feat!: remove obsolete TS* highlight groups

This commit is contained in:
Christian Clason 2022-10-16 14:52:15 +02:00 committed by Christian Clason
parent 4cccb6f494
commit 42ab95d5e1
8 changed files with 25 additions and 572 deletions

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ For more detailed information on setting these up, see ["Advanced setup"](#advan
## Requirements
- **Neovim 0.7.0 or later** built with **tree-sitter 0.20.3+** (latest [nightly](https://github.com/neovim/neovim#install-from-source) recommended)
- **Neovim 0.8.0 or later** built with **tree-sitter 0.20.3+** (latest [nightly](https://github.com/neovim/neovim#install-from-source) recommended)
- `tar` and `curl` in your path (or alternatively `git`)
- A C compiler in your path and libstdc++ installed ([Windows users please read this!](https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/wiki/Windows-support)).

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@ -476,307 +476,6 @@ Note: This is highly experimental, and folding can break on some types of
edits. If you encounter such breakage, hiting `zx` should fix folding.
In any case, feel free to open an issue with the reproducing steps.
HIGHLIGHTS *nvim-treesitter-highlights*
The following is a list of highlights groups, the syntactic elements they
apply to, and some examples.
Annotations that can be attached to the code to denote some kind of meta
information. e.g. C++/Dart attributes.
Boolean literals: `True` and `False` in Python.
Character literals: `'a'` in C.
Special characters.
Line comments and block comments.
Keywords related to conditionals: `if`, `when`, `cond`, etc.
Constants identifiers. These might not be semantically constant.
E.g. uppercase variables in Python.
Built-in constant values: `nil` in Lua.
Constants defined by macros: `NULL` in C.
Constructor calls and definitions: `{}` in Lua, and Java constructors.
Debugging statements.
Preprocessor #define statements.
Syntax/parser errors. This might highlight large sections of code while the
user is typing still incomplete code, use a sensible highlight.
Exception related keywords: `try`, `except`, `finally` in Python.
Object and struct fields.
Floating-point number literals.
Function definitions.
Function calls.
Built-in functions: `print` in Lua.
Macro defined functions (calls and definitions): each `macro_rules` in
File or module inclusion keywords: `#include` in C, `use` or `extern crate` in
Keywords that don't fit into other categories.
Keywords used to define a function: `function` in Lua, `def` and `lambda` in
Unary and binary operators that are English words: `and`, `or` in Python;
`sizeof` in C.
Keywords like `return` and `yield`.
GOTO labels: `label:` in C, and `::label::` in Lua.
Method definitions.
Method calls.
Identifiers referring to modules and namespaces.
No highlighting (sets all highlight arguments to `NONE`). This group is used
to clear certain ranges, for example, string interpolations. Don't change the
values of this highlight group.
Numeric literals that don't fit into other categories.
Binary or unary operators: `+`, and also `->` and `*` in C.
Parameters of a function.
References to parameters of a function.
Preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.
Same as `TSField`.
Punctuation delimiters: Periods, commas, semicolons, etc.
Brackets, braces, parentheses, etc.
Special punctuation that doesn't fit into the previous categories.
Keywords related to loops: `for`, `while`, etc.
Keywords that affect how a variable is stored: `static`, `comptime`, `extern`,
String literals.
Regular expression literals.
Escape characters within a string: `\n`, `\t`, etc.
Strings with special meaning that don't fit into the previous categories.
Identifiers referring to symbols or atoms.
Tags like HTML tag names.
HTML tag attributes.
Tag delimiters like `<` `>` `/`.
Non-structured text. Like text in a markup language.
Text to be represented in bold.
Text to be represented with emphasis.
Text to be represented with an underline.
Strikethrough text.
Text that is part of a title.
Literal or verbatim text.
URIs like hyperlinks or email addresses.
Math environments like LaTeX's `$ ... $`.
Footnotes, text references, citations, etc.
Text environments of markup languages.
Text/string indicating the type of text environment. Like the name of a
`\begin` block in LaTeX.
Text representation of an informational note.
Text representation of a warning note.
Text representation of a danger note.
Anything that needs extra attention, such as keywords like TODO or FIXME.
Type (and class) definitions and annotations.
Built-in types: `i32` in Rust.
Qualifiers on types, e.g. `const` or `volatile` in C or `mut` in Rust.
Type definitions, e.g. `typedef` in C.
Variable names that don't fit into other categories.
Variable names defined by the language: `this` or `self` in Javascript.
PERFORMANCE *nvim-treesitter-performance*

