < 0.10 defaults to:
UNIX: `"xdg-open"`
macOS: `"open"`
Windows: `"cmd"`
Optional argument list.
Type: {string}, Default: `{}`
Leave empty for OS specific default:
Windows: `{ "/c", "start", '""' }`
5.7 OPTS: GIT *nvim-tree-opts-git*
Git operations are run in the background thus status may not immediately
Processes will be killed if they exceed |nvim-tree.git.timeout|
Git integration will be disabled following 5 timeouts and you will be
Enable / disable the feature.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Show status icons of children when directory itself has no status icon.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Show status icons of children on directories that are open.
Only relevant when `git.show_on_dirs` is `true`.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Disable git integration when git top-level matches these paths.
Strings may be relative, evaluated via |fnamemodify| `":p"`
Function is passed an absolute path and returns true for disable.
Type: `string[] | fun(path: string): boolean`, Default: `{}`
Kills the git process after some time if it takes too long.
Git integration will be disabled after 10 git jobs exceed this timeout.
Type: `number`, Default: `400` (ms)
Use `cygpath` if available to resolve paths for git.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
5.8 OPTS: DIAGNOSTICS *nvim-tree-opts-diagnostics*
LSP and COC diagnostics.
Enable/disable the feature.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Idle milliseconds between diagnostic event and update.
Type: `number`, Default: `50` (ms)
Show diagnostic icons on parent directories.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Show diagnostics icons on directories that are open.
Only relevant when `diagnostics.show_on_dirs` is `true`.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Severity for which the diagnostics will be displayed. See |diagnostic-severity|
Minimum severity.
Type: |vim.diagnostic.severity|, Default: `vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT`
Maximum severity.
Type: |vim.diagnostic.severity|, Default: `vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR`
Icons for diagnostic severity.
Type: `table`, Default: >
hint = "",
info = "",
warning = "",
error = ""
5.9 OPTS: MODIFIED *nvim-tree-opts-modified*
Indicate which file have unsaved modification.
You will still need to set |renderer.icons.show.modified| `= true` or
|renderer.highlight_modified| `= true` to be able to see modified status in the
Enable / disable the feature.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Show modified indication on directory whose children are modified.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Show modified indication on open directories.
Only relevant when |modified.show_on_dirs| is `true`.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
5.10 OPTS: FILTERS *nvim-tree-opts-filters*
File / folder filters that may be toggled.
Enable / disable all filters including live filter.
Toggle via |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle_enable_filters()|
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Ignore files based on `.gitignore`. Requires |git.enable| `= true`
Toggle via |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle_gitignore_filter()|, default `I`
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Do not show dotfiles: files starting with a `.`
Toggle via |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle_hidden_filter()|, default `H`
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Do not show files with no git status. This will show ignored files when
|nvim-tree.filters.git_ignored| is set, as they are effectively dirty.
Toggle via |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle_git_clean_filter()|, default `C`
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Do not show files that have no |buflisted()| buffer.
Toggle via |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle_no_buffer_filter()|, default `B`
For performance reasons this may not immediately update on buffer
delete/wipe. A reload or filesystem event will result in an update.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Do not show files that are not bookarked.
Toggle via |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle_no_bookmark_filter()|, default `M`
Enabling this is not useful as there is no means yet to persist bookmarks.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Custom list of vim regex for file/directory names that will not be shown.
Backslashes must be escaped e.g. "^\\.git". See |string-match|.
Toggle via |nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle_custom_filter()|, default `U`
Type: {string} | `function(absolute_path)`, Default: `{}`
List of directories or files to exclude from filtering: always show them.
Overrides `filters.git_ignored`, `filters.dotfiles` and `filters.custom`.
Type: {string}, Default: `{}`
5.11 OPTS: LIVE FILTER *nvim-tree-opts-live-filter*
Configurations for the live_filtering feature.
The live filter allows you to filter the tree nodes dynamically, based on
regex matching (see |vim.regex|).
This feature is bound to the `f` key by default.
The filter can be cleared with the `F` key by default.
Prefix of the filter displayed in the buffer.
Type: `string`, Default: `"[FILTER]: "`
Whether to filter folders or not.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
5.12 OPTS: FILESYSTEM WATCHERS *nvim-tree-opts-filesystem-watchers*
Will use file system watcher (libuv fs_event) to watch the filesystem for
Using this will disable BufEnter / BufWritePost events in nvim-tree which
were used to update the whole tree. With this feature, the tree will be
updated only for the appropriate folder change, resulting in better
Enable / disable the feature.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Idle milliseconds between filesystem change and action.
Type: `number`, Default: `50` (ms)
List of vim regex for absolute directory paths that will not be watched or
function returning whether a path should be ignored.
Strings must be backslash escaped e.g. `"my-proj/\\.build$"`. See |string-match|.
Function is passed an absolute path.
Useful when path is not in `.gitignore` or git integration is disabled.
Type: `string[] | fun(path: string): boolean`, Default: `{}`
5.13 OPTS: ACTIONS *nvim-tree-opts-actions*
A boolean value that toggle the use of system clipboard when copy/paste
function are invoked. When enabled, copied text will be stored in registers
'+' (system), otherwise, it will be stored in '1' and '"'.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
vim |current-directory| behaviour.
Change the working directory when changing directories in the tree.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Use `:cd` instead of `:lcd` when changing directories.
Consider that this might cause issues with the
|nvim-tree.sync_root_with_cwd| option.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Restrict changing to a directory above the global cwd.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Configuration for expand_all behaviour.
Limit the number of folders being explored when expanding every folders.
Avoids hanging neovim when running this action on very large folders.
Type: `number`, Default: `300`
A list of directories that should not be expanded automatically.
E.g `{ ".git", "target", "build" }` etc.
Type: `table`, Default: `{}`
Configuration for file_popup behaviour.
Floating window config for file_popup. See |nvim_open_win| for more details.
You shouldn't define `"width"` and `"height"` values here. They will be
overridden to fit the file_popup content.
