2024-09-12 20:30:31 +02:00

3934 lines
144 KiB

__ ____
/\ \ /\ _`\ __
\ \ \ __ __ __ \ \,\L\_\ ___ /\_\ _____
\ \ \ __/\ \/\ \ /'__`\\/_\__ \ /' _ `\/\ \/\ '__`\
\ \ \L\ \ \ \_\ \/\ \L\.\_/\ \L\ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \L\ \
\ \____/\ \____/\ \__/.\_\ `\____\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \ ,__/
\/___/ \/___/ \/__/\/_/\/_____/\/_/\/_/\/_/\ \ \/
\ \_\
LuaSnip is a snippet engine written entirely in Lua. It has some great
features like inserting text (`luasnip-function-node`) or nodes
(`luasnip-dynamic-node`) based on user input, parsing LSP syntax and switching
nodes (`luasnip-choice-node`).
For basic setup like mappings and installing, check the README.
All code snippets in this help assume the following:
local ls = require("luasnip")
local s = ls.snippet
local sn = ls.snippet_node
local isn = ls.indent_snippet_node
local t = ls.text_node
local i = ls.insert_node
local f = ls.function_node
local c = ls.choice_node
local d = ls.dynamic_node
local r = ls.restore_node
local events = require("")
local ai = require("luasnip.nodes.absolute_indexer")
local extras = require("luasnip.extras")
local l = extras.lambda
local rep = extras.rep
local p = extras.partial
local m = extras.match
local n = extras.nonempty
local dl = extras.dynamic_lambda
local fmt = require("luasnip.extras.fmt").fmt
local fmta = require("luasnip.extras.fmt").fmta
local conds = require("luasnip.extras.expand_conditions")
local postfix = require("luasnip.extras.postfix").postfix
local types = require("luasnip.util.types")
local parse = require("luasnip.util.parser").parse_snippet
local ms = ls.multi_snippet
local k = require("luasnip.nodes.key_indexer").new_key
As noted in the [Loaders-Lua](#lua)-section:
> By default, the names from [`luasnip.config.snip_env`][snip-env-src] will be used, but it's possible to customize them by setting `snip_env` in `setup`.
Furthermore, note that while this document assumes you have defined `ls` to be `require("luasnip")`, it is **not** provided in the default set of variables.
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Note: the source code of snippets in GIFs is actually
and it's slightly different from the code below.
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# Basics
In LuaSnip, snippets are made up of `nodes`. These can contain either
- static text (`textNode`)
- text that can be edited (`insertNode`)
- text that can be generated from the contents of other nodes (`functionNode`)
- other nodes
- `choiceNode`: allows choosing between two nodes (which might contain more
- `restoreNode`: store and restore input to nodes
- or nodes that can be generated based on input (`dynamicNode`).
Snippets are always created using the `s(trigger:string, nodes:table)`-function.
It is explained in more detail in [Snippets](#snippets), but the gist is that
it creates a snippet that contains the nodes specified in `nodes`, which will be
inserted into a buffer if the text before the cursor matches `trigger` when
`ls.expand` is called.
## Jump-Index
Nodes that can be jumped to (`insertNode`, `choiceNode`, `dynamicNode`,
`restoreNode`, `snippetNode`) all require a "jump-index" so luasnip knows the
order in which these nodes are supposed to be visited ("jumped to").
s("trig", {
i(1), t"text", i(2), t"text again", i(3)
These indices don't "run" through the entire snippet, like they do in
textmate-snippets (`"$1 ${2: $3 $4}"`), they restart at 1 in each nested
s("trig", {
i(1), t" ", sn(2, {
t" ", i(1), t" ", i(2)
(roughly equivalent to the given textmate-snippet).
## Adding Snippets
The snippets for a given filetype have to be added to luasnip via
`ls.add_snippets(filetype, snippets)`. Snippets that should be accessible
globally (in all filetypes) have to be added to the special filetype `all`.
ls.add_snippets("all", {
s("ternary", {
-- equivalent to "${1:cond} ? ${2:then} : ${3:else}"
i(1, "cond"), t(" ? "), i(2, "then"), t(" : "), i(3, "else")
It is possible to make snippets from one filetype available to another using
`ls.filetype_extend`, more info on that in the section [API](#api-2).
