This commit is contained in:
LordMZTE 2024-01-13 19:20:48 +01:00
commit a5f7d377fd
Signed by: LordMZTE
GPG key ID: B64802DC33A64FF6
5 changed files with 416 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

build.zig Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const zenolith_dep = b.dependency("zenolith", .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize });
const zenolith_sdl2_dep = b.dependency("zenolith_sdl2", .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize });
inline for (.{ "themeswitcher", "counter" }) |name| {
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = name,
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/" ++ name ++ ".zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("zenolith", zenolith_dep.module("zenolith"));
exe.root_module.addImport("zenolith-sdl2", zenolith_sdl2_dep.module("zenolith-sdl2"));
const run_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(exe);
if (b.args) |args| run_cmd.addArgs(args);
const run_step = b.step("run-" ++ name, "Run the " ++ name ++ " example");

build.zig.zon Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
.name = "zenolith-exmaples",
.version = "0.0.0",
.dependencies = .{
// Make sure this is the same version as the one used by zenolith-sdl2.
// See:
.zenolith = .{
.url = "git+",
.hash = "1220b709a856fe648fd5be6351b319d3626b3e368062d301e666a969032121b5ecde",
.zenolith_sdl2 = .{
.url = "git+",
.hash = "1220e3161064d9eae555ae33e74e0d0bcd07daa9a70b9052dd4094451f4b27ac2e2a",
.paths = .{""},

src/counter.zig Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
const std = @import("std");
const zl = @import("zenolith");
const zsdl2 = @import("zenolith-sdl2");
pub const zenolith_options = struct {
// Register zenolith-sdl2 platform and painter implementations.
// This is required as Zenolith builds a statspatch type from these.
// See:
pub const platform_impls = [_]type{zsdl2.Sdl2Platform};
pub const painter_impls = [_]type{zsdl2.Sdl2Painter};
// Register widget implementations: builtin implementations and our Root widget.
pub const widget_impls = zl.default_widget_impls ++ [_]type{Root};
// Enable to draw debug information.
//pub const debug_render = true;
/// Our root widget type. Most functions in here will be invoked by Zenolith.
const Root = struct {
// We use this box as our only child widget. It will contain our buttons and a label.
box: *zl.widget.Widget,
// These aren't immediate children, we just save them have to be able to easily reference them.
// Zenolith will take care of freeing these.
sub_btn: *zl.widget.Widget,
label: *zl.widget.Widget,
add_btn: *zl.widget.Widget,
counter: i32,
pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !*zl.widget.Widget {
const vbox = try zl.widget.Box.init(alloc, .vertical);
errdefer vbox.deinit();
try vbox.addChild(null, try zl.widget.Label.init(alloc, "A simple counter example."));
try vbox.addChild(null, try zl.widget.Label.init(alloc, "Use the '+' and '-' buttons to change the counter!"));
try vbox.addChild(null, try zl.widget.Spacer.init(alloc, .{ .fixed = .{ .width = 0, .height = 20 } }));
const hbox = try zl.widget.Box.init(alloc, .horizontal);
const sub_btn = try zl.widget.Button.init(alloc, "-");
try hbox.addChild(null, sub_btn); // null => append to end
// Add a spacer with a flex-expand of 1. This works somewhat like
// (but not completely identical to) CSS.
try hbox.addChild(null, try zl.widget.Spacer.init(alloc, .{ .flex = 1 }));
const label = try zl.widget.Label.init(alloc, "0");
try hbox.addChild(null, label);
try hbox.addChild(null, try zl.widget.Spacer.init(alloc, .{ .flex = 1 }));
const add_btn = try zl.widget.Button.init(alloc, "+");
try hbox.addChild(null, add_btn);
try vbox.addChild(null, hbox);
try vbox.addChild(null, try zl.widget.Spacer.init(alloc, .{ .flex = 1 }));
try vbox.addChild(null, try zl.widget.Label.init(alloc, "Hint: also try the plus and minus keys or tab + space!"));
const self = Root{
.box = vbox,
.sub_btn = sub_btn,
.label = label,
.add_btn = add_btn,
.counter = 0,
return try zl.widget.Widget.init(alloc, self);
/// This is called by Zenolith whenever a treevent is fired on our widget tree.
/// We'll handle a few ones, and simply call the default dispatcher on others.
pub fn treevent(self: *Root, selfw: *zl.widget.Widget, tv: anytype) !void {
switch (@TypeOf(tv)) {
// The LayoutSize treevent is fired when a layout path is being done on the Widget tree.
// We'll simply let the Box do it's layout and use the exact same size.
// We force box to use the maximum available size (= the window's size),
// so it takes up all space.
zl.treevent.LayoutSize => {
var tvv = tv;
tvv.constraints = zl.layout.Constraints.tight(tv.constraints.max);
try; =;
// This event is fired when a letter is typed.