Type: `table`, Default:
`col = 1,`
`row = 1,`
`relative = "cursor",`
`border = "shadow",`
`style = "minimal",`
Configuration options for opening a file from nvim-tree.
Closes the explorer when opening a file.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Prevent new opened file from opening in the same window as the tree.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Resizes the tree when opening a file.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Window picker configuration.
Enable the feature. If the feature is not enabled, files will open in
window from which you last opened the tree.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Change the default window picker: a string `"default"` or a function.
The function should return the window id that will open the node,
or `nil` if an invalid window is picked or user cancelled the action.
The picker may create a new window.
Type: `string` | `function`, Default: `"default"`
e.g. s1n7ax/nvim-window-picker plugin: >
window_picker = {
enable = true,
picker = require('window-picker').pick_window,
A string of chars used as identifiers by the window picker.
Type: `string`, Default: `"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"`
Table of buffer option names mapped to a list of option values that
indicates to the picker that the buffer's window should not be
Type: `table`, Default: >
filetype = {
buftype = {
Close any window displaying a file when removing the file from the tree.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
5.14 OPTS: TRASH *nvim-tree-opts-trash*
The command used to trash items (must be installed on your system).
Default `"gio trash"` from glib2 is a commonly shipped linux package.
macOS default `"trash"` requires the homebrew package `trash`
Windows default `"trash"` requires `trash-cli` or similar
Type: `string`, Default: `"gio trash"` or `"trash"`
5.15 OPTS: TAB *nvim-tree-opts-tab*
Configuration for syncing nvim-tree across tabs.
Opens the tree automatically when switching tabpage or opening a new
tabpage if the tree was previously open.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Closes the tree across all tabpages when the tree is closed.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
List of filetypes or buffer names on new tab that will prevent
|nvim-tree.tab.sync.open| and |nvim-tree.tab.sync.close|
Type: {string}, Default: `{}`
5.16 OPTS: NOTIFY *nvim-tree-opts-notify*
Specify minimum notification level, uses the values from |vim.log.levels|
Type: `enum`, Default: `vim.log.levels.INFO`
`ERROR`: hard errors e.g. failure to read from the file system.
`WARNING`: non-fatal errors e.g. unable to system open a file.
`INFO:` information only e.g. file copy path confirmation.
`DEBUG:` information for troubleshooting, e.g. failures in some window closing operations.
Whether to use absolute paths or item names in fs action notifications.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
5.17 OPTS: HELP *nvim-tree-opts-help*
Defines how mappings are sorted in the help window.
Can be `"key"` (sort alphabetically by keymap)
or `"desc"` (sort alphabetically by description).
Type: `string`, Default: `"key"`
5.18 OPTS: UI *nvim-tree-opts-ui*
Confirmation prompts.
Prompt before removing.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
Prompt before trashing.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `true`
If `true` the prompt will be `"Y/n"`, otherwise `"y/N"`.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
5.19 OPTS: EXPERIMENTAL *nvim-tree-opts-experimental*
Experimental features that may become default or optional functionality.
In the event of a problem please disable the experiment and raise an issue.
Buffers opened by nvim-tree will use with relative paths instead of
Execute |:ls| to see the paths of all open buffers.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
5.20 OPTS: LOG *nvim-tree-opts-log*
Configuration for diagnostic logging.
Enable logging to a file `nvim-tree.log` in |stdpath| `"log"`, usually
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Remove existing log file at startup.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Specify which information to log.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Timing of some operations.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Options and mappings, at startup.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
File copy and paste actions.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Used for local development only. Not useful for users.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
LSP and COC processing, verbose.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
Git processing, verbose.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
|nvim-tree.filesystem_watchers| processing, verbose.
Type: `boolean`, Default: `false`
6. API *nvim-tree-api*
Nvim-tree's public API can be used to access features.
e.g. >
local api = require("nvim-tree.api")
This module exposes stable functionalities, it is advised to use this in order
to avoid breaking configurations due to internal breaking changes.
The api is separated in multiple modules, which can be accessed with
Functions accepting {node} as their first argument will use the node under the
cursor when that argument is not present or nil.
6.1 API TREE *nvim-tree-api.tree*
tree.open({opts}) *nvim-tree-api.tree.open()*
Open the tree, focusing it if already open.
Parameters: ~
• {opts} (table) optional parameters
Options: ~
• {path} (string) root directory for the tree
• {current_window} (boolean) open the tree in the current window
• {winid} (number) open the tree in the specified |winid|,
overrides {current_window}
• {find_file} (boolean) find the current buffer
• {update_root} (boolean) requires {find_file}, see
tree.toggle({opts}) *nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle()*
Open or close the tree.
Parameters: ~
• {opts} (table) optional parameters
Options: ~
• {path} (string) root directory for the tree
• {current_window} (boolean) open the tree in the current window
• {winid} (number) open the tree in the specified |winid|,
overrides {current_window}
• {find_file} (boolean) find the current buffer
• {update_root} (boolean) requires {find_file}, see
• {focus} (boolean) focus the tree when opening, default true
tree.close() *nvim-tree-api.tree.close()*
Close the tree, affecting all tabs as per |nvim-tree.tab.sync.close|
tree.close_in_this_tab() *nvim-tree-api.tree.close_in_this_tab()*
Close the tree in this tab only.
tree.close_in_all_tabs() *nvim-tree-api.tree.close_in_all_tabs()*
Close the tree in all tabs.
tree.focus() *nvim-tree-api.tree.focus()*
Focus the tree, opening it if necessary.
Retained for compatibility, use |tree.open()| with no arguments instead.
tree.reload() *nvim-tree-api.tree.reload()*
Refresh the tree. Does nothing if closed.
tree.resize({opts}) *nvim-tree-api.tree.resize()*
Resize the tree, persisting the new size.
Resets to |nvim-tree.view.width| when no {opts} provided.
See |:NvimTreeResize|
Parameters: ~
• {opts} (table) optional parameters
Options: ~
• {width} (table) new |nvim-tree.view.width| value
• {absolute} (number) set the width
• {relative} (number) increase or decrease the width
Only one option is supported, in the priority order above.