## Snippet Insertion
When a new snippet is expanded, it can be connected with the snippets that have
already been expanded in the buffer in various ways.
First of all, Luasnip distinguishes between root-snippets and child-snippets.
The latter are nested inside other snippets, so when jumping through a snippet,
one may also traverse the child-snippets expanded inside it, more or less as if
the child just contains more nodes of the parent.
Root-snippets are of course characterised by not being child-snippets.
When expanding a new snippet, it becomes a child of the snippet whose region it
is expanded inside, and a root if it is not inside any snippet's region.
If it is inside another snippet, the specific node it is inside is determined,
and the snippet then nested inside that node.
* If that node is interactive (for example, an `insertNode`), the new snippet
will be traversed when the node is visited, as long as the
configuration-option `link_children` is enabled. If it is not enabled, it is
possible to jump from the snippet to the node, but not the other way around.
* If that node is not interactive, the snippet will be linked to the currently
active node, also such that it will not be jumped to again once it is left.
This is to prevent jumping large distances across the buffer as much as
possible. There may still be one large jump from the snippet back to the
current node it is nested inside, but that seems hard to avoid.
Thus, one should design snippets such that the regions where other snippets
may be expanded are inside `insertNodes`.
If the snippet is not a child, but a root, it can be linked up with the roots
immediately adjacent to it by enabling `link_roots` in `setup`.
Since by default only one root is remembered, one should also set `keep_roots`
if `link_roots` is enabled. The two are separate options, since roots that are
not linked can still be reached by `ls.activate_node()`. This setup (remember
roots, but don't jump to them) is useful for a super-tab like mapping (`<Tab>`
and jump on the same key), where one would like to still enter previous roots.
Since there would almost always be more jumps if the roots are linked, regular
`<Tab>` would not work almost all the time, and thus `link_roots` has to stay
# Node
Every node accepts, as its last parameter, an optional table of arguments.
There are some common ones (which are listed here), and some that only apply to
some nodes (`user_args` for function/dynamicNode). These `opts` are
only mentioned if they accept options that are not common to all nodes.
Common opts:
* `node_ext_opts` and `merge_node_ext_opts`: Control `ext_opts` (most likely
highlighting) of the node. Described in detail in [ext_opts](#ext_opts)
* `key`: The node can be referred to by this key. Useful for either [Key
Indexer](#key-indexer) or for finding the node at runtime (See
[Snippets-api](#snippets-api)), for example inside a `dynamicNode`. The keys
do not have to be unique across the entire lifetime of the snippet, but at any
point in time, the snippet may contain each key only once. This means it is
fine to return a keyed node from a `dynamicNode`, because even if it will be
generated multiple times, those will not be valid at the same time.
* `node_callbacks`: Define event-callbacks for this node (see
Accepts a table that maps an event, e.g. `events.enter` to the callback
(essentially the same as `callbacks` passed to `s`, only that there is no
first mapping from jump-index to the table of callbacks).
## Api
- `get_jump_index()`: this method returns the jump-index of a node. If a node
doesn't have a jump-index, this method returns `nil` instead.
- `get_buf_position(opts) -> {from_position, to_position}`:
Determines the range of the buffer occupied by this node. `from`- and
`to_position` are `row,column`-tuples, `0,0`-indexed (first line is 0, first
column is 0) and end-inclusive (see `:h api-indexing`, this is extmarks
- `opts`: `table|nil`, options, valid keys are:
- `raw`: `bool`, default `true`. This can be used to switch between
byte-columns (`raw=true`) and visual columns (`raw=false`). This makes a
difference if the line contains characters represented by multiple bytes
in UTF, for example `ÿ`.
