Ulices 20921d33c6
feat: add desktop environment and window manager categories with icons (#438)
* feat: add icons for some desktop environments

Fix #432

* feat: add icons for some window managers

Fix #432

* feat: include DE & WM icons on "Hi" test

* feat: update script to generate light colors
2024-04-08 09:54:51 +10:00

206 lines
6.9 KiB

-- Plugin lifepillar/vim-colortemplate must be available on &runtimepath
-- The current working directory must be set to the repo root
-- IMPORTANT: the `cterm_color` key must always be below the `color` key of the
-- same icon. Currently they are.
-- This file should be run from the shell with `make colors`
local fn = vim.fn
--- Exit vim
--- @param msg string
--- @param rc number
local function error_exit(msg, rc)
print(msg .. "\n")
vim.cmd("cq " .. rc)
if not jit then
error_exit("Neovim must be LuaJIT-enabled to source this script", 1)
if fn.filereadable "lua/nvim-web-devicons.lua" == 0 then
error_exit("lua/nvim-web-devicons.lua not found", 1)
local rc, err = pcall(vim.fn["colortemplate#colorspace#approx"], "#000000")
if not rc then
error_exit(err .. "\nlifepillar/vim-colortemplate not present in &runtimepath '" .. vim.o.runtimepath .. "'", 1)
-- Needed in order to have the correct indentation on line insertion
vim.o.autoindent = true
-- Local functions
local light78 = 255 * 7 / 8
local light68 = 255 * 6 / 8
local light58 = 255 * 5 / 8
local light12 = 255 / 2
local light13 = 255 / 3
local function darken_color(rrggbb)
local r, g, b = rrggbb:match "%#(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)"
r, g, b = tonumber("0x" .. r), tonumber("0x" .. g), tonumber("0x" .. b)
-- luminance formula: see https://stackoverflow.com/a/596243
local lum = 0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b
if lum < light13 then -------------------- darkest tertile
return rrggbb
elseif lum < light12 then ---------------- second darkest quartile
r = bit.tohex(r / 4 * 3):sub(-2)
g = bit.tohex(g / 4 * 3):sub(-2)
b = bit.tohex(b / 4 * 3):sub(-2)
elseif lum < light58 then ---------------- lightest octiles: first
r = bit.tohex(r / 3 * 2):sub(-2)
g = bit.tohex(g / 3 * 2):sub(-2)
b = bit.tohex(b / 3 * 2):sub(-2)
elseif lum < light68 then ---------------- lightest octiles: second
r = bit.tohex(r / 2):sub(-2)
g = bit.tohex(g / 2):sub(-2)
b = bit.tohex(b / 2):sub(-2)
elseif lum < light78 then ---------------- lightest octiles: third
r = bit.tohex(r / 3):sub(-2)
g = bit.tohex(g / 3):sub(-2)
b = bit.tohex(b / 3):sub(-2)
else ------------------------------------- lightest octile
r = bit.tohex(r / 5):sub(-2)
g = bit.tohex(g / 5):sub(-2)
b = bit.tohex(b / 5):sub(-2)
return string.format("#%s%s%s", r, g, b)
local function update_cterm_colors()
-- move to first line
vim.cmd ":1"
local last = 0
while true do
local cur = fn.search "^\\s*color ="
if cur < last then
last = cur
local color = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line():match "%#......"
local cterm_color = fn["colortemplate#colorspace#approx"](color).index
if fn.search "^\\s*cterm_color" == cur + 1 then
vim.cmd(string.format("s/=.*/= %q,", cterm_color))
vim.cmd.normal(string.format("octerm_color = %q,", cterm_color))
local function generate_lines()
local start = fn.line "." - 1
fn.search "^}"
local finish = fn.line "."
local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(fn.bufnr(), start, finish, true)
for i = 1, #lines do
if lines[i]:find "^%s*color =" then
local rrggbb = lines[i]:match '"(#%x%x%x%x%x%x)"'
if not rrggbb then
error_exit(string.format("invalid color at line %s: '%s'", i, lines[i]), 1)
lines[i] = lines[i]:gsub(rrggbb, darken_color)
table.insert(lines, "")
return lines
-- Generate file with icons for light backgrounds
if fn.filereadable "lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-default.lua" == 0 then
error_exit("lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-default.lua not found", 1)
vim.cmd "noswapfile drop lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-default.lua"
print "Generating file with icons for light backgrounds..."
-- move to first line
vim.cmd ":1"
-- first table
if fn.search("^local icons_by_filename", "c") == 0 then
error_exit("Table 'icons_by_filename' not found in lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-default.lua", 1)
local lines = generate_lines()
-- second table
if fn.search("^local icons_by_file_extension", "c") == 0 then
error_exit("Table 'icons_by_file_extension' not found in lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-default.lua", 1)
local lines2 = generate_lines()
-- third table
if fn.search("^local icons_by_operating_system", "c") == 0 then
error_exit("Table 'icons_by_operating_system' not found in lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-default.lua", 1)
local lines3 = generate_lines()
-- fourth table
if fn.search("^local icons_by_desktop_environment", "c") == 0 then
error_exit("Table 'icons_by_desktop_environment' not found in lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-default.lua", 1)
local lines4 = generate_lines()
-- fifth table
if fn.search("^local icons_by_window_manager", "c") == 0 then
error_exit("Table 'icons_by_window_manager' not found in lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-default.lua", 1)
local lines5 = generate_lines()
table.insert(lines5, "return {")
table.insert(lines5, " icons_by_filename = icons_by_filename,")
table.insert(lines5, " icons_by_file_extension = icons_by_file_extension,")
table.insert(lines5, " icons_by_operating_system = icons_by_operating_system,")
table.insert(lines5, " icons_by_desktop_environment = icons_by_desktop_environment,")
table.insert(lines5, " icons_by_window_manager = icons_by_window_manager,")
table.insert(lines5, "}")
-- write both tables to file
fn.writefile(lines, "lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-light.lua")
fn.writefile(lines2, "lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-light.lua", "a")
fn.writefile(lines3, "lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-light.lua", "a")
fn.writefile(lines4, "lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-light.lua", "a")
fn.writefile(lines5, "lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-light.lua", "a")
print "Finished creating new file!"
-- Update cterm colors for dark background
print "Generating cterm colors for dark background...\n"
vim.cmd "wall!"
print "Finished!"
-- Generate cterm colors for light background
if fn.filereadable "lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-light.lua" == 0 then
error_exit("lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-light.lua not found", 1)
vim.cmd "noswapfile drop lua/nvim-web-devicons/icons-light.lua"
print "Generating cterm colors for light background...\n"
vim.cmd ":1"
vim.cmd "wall!"
print "Finished!\n"