{absolute} and {relative} do nothing when {width} is a function.
tree.change_root({path}) *nvim-tree-api.tree.change_root()*
Change the tree's root to a path.
Parameters: ~
• {path} (string) absolute or relative path
Change the tree's root to a folder node or the parent of a file node.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node) folder or file
Change the tree's root to the parent of a node.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node) folder or file
tree.get_node_under_cursor() *nvim-tree-api.tree.get_node_under_cursor()*
Retrieve the currently focused node.
Return: ~
node or nil if tree is not visible
tree.get_nodes() *nvim-tree-api.tree.get_nodes()*
Retrieve a hierarchical list of all the nodes. This is a cloned list for
reference purposes only and should not be passed into other API functions.
Return: ~
table of nodes
tree.find_file({opts}) *nvim-tree-api.tree.find_file()*
Find and focus a file or folder in the tree. Finds current buffer unless
otherwise specified.
Parameters: ~
• {opts} (table) optional parameters
Options: ~
• {buf} (string|number) absolute/relative path OR bufnr to find
• {open} (boolean) open the tree if necessary
• {current_window} (boolean) requires {open}, open in the current window
• {winid} (number) open the tree in the specified |winid|,
overrides {current_window}
• {update_root} (boolean) see |nvim-tree.update_focused_file.update_root|
• {focus} (boolean) focus the tree
tree.search_node() *nvim-tree-api.tree.search_node()*
Open the search dialogue as per the search_node action.
tree.collapse_all({keep_buffers}) *nvim-tree-api.tree.collapse_all()*
Collapse the tree.
Parameters: ~
• {keep_buffers} (boolean) do not collapse nodes with open buffers.
tree.expand_all({node}) *nvim-tree-api.tree.expand_all()*
Recursively expand all nodes under the tree root or specified folder.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) folder
Toggle |nvim-tree.filters.enable| all filters.
Toggle |nvim-tree.filters.git_ignored| filter.
Toggle |nvim-tree.filters.git_clean| filter.
Toggle |nvim-tree.filters.no_buffer| filter.
Toggle |nvim-tree.filters.no_bookmark| filter.
Toggle |nvim-tree.filters.custom| filter.
Toggle |nvim-tree.filters.dotfiles| filter.
tree.toggle_help() *nvim-tree-api.tree.toggle_help()*
Toggle help view.
tree.is_tree_buf({bufnr}) *nvim-tree-api.tree.is_tree_buf()*
Checks if a buffer is an nvim-tree.
Parameters: ~
• {bufnr} (number|nil) buffer handle, 0 or nil for current buffer
Return: ~
(boolean) buffer is an nvim-tree buffer
tree.is_visible({opts}) *nvim-tree-api.tree.is_visible()*
Checks if nvim-tree is visible on the current, specified or any tab.
Parameters: ~
• {opts} (table) optional parameters
Options: ~
• {tabpage} (number) as per |nvim_get_current_tabpage()|
• {any_tabpage} (boolean) visible on any tab, default false
Return: ~
(boolean) nvim-tree is visible
tree.winid({opts}) *nvim-tree-api.tree.winid()*
Retrieve the winid of the open tree.
Parameters: ~
• {opts} (table) optional parameters
Options: ~
• {tabpage} (number|nil) tabpage, 0 or nil for current, default nil
Return: ~
(number) winid or nil if tree is not visible
6.2 API FILE SYSTEM *nvim-tree-api.fs*
fs.create({node}) *nvim-tree-api.fs.create()*
Prompt to create a file or directory. Use a trailing `/` for a directory.
Multiple directories/files may be created e.g. `foo/bar/baz`
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) parent, uses the parent of a file.
fs.remove({node}) *nvim-tree-api.fs.remove()*
Delete a file or folder from the file system.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) file or folder
fs.trash({node}) *nvim-tree-api.fs.trash()*
Trash a file or folder as per |nvim-tree.trash|
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) file or folder
fs.rename_node({node}) *nvim-tree-api.fs.rename_node()*
Prompt to rename a file or folder.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) file or folder
fs.rename({node}) *nvim-tree-api.fs.rename()*
Prompt to rename a file or folder by name.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) file or folder
fs.rename_basename({node}) *nvim-tree-api.fs.rename_basename()*
Prompt to rename a file or folder by name with extension omitted.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) file or folder
fs.rename_sub({node}) *nvim-tree-api.fs.rename_sub()*
Prompt to rename a file or folder by absolute path with name omitted.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) file or folder
fs.rename_full({node}) *nvim-tree-api.fs.rename_full()*
Prompt to rename a file or folder by absolute path.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) file or folder
fs.cut({node}) *nvim-tree-api.fs.cut()*
Cut a file or folder to the nvim-tree clipboard.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) file or folder
fs.paste({node}) *nvim-tree-api.fs.paste()*
Paste a file or folder from the nvim-tree clipboard.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) destination folder, uses the parent of a file.
fs.copy.node({node}) *nvim-tree-api.fs.copy.node()*
Copy a file or folder from the nvim-tree clipboard.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) file or folder
fs.copy.absolute_path({node}) *nvim-tree-api.fs.copy.absolute_path()*
Copy the absolute path of a file or folder to the system clipboard.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) file or folder
fs.copy.filename({node}) *nvim-tree-api.fs.copy.filename()*
Copy the name of a file or folder to the system clipboard.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) file or folder
fs.copy.relative_path({node}) *nvim-tree-api.fs.copy.relative_path()*
Copy the path of a file or folder relative to the tree root to the system
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) file or folder
fs.clear_clipboard() *nvim-tree-api.fs.clear_clipboard()*
Clear the nvim-tree clipboard.
fs.print_clipboard() *nvim-tree-api.fs.print_clipboard()*
Print the contents of the nvim-tree clipboard.