View file

@ -6,140 +6,6 @@ local configs = require "nvim-treesitter.configs"
local M = {}
-- nvim-treesitter Highlight Group Mappings
-- Note: Some highlight groups may not be applied upstream, some may be experimental
-- TODO(clason): deprecated and will be removed for Nvim 0.8
M.default_map = {
["annotation"] = "TSAnnotation",
["attribute"] = "TSAttribute",
["boolean"] = "TSBoolean",
["character"] = "TSCharacter",
["character.special"] = "TSCharacterSpecial",
["comment"] = "TSComment",
["conditional"] = "TSConditional",
["constant"] = "TSConstant",
["constant.builtin"] = "TSConstBuiltin",
["constant.macro"] = "TSConstMacro",
["constructor"] = "TSConstructor",
["debug"] = "TSDebug",
["define"] = "TSDefine",
["error"] = "TSError",
["exception"] = "TSException",
["field"] = "TSField",
["float"] = "TSFloat",
["function"] = "TSFunction",
["function.call"] = "TSFunctionCall",
["function.builtin"] = "TSFuncBuiltin",
["function.macro"] = "TSFuncMacro",
["include"] = "TSInclude",
["keyword"] = "TSKeyword",
["keyword.function"] = "TSKeywordFunction",
["keyword.operator"] = "TSKeywordOperator",
["keyword.return"] = "TSKeywordReturn",
["label"] = "TSLabel",
["method"] = "TSMethod",
["method.call"] = "TSMethodCall",
["namespace"] = "TSNamespace",
["none"] = "TSNone",
["number"] = "TSNumber",
["operator"] = "TSOperator",
["parameter"] = "TSParameter",
["parameter.reference"] = "TSParameterReference",
["preproc"] = "TSPreProc",
["property"] = "TSProperty",
["punctuation.delimiter"] = "TSPunctDelimiter",
["punctuation.bracket"] = "TSPunctBracket",
["punctuation.special"] = "TSPunctSpecial",
["repeat"] = "TSRepeat",
["storageclass"] = "TSStorageClass",
["string"] = "TSString",
["string.regex"] = "TSStringRegex",
["string.escape"] = "TSStringEscape",
["string.special"] = "TSStringSpecial",
["symbol"] = "TSSymbol",
["tag"] = "TSTag",
["tag.attribute"] = "TSTagAttribute",
["tag.delimiter"] = "TSTagDelimiter",
["text"] = "TSText",
["text.strong"] = "TSStrong",
["text.emphasis"] = "TSEmphasis",
["text.underline"] = "TSUnderline",
["text.strike"] = "TSStrike",
["text.title"] = "TSTitle",
["text.literal"] = "TSLiteral",
["text.uri"] = "TSURI",
["text.math"] = "TSMath",
["text.reference"] = "TSTextReference",
["text.environment"] = "TSEnvironment",
["text.environment.name"] = "TSEnvironmentName",
["text.note"] = "TSNote",
["text.warning"] = "TSWarning",
["text.danger"] = "TSDanger",
["todo"] = "TSTodo",
["type"] = "TSType",
["type.builtin"] = "TSTypeBuiltin",
["type.qualifier"] = "TSTypeQualifier",
["type.definition"] = "TSTypeDefinition",
["variable"] = "TSVariable",
["variable.builtin"] = "TSVariableBuiltin",
-- compatibility shim
local link_captures
if ts.highlighter.hl_map then
link_captures = function(capture, hlgroup)
ts.highlighter.hl_map[capture] = hlgroup
elseif not vim.g.skip_ts_default_groups then
link_captures = function(capture, hlgroup)
api.nvim_set_hl(0, "@" .. capture, { link = hlgroup, default = true })
local function link_all_captures()
if link_captures then
for capture, hlgroup in pairs(M.default_map) do
link_captures(capture, hlgroup)
local function should_enable_vim_regex(config, lang)
local additional_hl = config.additional_vim_regex_highlighting
local is_table = type(additional_hl) == "table"
@ -175,104 +41,4 @@ function M.detach(bufnr)
-- TODO(clason): remove obsolete function after bump to 0.8
function M.set_custom_captures(captures)
for capture, hlgroup in pairs(captures) do
link_captures(capture, hlgroup)
function M.set_default_hlgroups()
if not ts.highlighter.hl_map and not vim.g.skip_ts_default_groups then
local highlights = {
TSNone = { default = true },