*zl.treevent.CharType => {
// Dispatch the key event to children first...
try tv.dispatch(selfw);
// If no child handled it, and it's a press event..
if (!tv.handled) {
// ... update the counter accordingly
switch (tv.codepoint) {
'+' => {
self.counter +%= 1;
try self.updateLabel();
'-' => {
self.counter -%= 1;
try self.updateLabel();
else => {},
else => try tv.dispatch(selfw),
/// Called upon this widget receiving a backevent. Backevents are events which travel the
/// widget tree upwards. Buttons emit the ButtonActivated backevent upon being clicked.
pub fn backevent(self: *Root, selfw: *zl.widget.Widget, be: zl.backevent.Backevent) !void {
if (be.downcast(zl.backevent.ButtonActivated)) |ba| {
if (ba.btn_widget == self.add_btn) {
self.counter +%= 1;
} else if (ba.btn_widget == self.sub_btn) {
self.counter -%= 1;
try self.updateLabel();
} else {
// Dispatch other backevents.
try be.dispatch(selfw);
/// This function is required so Zenolith can operate on our child widgets.
pub fn children(self: *Root, selfw: *zl.widget.Widget) []const *zl.widget.Widget {
_ = selfw;
return @as([*]const *zl.widget.Widget, @ptrCast(&[0..1];
fn updateLabel(self: *Root) !void {
// update label text
var buf: [64]u8 = undefined;
try self.label.downcast(zl.widget.Label).?.span.?.updateGlyphs(.{
.text = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&buf, "{}", .{self.counter}),
pub fn main() !void {
const alloc = std.heap.c_allocator;
// Initialize the SDL2 platform.
var platform = try zsdl2.Sdl2Platform.init(.{ .alloc = alloc });
defer platform.deinit();
// Use the platform to create a font. Font discovery will be supported in a future version.
var font = zl.text.Font.create(try platform.createFont(.{
.source = .{ .path = "/usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf" },
}), {});
defer font.deinit();
// Create statspatch-based platform type for use by platform-agnostic code.
var zplatf = zl.platform.Platform.create(platform, .{});
const root = try Root.init(alloc);
defer root.deinit();
// Create an AttreebuteMap for the root widget.
// Attreebutes are tree-bound attributes, which are inherited to child widgets.
// They're backed by a type-indexed map (think ECS).
var attrs = zl.attreebute.AttreebuteMap.init();
errdefer attrs.deinit(alloc);
// This is required by various widgets in order to render text.
(try attrs.mod(alloc, zl.attreebute.CurrentFont)).* = .{ .font = &font };
// This sets a variety of theming-related attributes to the builtin catppuccin mocha theme.
try zl.Theme.catppuccin_mocha.apply(alloc, &attrs); = attrs;
// This links the widget tree (ie. correctly sets parent pointers and updates the platform).
// Some widgets also do initialization here.
try, &zplatf);
// Run the main event loop until the application is closed;

src/themeswitcher.zig Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
const std = @import("std");
const zl = @import("zenolith");
const zsdl2 = @import("zenolith-sdl2");
pub const zenolith_options = struct {
// Register zenolith-sdl2 platform and painter implementations.
// This is required as Zenolith builds a statspatch type from these.
// See:
pub const platform_impls = [_]type{zsdl2.Sdl2Platform};
pub const painter_impls = [_]type{zsdl2.Sdl2Painter};
// Register widget implementations: builtin implementations and our Root widget.
pub const widget_impls = zl.default_widget_impls ++ [_]type{Root};
// Enable to draw debug information.
//pub const debug_render = true;
/// Our root widget type. Most functions in here will be invoked by Zenolith.
const Root = struct {
// We use this box as our only child widget. It will contain our buttons and a label.
box: *zl.widget.Widget,
// These aren't immediate children, we just save them have to be able to easily reference them.
// Zenolith will take care of freeing these.