6.3 API NODE *nvim-tree-api.node*
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node|nil) file or folder
node.open.edit({node}) *nvim-tree-api.node.open.edit()*
File: open as per |nvim-tree.actions.open_file|
Folder: expand or collapse
Root: change directory up
|nvim-tree-api.node.edit()|, file will be opened in place: in the
nvim-tree window.
|nvim-tree-api.node.edit()|, window picker will never be used as per
|nvim-tree.actions.open_file.window_picker.enable| `false`
node.open.vertical({node}) *nvim-tree-api.node.open.vertical()*
|nvim-tree-api.node.edit()|, file will be opened in a new vertical split.
node.open.horizontal({node}) *nvim-tree-api.node.open.horizontal()*
|nvim-tree-api.node.edit()|, file will be opened in a new horizontal split.
Toggle |nvim-tree.renderer.group_empty| for a specific folder.
Does nothing on files.
Needs |nvim-tree.renderer.group_empty| set.
node.open.drop({node}) *nvim-tree-api.node.open.drop()*
Switch to window with selected file if it exists.
Open file otherwise.
See: `:h :drop`.
File: open file using `:drop`
Folder: expand or collapse
Root: change directory up
node.open.tab({node}) *nvim-tree-api.node.open.tab()*
|nvim-tree-api.node.edit()|, file will be opened in a new tab.
Switch to tab containing window with selected file if it exists.
Open file in new tab otherwise.
File: open file using `tab :drop`
Folder: expand or collapse
Root: change directory up
node.open.preview({node}) *nvim-tree-api.node.open.preview()*
|nvim-tree-api.node.edit()|, file buffer will have |bufhidden| set to `delete`.
|nvim-tree-api.node.edit()|, file buffer will have |bufhidden| set to `delete`.
window picker will never be used as per
|nvim-tree.actions.open_file.window_picker.enable| `false`
node.navigate.git.next({node}) *nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.git.next()*
Navigate to the next item showing git status.
Alternative to |nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.git.next()| that navigates to
the next file showing git status, recursively.
Needs |nvim-tree.git.show_on_dirs| set.
Same as |node.navigate.git.next()|, but skips gitignored files.
node.navigate.git.prev({node}) *nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.git.prev()*
Navigate to the previous item showing git status.
Alternative to |nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.git.prev()| that navigates to
the previous file showing git status, recursively.
Needs |nvim-tree.git.show_on_dirs| set.
Same as |node.navigate.git.prev()|, but skips gitignored files.
Navigate to the next item showing diagnostic status.
Alternative to |nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.diagnostics.next()| that
navigates to the next file showing diagnostic status, recursively.
Needs |nvim-tree.diagnostics.show_on_dirs| set.
Navigate to the next item showing diagnostic status.
Alternative to |nvim-tree-api.node.navigate.diagnostics.prev()| that
navigates to the previous file showing diagnostic status, recursively.
Needs |nvim-tree.diagnostics.show_on_dirs| set.
Navigate to the next |bufloaded()| item.
See |nvim-tree.renderer.highlight_opened_files|
Navigate to the previous |bufloaded()| item.
See |nvim-tree.renderer.highlight_opened_files|
Navigate to the next node in the current node's folder, wraps.
Navigate to the previous node in the current node's folder, wraps.
Navigate to the first node in the current node's folder.
Navigate to the last node in the current node's folder.
Navigate to the parent folder of the current node.
|api.node.navigate.parent()|, closing that folder.
node.show_info_popup({node}) *nvim-tree-api.node.show_info_popup()*
Open a popup window showing: fullpath, size, accessed, modified, created.
node.run.cmd({node}) *nvim-tree-api.node.run.cmd()*
Enter |cmdline| with the full path of the node and the cursor at the start
of the line.
node.run.system({node}) *nvim-tree-api.node.run.system()*
Execute |nvim-tree.system_open|
6.4 API GIT *nvim-tree-api.git*
git.reload() *nvim-tree-api.git.reload()*
Update the git status of the entire tree.
6.5 API EVENTS *nvim-tree-api.events*
events.subscribe({event_type}, {callback})
Register a handler for an event, see |nvim-tree-events|
Parameters: ~
• {event_type} (string) |nvim-tree-api.events.Event|
• {callback} (function) see |nvim_tree_events_kind| for parameters
events.Event *nvim-tree-api.events.Event*
String enum: |nvim_tree_events_kind|
6.6 API LIVE FILTER *nvim-tree-api.live_filter*
live_filter.start() *nvim-tree-api.live_filter.start()*
Enter |nvim-tree.live_filter| mode.
live_filter.clear() *nvim-tree-api.live_filter.clear()*
Exit |nvim-tree.live_filter| mode.
6.7 API MARKS *nvim-tree-api.marks*
marks.get({node}) *nvim-tree-api.marks.get()*
Return the node if it is marked.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node) folder or file
marks.list() *nvim-tree-api.marks.list()*
Retrieve all marked nodes.
Return: ~
(table) marked nodes
marks.toggle({node}) *nvim-tree-api.marks.toggle()*
Toggle node mark.
Parameters: ~
• {node} (Node) folder or file
marks.clear() *nvim-tree-api.marks.clear()*
Clear all marks.
marks.bulk.delete() *nvim-tree-api.marks.bulk.delete()*
Delete all marked. Optionally prompts.
marks.bulk.trash() *nvim-tree-api.marks.bulk.trash()*
Trash all marked. Optionally prompts.
marks.bulk.move() *nvim-tree-api.marks.bulk.move()*
Prompts for a directory to move all marked nodes into.
marks.navigate.next() *nvim-tree-api.marks.navigate.next()*
Navigate to the next marked node, wraps.
Opens files as per |nvim-tree.actions.open_file|
Works best with |nvim-tree.update_focused_file| enabled.
marks.navigate.prev() *nvim-tree-api.marks.navigate.prev()*
As per |nvim-tree-api.marks.navigate.next()|
marks.navigate.select() *nvim-tree-api.marks.navigate.select()*
Prompts for selection of a marked node, sorted by absolute paths.
A folder will be focused, a file will be opened.
6.8 API CONFIG *nvim-tree-api.config*
Set all |nvim-tree-mappings-default|. Call from your |nvim-tree.on_attach|
Parameters: ~
• {bufnr} (number) nvim-tree buffer number passed to |nvim-tree.on_attach|
Retrieves all buffer local mappings for nvim-tree.