TSPunctDelimiter = { link = "Delimiter", default = true },
TSPunctBracket = { link = "Delimiter", default = true },
TSPunctSpecial = { link = "Delimiter", default = true },
TSConstant = { link = "Constant", default = true },
TSConstBuiltin = { link = "Special", default = true },
TSConstMacro = { link = "Define", default = true },
TSString = { link = "String", default = true },
TSStringRegex = { link = "String", default = true },
TSStringEscape = { link = "SpecialChar", default = true },
TSStringSpecial = { link = "SpecialChar", default = true },
TSCharacter = { link = "Character", default = true },
TSCharacterSpecial = { link = "SpecialChar", default = true },
TSNumber = { link = "Number", default = true },
TSBoolean = { link = "Boolean", default = true },
TSFloat = { link = "Float", default = true },
TSFunction = { link = "Function", default = true },
TSFunctionCall = { link = "TSFunction", default = true },
TSFuncBuiltin = { link = "Special", default = true },
TSFuncMacro = { link = "Macro", default = true },
TSParameter = { link = "Identifier", default = true },
TSParameterReference = { link = "TSParameter", default = true },
TSMethod = { link = "Function", default = true },
TSMethodCall = { link = "TSMethod", default = true },
TSField = { link = "Identifier", default = true },
TSProperty = { link = "Identifier", default = true },
TSConstructor = { link = "Special", default = true },
TSAnnotation = { link = "PreProc", default = true },
TSAttribute = { link = "PreProc", default = true },
TSNamespace = { link = "Include", default = true },
TSSymbol = { link = "Identifier", default = true },
TSConditional = { link = "Conditional", default = true },
TSRepeat = { link = "Repeat", default = true },
TSLabel = { link = "Label", default = true },
TSOperator = { link = "Operator", default = true },
TSKeyword = { link = "Keyword", default = true },
TSKeywordFunction = { link = "Keyword", default = true },
TSKeywordOperator = { link = "TSOperator", default = true },
TSKeywordReturn = { link = "TSKeyword", default = true },
TSException = { link = "Exception", default = true },
TSDebug = { link = "Debug", default = true },
TSDefine = { link = "Define", default = true },
TSPreProc = { link = "PreProc", default = true },
TSStorageClass = { link = "StorageClass", default = true },
TSTodo = { link = "Todo", default = true },
TSType = { link = "Type", default = true },
TSTypeBuiltin = { link = "Type", default = true },
TSTypeQualifier = { link = "Type", default = true },
TSTypeDefinition = { link = "Typedef", default = true },
TSInclude = { link = "Include", default = true },
TSVariableBuiltin = { link = "Special", default = true },
TSText = { link = "TSNone", default = true },
TSStrong = { bold = true, default = true },
TSEmphasis = { italic = true, default = true },
TSUnderline = { underline = true },
TSStrike = { strikethrough = true },
TSMath = { link = "Special", default = true },
TSTextReference = { link = "Constant", default = true },
TSEnvironment = { link = "Macro", default = true },
TSEnvironmentName = { link = "Type", default = true },
TSTitle = { link = "Title", default = true },
TSLiteral = { link = "String", default = true },
TSURI = { link = "Underlined", default = true },
TSComment = { link = "Comment", default = true },
TSNote = { link = "SpecialComment", default = true },
TSWarning = { link = "Todo", default = true },
TSDanger = { link = "WarningMsg", default = true },
TSTag = { link = "Label", default = true },
TSTagDelimiter = { link = "Delimiter", default = true },
TSTagAttribute = { link = "TSProperty", default = true },
for k, v in pairs(highlights) do
api.nvim_set_hl(0, k, v)
return M