# Snippets
The most direct way to define snippets is `s`:
s({trig="trigger"}, {})
(This snippet is useless beyond serving as a minimal example)
`s(context, nodes, opts) -> snippet`
- `context`: Either table or a string. Passing a string is equivalent to passing
trig = context
The following keys are valid:
- `trig`: string, the trigger of the snippet. If the text in front of (to the
left of) the cursor when `ls.expand()` is called matches it, the snippet
will be expanded.
By default, "matches" means the text in front of the cursor matches the
trigger exactly, this behaviour can be modified through `trigEngine`
- `name`: string, can be used by e.g. `nvim-compe` to identify the snippet.
- `desc` (or `dscr`): string, description of the snippet, \n-separated or table
for multiple lines.
- `wordTrig`: boolean, if true, the snippet is only expanded if the word
(`[%w_]+`) before the cursor matches the trigger entirely.
True by default.
- `regTrig`: boolean, whether the trigger should be interpreted as a
lua pattern. False by default.
Consider setting `trigEngine` to `"pattern"` instead, it is more expressive,
and in line with other settings.
- `trigEngine`: (function|string), determines how `trig` is interpreted, and
what it means for it to "match" the text in front of the cursor.
This behaviour can be completely customized by passing a function, but the
predefined ones, which are accessible by passing their identifier, should
suffice in most cases:
* `"plain"`: the default-behaviour, the trigger has to match the text before
the cursor exactly.
* `"pattern"`: the trigger is interpreted as a lua-pattern, and is a match if
`trig .. "$"` matches the line up to the cursor. Capture-groups will be
accessible as `snippet.captures`.
* `"ecma"`: the trigger is interpreted as an ECMAscript-regex, and is a
match if `trig .. "$"` matches the line up to the cursor. Capture-groups
will be accessible as `snippet.captures`.
This `trigEngine` requires `jsregexp` (see
[lsp-snippets-transformations](#transformations)) to be installed, if it
is not, this engine will behave like `"plain"`.
* `"vim"`: the trigger is interpreted as a vim-regex, and is a match if
`trig .. "$"` matches the line up to the cursor. As with the other
regex/pattern-engines, captures will be available as `snippet.captures`,
but there is one caveat: the matching is done using `matchlist`, so for
now empty-string submatches will be interpreted as unmatched, and the
corresponding `snippet.capture[i]` will be `nil` (this will most likely
change, don't rely on this behavior).
Besides these predefined engines, it is also possible to create new ones:
Instead of a string, pass a function which satisfies
`trigEngine(trigger, opts) -> (matcher(line_to_cursor, trigger) ->
whole_match, captures)`
(ie. the function receives `trig` and `trigEngineOpts` can, for example,
precompile a regex, and then returns a function responsible for determining
whether the current cursor-position (represented by the line up to the
cursor) matches the trigger (it is passed again here so engines which don't
do any trigger-specific work (like compilation) can just return a static
`matcher`), and what the capture-groups are).
The `lua`-engine, for example, can be implemented like this:
local function matcher(line_to_cursor, trigger)
-- look for match which ends at the cursor.
-- put all results into a list, there might be many capture-groups.
local find_res = { line_to_cursor:find(trigger .. "$") }
if #find_res > 0 then
-- if there is a match, determine matching string, and the
-- capture-groups.
local captures = {}
-- find_res[1] is `from`, find_res[2] is `to` (which we already know
-- anyway).
local from = find_res[1]
local match = line_to_cursor:sub(from, #line_to_cursor)
-- collect capture-groups.
for i = 3, #find_res do
captures[i - 2] = find_res[i]
return match, captures
return nil
local function engine(trigger)
-- don't do any special work here, can't precompile lua-pattern.
return matcher
The predefined engines are defined in
read it for more examples.
- `trigEngineOpts`: `table<string, any>`, options for the used trigEngine.
The valid options are:
* `max_len`: number, upper bound on the length of the trigger.
If this is set, the `line_to_cursor` will be truncated (from the cursor of
course) to `max_len` characters before performing the match.
This is implemented because feeding long `line_to_cursor` into eg. the
pattern-trigEngine will hurt performance quite a bit (see issue
This option is implemented for all `trigEngines`.