These are the mappings that are applied by |nvim-tree.on_attach|, which
may include default mappings.
Return: ~
(table) as per |nvim_buf_get_keymap()|
Retrieves the buffer local mappings for nvim-tree that are applied by
Return: ~
(table) as per |nvim_buf_get_keymap()|
6.9 API COMMANDS *nvim-tree-api.commands*
commands.get() *nvim-tree-api.commands.get()*
Retrieve all commands, see |nvim-tree-commands|
Return: ~
(table) array containing |nvim_create_user_command()| parameters:
• {name} (string)
• {command} (function)
• {opts} (table)
6.10 DIAGNOSTICS *nvim-tree-api.diagnostics*
diagnostics.hi_test() *nvim-tree-api.diagnostics.hi_test()*
Open a new buffer displaying all nvim-tree highlight groups, their link
chain and concrete definition.
Similar to `:so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim` as per |:highlight|
7. MAPPINGS *nvim-tree-mappings*
Mappings are set via the |nvim-tree.on_attach| function, which is run upon
creating the nvim-tree buffer. Mappings are usually |nvim-tree-api| functions
however may be your own.
When on_attach is not a function, |nvim-tree-mappings-default| will be used.
Active mappings may be viewed via HELP, default `g?`. The mapping's description
is used when displaying HELP.
The `on_attach` function is passed the `bufnr` of nvim-tree. Use
|vim.keymap.set()| or |nvim_set_keymap()| to define mappings as usual. e.g. >
local function my_on_attach(bufnr)
local api = require('nvim-tree.api')
local function opts(desc)
return { desc = 'nvim-tree: ' .. desc, buffer = bufnr, noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true }
-- copy default mappings here from defaults in next section
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-]>', api.tree.change_root_to_node, opts('CD'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-e>', api.node.open.replace_tree_buffer, opts('Open: In Place'))
-- OR use all default mappings
-- remove a default
vim.keymap.del('n', '<C-]>', { buffer = bufnr })
-- override a default
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-e>', api.tree.reload, opts('Refresh'))
-- add your mappings
vim.keymap.set('n', '?', api.tree.toggle_help, opts('Help'))
on_attach = my_on_attach,
Mouse support is defined in |KeyBindings|
Single left mouse mappings can be achieved via `<LeftRelease>`.
Single right / middle mouse mappings will require changes to |mousemodel| or |mouse|.
|vim.keymap.set()| {rhs} is a `(function|string)` thus it may be necessary to
define your own function to map complex functionality e.g. >
local function print_node_path()
local api = require('nvim-tree.api')
local node = api.tree.get_node_under_cursor()
-- on_attach
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-P>', print_node_path, opts('Print Path'))
7.1 MAPPINGS: DEFAULT *nvim-tree-mappings-default*
In the absence of an |nvim-tree.on_attach| function, the following defaults
will be applied.
You are encouraged to copy these to your own |nvim-tree.on_attach| function.
local api = require('nvim-tree.api')
local function opts(desc)
return { desc = 'nvim-tree: ' .. desc, buffer = bufnr, noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true }
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-]>', api.tree.change_root_to_node, opts('CD'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-e>', api.node.open.replace_tree_buffer, opts('Open: In Place'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-k>', api.node.show_info_popup, opts('Info'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-r>', api.fs.rename_sub, opts('Rename: Omit Filename'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-t>', api.node.open.tab, opts('Open: New Tab'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-v>', api.node.open.vertical, opts('Open: Vertical Split'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-x>', api.node.open.horizontal, opts('Open: Horizontal Split'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<BS>', api.node.navigate.parent_close, opts('Close Directory'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<CR>', api.node.open.edit, opts('Open'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<Tab>', api.node.open.preview, opts('Open Preview'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '>', api.node.navigate.sibling.next, opts('Next Sibling'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<', api.node.navigate.sibling.prev, opts('Previous Sibling'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '.', api.node.run.cmd, opts('Run Command'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '-', api.tree.change_root_to_parent, opts('Up'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'a', api.fs.create, opts('Create File Or Directory'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'bd', api.marks.bulk.delete, opts('Delete Bookmarked'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'bt', api.marks.bulk.trash, opts('Trash Bookmarked'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'bmv', api.marks.bulk.move, opts('Move Bookmarked'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'B', api.tree.toggle_no_buffer_filter, opts('Toggle Filter: No Buffer'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'c', api.fs.copy.node, opts('Copy'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'C', api.tree.toggle_git_clean_filter, opts('Toggle Filter: Git Clean'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '[c', api.node.navigate.git.prev, opts('Prev Git'))
vim.keymap.set('n', ']c', api.node.navigate.git.next, opts('Next Git'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'd', api.fs.remove, opts('Delete'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'D', api.fs.trash, opts('Trash'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'E', api.tree.expand_all, opts('Expand All'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'e', api.fs.rename_basename, opts('Rename: Basename'))
vim.keymap.set('n', ']e', api.node.navigate.diagnostics.next, opts('Next Diagnostic'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '[e', api.node.navigate.diagnostics.prev, opts('Prev Diagnostic'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'F', api.live_filter.clear, opts('Live Filter: Clear'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'f', api.live_filter.start, opts('Live Filter: Start'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'g?', api.tree.toggle_help, opts('Help'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'gy', api.fs.copy.absolute_path, opts('Copy Absolute Path'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'ge', api.fs.copy.basename, opts('Copy Basename'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'H', api.tree.toggle_hidden_filter, opts('Toggle Filter: Dotfiles'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'I', api.tree.toggle_gitignore_filter, opts('Toggle Filter: Git Ignore'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'J', api.node.navigate.sibling.last, opts('Last Sibling'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'K', api.node.navigate.sibling.first, opts('First Sibling'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'L', api.node.open.toggle_group_empty, opts('Toggle Group Empty'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'M', api.tree.toggle_no_bookmark_filter, opts('Toggle Filter: No Bookmark'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'm', api.marks.toggle, opts('Toggle Bookmark'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'o', api.node.open.edit, opts('Open'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'O', api.node.open.no_window_picker, opts('Open: No Window Picker'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'p', api.fs.paste, opts('Paste'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'P', api.node.navigate.parent, opts('Parent Directory'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'q', api.tree.close, opts('Close'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'r', api.fs.rename, opts('Rename'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'R', api.tree.reload, opts('Refresh'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 's', api.node.run.system, opts('Run System'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'S', api.tree.search_node, opts('Search'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'u', api.fs.rename_full, opts('Rename: Full Path'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'U', api.tree.toggle_custom_filter, opts('Toggle Filter: Hidden'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'W', api.tree.collapse_all, opts('Collapse'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'x', api.fs.cut, opts('Cut'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'y', api.fs.copy.filename, opts('Copy Name'))
vim.keymap.set('n', 'Y', api.fs.copy.relative_path, opts('Copy Relative Path'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<2-LeftMouse>', api.node.open.edit, opts('Open'))
vim.keymap.set('n', '<2-RightMouse>', api.tree.change_root_to_node, opts('CD'))
Alternatively, you may apply these default mappings from your |nvim-tree.on_attach| via
|nvim-tree-api.config.mappings.default_on_attach()| e.g.