View file

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ vim.g.loaded_nvim_treesitter = true
local api = vim.api
local highlight = require "nvim-treesitter.highlight"
-- define autocommands
local augroup = api.nvim_create_augroup("NvimTreesitter", {})
@ -33,12 +32,3 @@ api.nvim_create_autocmd("Filetype", {
desc = "Reload query",
api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorScheme", {
group = augroup,
callback = highlight.set_default_hlgroups,
desc = "Set default highlights",
-- define highlights

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
auto main( int argc, char** argv ) -> int
// ^ parameter
// ^ type
// ^ TSType
// ^ type
// ^ operator
std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;

View file

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
local a = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
-- ^ TSNumber ^ TSPunctBracket
-- ^ TSVariable
-- ^ number ^ punctuation.bracket
-- ^ variable
local _ = next(a)
-- ^ TSFuncBuiltin
-- ^ TSKeyword
-- ^ function.builtin
-- ^ keyword
_ = next(a)
-- ^ TSFuncBuiltin
-- ^ function.builtin
-- ^ TSFuncBuiltin
-- ^ function.builtin

View file

@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
# H1
<!-- <- TSPunctSpecial -->
<!-- <- punctuation.special -->
## H2
<!-- <- TSPunctSpecial -->
<!-- <- punctuation.special -->
- Item 1
- Item 2
<!-- <- TSPunctSpecial -->
<!-- <- punctuation.special -->
1. Item 1
2. Item 2
<!-- <- TSPunctSpecial -->
<!-- <- punctuation.special -->
----![image_description](https://example.com/image.jpg "awesome image title")
<!-- ^ TSTextReference -->
<!-- ^ TSURI -->
<!-- ^ TSLiteral -->
<!--^ TSPunctDelimiter -->
<!-- ^ TSPunctDelimiter -->
<!-- //TODO: currently disabled TSPunctDelimiter -->
<!-- ^ text.reference -->
<!-- ^ text.uri -->
<!-- ^ text.literal -->
<!--^ punctuation.delimiter -->
<!-- ^ punctuation.delimiter -->
<!-- //TODO: currently disabled punctuation.delimiter -->
[link_text](#local_reference "link go brr...")
<!-- ^ TSTextReference -->
<!-- ^ TSURI -->
<!-- ^ TSLiteral -->
<!-- <- TSPunctDelimiter -->
<!-- //TODO: currently disabled TSPunctDelimiter -->
<!-- ^ text.reference -->
<!-- ^ text.uri -->
<!-- ^ text.literal -->
<!-- <- punctuation.delimiter -->
<!-- //TODO: currently disabled punctuation.delimiter -->

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
local ts_highlight = require "nvim-treesitter.highlight" -- yes, this is necessary to set the hlmap
local highlighter = require "vim.treesitter.highlighter"
local ts_utils = require "nvim-treesitter.ts_utils"
local parsers = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers"
@ -72,8 +71,7 @@ local function check_assertions(file)
local c = query._query.captures[capture] -- name of the capture in the query
if c ~= nil and c ~= "spell" and c ~= "conceal" then
captures[c] = true
local general_hl = ts_highlight.default_map[c]
highlights[general_hl] = true
highlights[c] = true