- `docstring`: string, textual representation of the snippet, specified like
`desc`. Overrides docstrings loaded from json.
- `docTrig`: string, used as `line_to_cursor` during docstring-generation.
This might be relevant if the snippet relies on specific values in the
capture-groups (for example, numbers, which won't work with the default
`$CAPTURESN` used during docstring-generation)
- `hidden`: boolean, hint for completion-engines.
If set, the snippet should not show up when querying snippets.
- `priority`: positive number, Priority of the snippet, 1000 by default.
Snippets with high priority will be matched to a trigger before those with a
lower one.
The priority for multiple snippets can also be set in `add_snippets`.
- `snippetType`: string, should be either `snippet` or `autosnippet` (ATTENTION:
singular form is used), decides whether this snippet has to be triggered by
`ls.expand()` or whether is triggered automatically (don't forget to set
`ls.config.setup({ enable_autosnippets = true })` if you want to use this
feature). If unset it depends on how the snippet is added of which type the
snippet will be.
- `resolveExpandParams`: `fn(snippet, line_to_cursor, matched_trigger, captures) -> table|nil`, where
- `snippet`: `Snippet`, the expanding snippet object
- `line_to_cursor`: `string`, the line up to the cursor.
- `matched_trigger`: `string`, the fully matched trigger (can be retrieved
from `line_to_cursor`, but we already have that info here :D)
- `captures`: `captures` as returned by `trigEngine`.
This function will be evaluated in `Snippet:matches()` to decide whether
the snippet can be expanded or not.
Returns a table if the snippet can be expanded, `nil` if can not. The
returned table can contain any of these fields:
- `trigger`: `string`, the fully matched trigger.
- `captures`: `table`, this list could update the capture-groups from
parameter in snippet expansion.
Both `trigger` and `captures` can override the values returned via
- `clear_region`: `{ "from": {<row>, <column>}, "to": {<row>, <column>} }`,
both (0, 0)-indexed, the region where text has to be cleared before
inserting the snippet.
- `env_override`: `map string->(string[]|string)`, override or extend
the snippet's environment (`snip.env`)
If any of these is `nil`, the default is used (`trigger` and `captures` as
returned by `trigEngine`, `clear_region` such that exactly the trigger is
deleted, no overridden environment-variables).
A good example for the usage of `resolveExpandParams` can be found in
the implementation of
- `condition`: `fn(line_to_cursor, matched_trigger, captures) -> bool`, where
- `line_to_cursor`: `string`, the line up to the cursor.
- `matched_trigger`: `string`, the fully matched trigger (can be retrieved
from `line_to_cursor`, but we already have that info here :D)
- `captures`: if the trigger is pattern, this list contains the
capture-groups. Again, could be computed from `line_to_cursor`, but we
already did so.
- `show_condition`: `f(line_to_cursor) -> bool`.
- `line_to_cursor`: `string`, the line up to the cursor.
This function is (should be) evaluated by completion engines, indicating
whether the snippet should be included in current completion candidates.
Defaults to a function returning `true`.
This is different from `condition` because `condition` is evaluated by
LuaSnip on snippet expansion (and thus has access to the matched trigger and
captures), while `show_condition` is (should be) evaluated by the
completion engines when scanning for available snippet candidates.
- `filetype`: `string`, the filetype of the snippet.
This overrides the filetype the snippet is added (via `add_snippet`) as.
- `nodes`: A single node or a list of nodes. The nodes that make up the
- `opts`: A table with the following valid keys:
- `callbacks`: Contains functions that are called upon entering/leaving a node
of this snippet.
For example: to print text upon entering the _second_ node of a snippet,
`callbacks` should be set as follows:
-- position of the node, not the jump-index!!
-- s("trig", {t"first node", t"second node", i(1, "third node")}).
[2] = {
[events.enter] = function(node, _event_args) print("2!") end
To register a callback for the snippets' own events, the key `[-1]` may
be used.