local function my_on_attach(bufnr)
local api = require('nvim-tree.api')
local function opts(desc)
return { desc = 'nvim-tree: ' .. desc, buffer = bufnr, noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true }
-- your removals and mappings go here
8. HIGHLIGHT *nvim-tree-highlight*
All the following highlight groups can be configured by hand. Aside from
`NvimTreeWindowPicker`, it is not advised to colorize the background of these
Example |:highlight| >
:hi NvimTreeSymlink guifg=blue gui=bold,underline
It is recommended to enable 'termguicolors' for the more pleasant 24-bit
To view the nvim-tree highlight groups run |:NvimTreeHiTest|
To view all active highlight groups run `:so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim`
as per |:highlight|
The `*HL` groups are additive as per |nvim-tree-opts-renderer| precedence.
Only present attributes will clobber each other.
In this example a modified, opened file will have magenta text, with cyan
undercurl: >
:hi NvimTreeOpenedHL guifg=magenta guisp=red gui=underline
:hi NvimTreeModifiedFileHL guisp=cyan gui=undercurl
To prevent usage of a highlight:
- Before setup: link the group to `Normal` e.g.
`:hi NvimTreeExecFile Normal`
- After setup: link it to `NONE`, to override the default link e.g.
`:hi! link NvimTreeExecFile NONE`
8.1 HIGHLIGHT: DEFAULT *nvim-tree-highlight-default*
|:highlight-link| `default` or |:highlight-default| define the groups on setup:
Standard: >
NvimTreeNormal Normal
NvimTreeNormalFloat NormalFloat
NvimTreeNormalNC NormalFloat
NvimTreeLineNr LineNr
NvimTreeWinSeparator WinSeparator
NvimTreeEndOfBuffer EndOfBuffer
NvimTreePopup Normal
NvimTreeSignColumn NvimTreeNormal
NvimTreeCursorColumn CursorColumn
NvimTreeCursorLine CursorLine
NvimTreeCursorLineNr CursorLineNr
NvimTreeStatusLine StatusLine
NvimTreeStatusLineNC StatusLineNC
File Text: >
NvimTreeExecFile SpellCap
NvimTreeImageFile SpellCap
NvimTreeSpecialFile SpellCap
NvimTreeSymlink SpellCap
Folder Text: >
NvimTreeRootFolder Title
NvimTreeFolderName Directory
NvimTreeEmptyFolderName Directory
NvimTreeOpenedFolderName Directory
NvimTreeSymlinkFolderName Directory
File Icons: >
NvimTreeFileIcon NvimTreeNormal
NvimTreeSymlinkIcon NvimTreeNormal
Folder Icons: >
NvimTreeFolderIcon guifg=#8094b4 ctermfg=Blue
NvimTreeOpenedFolderIcon NvimTreeFolderIcon
NvimTreeClosedFolderIcon NvimTreeFolderIcon
NvimTreeFolderArrowClosed NvimTreeIndentMarker
NvimTreeFolderArrowOpen NvimTreeIndentMarker
Indent: >
NvimTreeIndentMarker NvimTreeFileIcon
Picker: >
NvimTreeWindowPicker guifg=#ededed guibg=#4493c8 gui=bold ctermfg=White ctermbg=Cyan
Live Filter: >
NvimTreeLiveFilterPrefix PreProc
NvimTreeLiveFilterValue ModeMsg
Clipboard: >
NvimTreeCopiedHL SpellRare
NvimTreeCutHL SpellBad
Bookmarks: >
NvimTreeBookmarkIcon NvimTreeFolderIcon
NvimTreeBookmarkHL SpellLocal
Modified: >
NvimTreeModifiedIcon Type
NvimTreeModifiedFileHL NvimTreeModifiedIcon
NvimTreeModifiedFolderHL NvimTreeModifiedIcon
Hidden: >
NvimTreeModifiedIcon Conceal
NvimTreeModifiedFileHL NvimTreeHiddenIcon
NvimTreeModifiedFolderHL NvimTreeHiddenFileHL
Hidden Display: >
NvimTreeHiddenDisplay Conceal
Opened: >
NvimTreeOpenedHL Special
Git Icon: >
NvimTreeGitDeletedIcon Statement
NvimTreeGitDirtyIcon Statement
NvimTreeGitIgnoredIcon Comment
NvimTreeGitMergeIcon Constant
NvimTreeGitNewIcon PreProc
NvimTreeGitRenamedIcon PreProc
NvimTreeGitStagedIcon Constant
Git File File Highlight: >
NvimTreeGitFileDeletedHL NvimTreeGitDeletedIcon
NvimTreeGitFileDirtyHL NvimTreeGitDirtyIcon
NvimTreeGitFileIgnoredHL NvimTreeGitIgnoredIcon
NvimTreeGitFileMergeHL NvimTreeGitMergeIcon
NvimTreeGitFileNewHL NvimTreeGitNewIcon
NvimTreeGitFileRenamedHL NvimTreeGitRenamedIcon
NvimTreeGitFileStagedHL NvimTreeGitStagedIcon
Git Folder Folder Highlight: >
NvimTreeGitFolderDeletedHL NvimTreeGitFileDeletedHL
NvimTreeGitFolderDirtyHL NvimTreeGitFileDirtyHL
NvimTreeGitFolderIgnoredHL NvimTreeGitFileIgnoredHL
NvimTreeGitFolderMergeHL NvimTreeGitFileMergeHL
NvimTreeGitFolderNewHL NvimTreeGitFileNewHL
NvimTreeGitFolderRenamedHL NvimTreeGitFileRenamedHL
NvimTreeGitFolderStagedHL NvimTreeGitFileStagedHL
Diagnostics Icon: >
NvimTreeDiagnosticErrorIcon DiagnosticError
NvimTreeDiagnosticWarnIcon DiagnosticWarn
NvimTreeDiagnosticInfoIcon DiagnosticInfo
NvimTreeDiagnosticHintIcon DiagnosticHint
Diagnostics File Highlight: >
NvimTreeDiagnosticErrorFileHL DiagnosticUnderlineError
NvimTreeDiagnosticWarnFileHL DiagnosticUnderlineWarn
NvimTreeDiagnosticInfoFileHL DiagnosticUnderlineInfo