label: *zl.widget.Widget,
latte_btn: *zl.widget.Widget,
frappe_btn: *zl.widget.Widget,
macchiato_btn: *zl.widget.Widget,
mocha_btn: *zl.widget.Widget,
pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !*zl.widget.Widget {
const vbox = try zl.widget.Box.init(alloc, .vertical);
errdefer vbox.deinit();
try vbox.addChild(null, try zl.widget.Label.init(alloc, "An example demonstrating theming in Zenolith."));
try vbox.addChild(null, try zl.widget.Label.init(alloc, "Use the buttons below to change the theme!"));
try vbox.addChild(null, try zl.widget.Spacer.init(alloc, .{ .fixed = .{ .width = 0, .height = 20 } }));
const label = try zl.widget.Label.init(alloc, "Current Theme: Mocha");
try vbox.addChild(null, label);
try vbox.addChild(null, try zl.widget.Spacer.init(alloc, .{ .fixed = .{ .width = 0, .height = 20 } }));
const hbox = try zl.widget.Box.init(alloc, .horizontal);
const latte_btn = try zl.widget.Button.init(alloc, "Latte");
const frappe_btn = try zl.widget.Button.init(alloc, "Frappe");
const macchiato_btn = try zl.widget.Button.init(alloc, "Macchiato");
const mocha_btn = try zl.widget.Button.init(alloc, "Mocha");
try hbox.addChild(null, latte_btn);
try hbox.addChild(null, try zl.widget.Spacer.init(alloc, .{ .flex = 1 }));
try hbox.addChild(null, frappe_btn);
try hbox.addChild(null, try zl.widget.Spacer.init(alloc, .{ .flex = 1 }));
try hbox.addChild(null, macchiato_btn);
try hbox.addChild(null, try zl.widget.Spacer.init(alloc, .{ .flex = 1 }));
try hbox.addChild(null, mocha_btn);
try vbox.addChild(null, hbox);
const self = Root{
.box = vbox,
.label = label,
.latte_btn = latte_btn,
.frappe_btn = frappe_btn,
.macchiato_btn = macchiato_btn,
.mocha_btn = mocha_btn,
return try zl.widget.Widget.init(alloc, self);
/// This is called by Zenolith whenever a treevent is fired on our widget tree.
/// We'll handle a few ones, and simply call the default dispatcher on others.
pub fn treevent(self: *Root, selfw: *zl.widget.Widget, tv: anytype) !void {
switch (@TypeOf(tv)) {
// The LayoutSize treevent is fired when a layout path is being done on the Widget tree.
// We'll simply let the Box do it's layout and use the exact same size.
// We force box to use the maximum available size (= the window's size),
// so it takes up all space.
zl.treevent.LayoutSize => {
var tvv = tv;
tvv.constraints = zl.layout.Constraints.tight(tv.constraints.max);
try; =;
else => try tv.dispatch(selfw),
/// Called upon this widget receiving a backevent. Backevents are events which travel the
/// widget tree upwards. Buttons emit the ButtonActivated backevent upon being clicked.
pub fn backevent(self: *Root, selfw: *zl.widget.Widget, be: zl.backevent.Backevent) !void {
if (be.downcast(zl.backevent.ButtonActivated)) |ba| {
const theme = if (ba.btn_widget == self.latte_btn)
else if (ba.btn_widget == self.frappe_btn)
else if (ba.btn_widget == self.macchiato_btn)
else if (ba.btn_widget == self.mocha_btn)
try theme.apply(, &;
const text = if (ba.btn_widget == self.latte_btn)
else if (ba.btn_widget == self.frappe_btn)
else if (ba.btn_widget == self.macchiato_btn)
else if (ba.btn_widget == self.mocha_btn)
// update label text
var buf: [64]u8 = undefined;
try self.label.downcast(zl.widget.Label).?.span.?.updateGlyphs(.{
.text = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&buf, "Active Theme: {s}", .{text}),
} else {
// Dispatch other backevents.
try be.dispatch(selfw);
/// This function is required so Zenolith can operate on our child widgets.
pub fn children(self: *Root, selfw: *zl.widget.Widget) []const *zl.widget.Widget {
_ = selfw;
return @as([*]const *zl.widget.Widget, @ptrCast(&[0..1];
pub fn main() !void {
const alloc = std.heap.c_allocator;
// Initialize the SDL2 platform.
var platform = try zsdl2.Sdl2Platform.init(.{ .alloc = alloc });
defer platform.deinit();
// Use the platform to create a font. Font discovery will be supported in a future version.
var font = zl.text.Font.create(try platform.createFont(.{
.source = .{ .path = "/usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf" },
}), {});
defer font.deinit();
// Create statspatch-based platform type for use by platform-agnostic code.
var zplatf = zl.platform.Platform.create(platform, .{});
const root = try Root.init(alloc);
defer root.deinit();
// Create an AttreebuteMap for the root widget.
// Attreebutes are tree-bound attributes, which are inherited to child widgets.
// They're backed by a type-indexed map (think ECS).
var attrs = zl.attreebute.AttreebuteMap.init();
errdefer attrs.deinit(alloc);
// This is required by various widgets in order to render text.
(try attrs.mod(alloc, zl.attreebute.CurrentFont)).* = .{ .font = &font };
// This sets a variety of theming-related attributes to the builtin catppuccin mocha theme.
try zl.Theme.catppuccin_mocha.apply(alloc, &attrs); = attrs;
// This links the widget tree (ie. correctly sets parent pointers and updates the platform).
// Some widgets also do initialization here.
try, &zplatf);
// Run the main event loop until the application is closed;