feat(elm): Add elm queries

This commit is contained in:
Tom Nunn 2023-11-07 11:00:20 +00:00 committed by Alejandro Sanchez
parent a5e8fb4960
commit 9492c13ca9
2 changed files with 114 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
"(" @delimiter
")" @delimiter @sentinel) @container
"(" @delimiter
")" @delimiter @sentinel) @container
"(" @delimiter
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"(" @delimiter
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"}" @delimiter @sentinel) @container
"{" @delimiter
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"(" @delimiter
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"[" @delimiter
"]" @delimiter @sentinel) @container

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
module Regular exposing (CustomType(..))
import Browser exposing (UrlRequest(..))
import Url.Parser exposing ((</>), (<?>))
type CustomType a
= CustomType a
type alias NestedRecordOfCustomType a =
{ a : ( Int, List (Maybe ( Int, CustomType a )) )
, b : ( Int, { c : CustomType a } )
, d : { f : { g : String } }
nestedTypeExpr : Int -> (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> (Int -> Int))
nestedTypeExpr x y =
\z -> y
nestedListPatternFunction : List (List ( Int, List ( Int, String ) )) -> List ( String, Int )
nestedListPatternFunction list =
List.concatMap (\( _, strings ) -> List.map (\( a, b ) -> ( b, a )) strings) (List.concat list)
unwrapCustomType : { b | c : Int } -> CustomType (CustomType { a : Int }) -> Int
unwrapCustomType { c } (CustomType (CustomType ({ a } as b))) =
(a + (c * 1)) * (a - (a + (b.a * 1)))
patternMatchNestedListOfRecords : List (List (NestedRecordOfCustomType Int)) -> Maybe (List (List (NestedRecordOfCustomType Int)))
patternMatchNestedListOfRecords list =
case [ list ] of
[ [ [ { a, b } ] ] ] ->
case ( a, b ) of
( ( 1, [ Just ( 1, ct ) ] ), ( 2, { c } ) ) ->
[ [ { a = ( 1, [ Just ( 1, c ) ] )
, b = ( 2, { c = ct } )
, d = { f = { g = "test" } }
_ ->
_ ->