NvimTreeDiagnosticHintFileHL DiagnosticUnderlineHint
Diagnostics Folder Highlight: >
NvimTreeDiagnosticErrorFolderHL NvimTreeDiagnosticErrorFileHL
NvimTreeDiagnosticWarnFolderHL NvimTreeDiagnosticWarnFileHL
NvimTreeDiagnosticInfoFolderHL NvimTreeDiagnosticInfoFileHL
NvimTreeDiagnosticHintFolderHL NvimTreeDiagnosticHintFileHL
8.2 HIGHLIGHT: OVERHAUL *nvim-tree-highlight-overhaul*
See |nvim-tree-legacy-highlight| for old highlight group compatibility.
2024-01-20: significant highlighting changes, some breaking:
- Full cterm support.
- Standard vim highlight groups such |DiagnosticUnderlineError| are now the
- Highlight groups named consistently.
- All `highlight_xxx` e.g. |nvim-tree.renderer.highlight_git| are granular,
allowing `"none"`, `"icon"`, `"name"` or `"all"`
- `highlight_xxx` has highlight groups for both File and Folder
- `highlight_xxx` is additive instead of overwriting. See
|nvim-tree-opts-renderer| for precedence.
2024-01-29: disambiguate default highlights sharing groups:
- NvimTreeRootFolder PreProc -> Title
- NvimTreeModified* Constant -> Type
- NvimTreeOpenedHL Constant -> Special
- NvimTreeBookmarkIcon Constant -> NvimTreeFolderIcon
- NvimTreeExecFile Constant -> SpellCap
- NvimTreeImageFile PreProc -> SpellCap
- NvimTreeSpecialFile PreProc -> SpellCap
- NvimTreeSymlink Statement -> SpellCap
Approximate pre-overhaul values for the `SpellCap` groups may be set via: >
:hi NvimTreeExecFile gui=bold guifg=#ffa0a0
:hi NvimTreeSymlink gui=bold guifg=#ffff60
:hi NvimTreeSpecialFile gui=bold,underline guifg=#ff80ff
:hi NvimTreeImageFile gui=bold guifg=#ff80ff
9. EVENTS *nvim-tree-events*
nvim-tree will dispatch events whenever an action is made. These events can be
subscribed to through handler functions. This allows for even further
customization of nvim-tree.
A handler for an event is just a function which receives one argument, the
payload of the event. The payload is different for each event type. Refer
to |nvim_tree_registering_handlers| for more information.
Handlers are registered by calling |nvim-tree-api.events.subscribe()|
function with an |nvim-tree-api.events.Event|
e.g. handler for node renamed: >
local api = require("nvim-tree.api")
local Event = api.events.Event
api.events.subscribe(Event.NodeRenamed, function(data)
print("Node renamed from " .. data.old_name .. " to " .. data.new_name)
- Event.Ready
When NvimTree has been initialized
• Note: Handler takes no parameter.
- Event.TreeOpen
• Note: Handler takes no parameter.
- Event.TreeClose
• Note: Handler takes no parameter.
- Event.Resize - When NvimTree is resized.
handler parameters: ~
size: `number` size of the view in columns.
- Event.WillRenameNode
• Note: A node can either be a file or a directory.
handler parameters: ~
{old_name} `{string}` Absolute path to the old node location.
{new_name} `{string}` Absolute path to the new node location.
- Event.NodeRenamed
• Note: A node can either be a file or a directory.
handler parameters: ~
{old_name} `{string}` Absolute path to the old node location.
{new_name} `{string}` Absolute path to the new node location.
- Event.FileCreated
handler parameters: ~
{fname} `{string}` Absolute path to the created file
- Event.WillCreateFile
handler parameters: ~
{fname} `{string}` Absolute path to the file to be
- Event.FileRemoved
handler parameters: ~
{fname} `{string}` Absolute path to the removed file.
- Event.WillRemoveFile
handler parameters: ~
{fname} `{string}` Absolute path to the file to be
- Event.FolderCreated
handler parameters: ~
{folder_name} `{string}` Absolute path to the created folder.
- Event.FolderRemoved
handler parameters: ~
{folder_name} `{string}` Absolute path to the removed folder.
- Event.TreeAttachedPost
Invoked after the tree's buffer has been created and mappings
have been applied: |nvim-tree-mappings| or |nvim-tree.on_attach|
handler parameters: ~
{buf} `{number} `API buffer handle (buffer number)
- Event.TreeRendered
Invoked every time the tree is redrawn. Normally this event
happens after |Event.TreeOpen| except that handlers of this
one will have access to the tree buffer populated with the
final content.
handler parameters: ~
{bufnr} `{number} `API buffer handle (buffer number)
{winnr} `{number} `API window handle (window number)
There are two special startup events in the form of User autocommands:
`NvimTreeRequired` first `require("nvim-tree")`
`NvimTreeSetup` `setup({})` completed
Immediately before firing: a global variable of the same name will be set to a
value of 1.
Example subscription: >
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "NvimTreeRequired",
callback = function(data)
10. PROMPTS *nvim-tree-prompts*
Some NvimTree actions use the builtin |vim.ui.select| prompt API for
confirmations when the |nvim_tree.select_prompts| option is set.
The API accepts the optional `kind` key as part of the {opts} parameter, which
can can be used to identify the type of prompt, to allow user side
configurations for different types of prompts.
- `nvimtree_overwrite_rename`
overwrite or rename during |nvim-tree-api.fs.paste()|
- `nvimtree_remove`
delete during |nvim-tree-api.fs.remove()|
- `nvimtree_trash`
send to trash during |nvim-tree-api.fs.trash()|
- `nvimtree_bulk_delete`
delete all bookmarked during |nvim-tree-api.marks.bulk.delete()|
- `nvimtree_bulk_trash`
send all bookmarked to trash during |nvim-tree-api.marks.bulk.trash()|
11. OS SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS *nvim-tree-os-specific*
Windows WSL and PowerShell
- Trash is synchronized
- Executable file detection is disabled as this is non-performant and can
freeze nvim
- Some filesystem watcher error related to permissions will not be reported
12. NETRW *nvim-tree-netrw*
|netrw| is a standard neovim plugin that is enabled by default. It provides,
amongst other functionality, a file/directory browser.
It interferes with nvim-tree and the intended user experience is nvim-tree
replacing the |netrw| browser.
It is strongly recommended to disable |netrw|. As it is a bundled plugin it
must be disabled manually at the start of your `init.lua` as per |netrw-noload|: >
vim.g.loaded_netrw = 1
vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1
There are many |netrw| features beyond the file browser. If you want to
keep using |netrw| without its browser features please ensure:
|nvim-tree.disable_netrw| `= false`
|nvim-tree.hijack_netrw| ` = true`
13. LEGACY *nvim-tree-legacy*
Breaking refactors have been made however the legacy versions will be silently
migrated and used.
There are no plans to remove this migration.
13.1 LEGACY: OPTS *nvim-tree-legacy-opts*
Legacy options are translated to the current, making type and value changes as
`update_cwd` |nvim-tree.sync_root_with_cwd|
`update_focused_file.update_cwd` |nvim-tree.update_focused_file.update_root|
`open_on_tab` |nvim-tree.tab.sync.open|
`ignore_buf_on_tab_change` |nvim-tree.tab.sync.ignore|
`renderer.root_folder_modifier` |nvim-tree.renderer.root_folder_label|
`update_focused_file.debounce_delay` |nvim-tree.view.debounce_delay|
`trash.require_confirm` |nvim-tree.ui.confirm.trash|
`view.adaptive_size` |nvim-tree.view.width|
`sort_by` |nvim-tree.sort.sorter|
`git.ignore` |nvim-tree.filters.git_ignored|
`renderer.icons.webdev_colors` |nvim-tree.renderer.icons.web_devicons.file.color|
13.2 LEGACY: HIGHLIGHT *nvim-tree-legacy-highlight*
Legacy highlight group are still obeyed when they are defined and the current
highlight group is not, hard linking as follows: >
NvimTreeModifiedIcon NvimTreeModifiedFile
NvimTreeOpenedHL NvimTreeOpenedFile
NvimTreeBookmarkIcon NvimTreeBookmark
NvimTreeGitDeletedIcon NvimTreeGitDeleted
NvimTreeGitDirtyIcon NvimTreeGitDirty
NvimTreeGitIgnoredIcon NvimTreeGitIgnored
NvimTreeGitMergeIcon NvimTreeGitMerge
NvimTreeGitNewIcon NvimTreeGitNew
NvimTreeGitRenamedIcon NvimTreeGitRenamed
NvimTreeGitStagedIcon NvimTreeGitStaged
NvimTreeGitFileDeletedHL NvimTreeFileDeleted
NvimTreeGitFileDirtyHL NvimTreeFileDirty
NvimTreeGitFileIgnoredHL NvimTreeFileIgnored
NvimTreeGitFileMergeHL NvimTreeFileMerge
NvimTreeGitFileNewHL NvimTreeFileNew
NvimTreeGitFileRenamedHL NvimTreeFileRenamed
NvimTreeGitFileStagedHL NvimTreeFileStaged
NvimTreeGitFolderDeletedHL NvimTreeFolderDeleted
NvimTreeGitFolderDirtyHL NvimTreeFolderDirty
NvimTreeGitFolderIgnoredHL NvimTreeFolderIgnored
NvimTreeGitFolderMergeHL NvimTreeFolderMerge
NvimTreeGitFolderNewHL NvimTreeFolderNew
NvimTreeGitFolderRenamedHL NvimTreeFolderRenamed
NvimTreeGitFolderStagedHL NvimTreeFolderStaged
NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsError NvimTreeDiagnosticErrorIcon
NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsWarning NvimTreeDiagnosticWarnIcon
NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsInformation NvimTreeDiagnosticInfoIcon
NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsHint NvimTreeDiagnosticHintIcon
NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsErrorText NvimTreeDiagnosticErrorFileHL
NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsWarningText NvimTreeDiagnosticWarnFileHL
NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsInformationText NvimTreeDiagnosticInfoFileHL
NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsHintText NvimTreeDiagnosticHintFileHL
NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsErrorFolderText NvimTreeDiagnosticErrorFolderHL
NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsWarningFolderText NvimTreeDiagnosticWarnFolderHL
NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsInformationFolderText NvimTreeDiagnosticInfoFolderHL
NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsHintFolderText NvimTreeDiagnosticHintFolderHL
14 INDEX *nvim-tree-index*
14.1 INDEX: OPTS *nvim-tree-index-opts*
14.2 INDEX: API *nvim-tree-index-api*