More info on events in [events](#events)
- `child_ext_opts`, `merge_child_ext_opts`: Control `ext_opts` applied to the
children of this snippet. More info on those in the
The `opts`-table, as described here, can also be passed to e.g. `snippetNode`
and `indentSnippetNode`.
It is also possible to set `condition` and `show_condition` (described in the
documentation of the `context`-table) from `opts`. They should, however, not be
set from both.
## Data
Snippets contain some interesting tables during runtime:
- `snippet.env`: Contains variables used in the LSP-protocol, for example
`TM_CURRENT_LINE` or `TM_FILENAME`. It's possible to add customized variables
here too, check [Variables-Environment Namespaces](#environment-namespaces)
- `snippet.captures`: If the snippet was triggered by a pattern (`regTrig`), and
the pattern contained capture-groups, they can be retrieved here.
- `snippet.trigger`: The string that triggered this snippet. Again, only
interesting if the snippet was triggered through `regTrig`, for getting the
full match.
These variables/tables primarily come in handy in `dynamic/functionNodes`, where
the snippet can be accessed through the immediate parent (`parent.snippet`),
which is passed to the function.
(in most cases `parent == parent.snippet`, but the `parent` of the dynamicNode
is not always the surrounding snippet, it could be a `snippetNode`).
<a id="snippets-api"></a>
## Api
- `invalidate()`: call this method to effectively remove the snippet. The
snippet will no longer be able to expand via `expand` or `expand_auto`. It
will also be hidden from lists (at least if the plugin creating the list
respects the `hidden`-key), but it might be necessary to call
`ls.refresh_notify(ft)` after invalidating snippets.
- `get_keyed_node(key)`: Returns the currently visible node associated with
# TextNode
The most simple kind of node; just text.
s("trigger", { t("Wow! Text!") })
This snippet expands to
Wow! Text!⎵
where ⎵ is the cursor.
Multiline strings can be defined by passing a table of lines rather than a
s("trigger", {
t({"Wow! Text!", "And another line."})
`t(text, node_opts)`:
- `text`: `string` or `string[]`
- `node_opts`: `table`, see [Node](#node)
# InsertNode
These Nodes contain editable text and can be jumped to- and from (e.g.
traditional placeholders and tabstops, like `$1` in textmate-snippets).
The functionality is best demonstrated with an example:
s("trigger", {
t({"After expanding, the cursor is here ->"}), i(1),
t({"", "After jumping forward once, cursor is here ->"}), i(2),
t({"", "After jumping once more, the snippet is exited there ->"}), i(0),
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The Insert Nodes are visited in order `1,2,3,..,n,0`.
(The jump-index 0 also _has_ to belong to an `insertNode`!)
So the order of InsertNode-jumps is as follows:
1. After expansion, the cursor is at InsertNode 1,
2. after jumping forward once at InsertNode 2,
3. and after jumping forward again at InsertNode 0.
If no 0-th InsertNode is found in a snippet, one is automatically inserted
after all other nodes.
The jump-order doesn't have to follow the "textual" order of the nodes:
s("trigger", {
t({"After jumping forward once, cursor is here ->"}), i(2),
t({"", "After expanding, the cursor is here ->"}), i(1),
t({"", "After jumping once more, the snippet is exited there ->"}), i(0),
The above snippet will behave as follows:
1. After expansion, we will be at InsertNode 1.
2. After jumping forward, we will be at InsertNode 2.
3. After jumping forward again, we will be at InsertNode 0.
An **important** (because here Luasnip differs from other snippet engines) detail
is that the jump-indices restart at 1 in nested snippets:
s("trigger", {
i(1, "First jump"),
t(" :: "),
sn(2, {
i(1, "Second jump"),
t" : ",
i(2, "Third jump")
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as opposed to e.g. the textmate syntax, where tabstops are snippet-global:
${1:First jump} :: ${2: ${3:Third jump} : ${4:Fourth jump}}
(this is not exactly the same snippet of course, but as close as possible)
(the restart-rule only applies when defining snippets in lua, the above
textmate-snippet will expand correctly when parsed).
`i(jump_index, text, node_opts)`
- `jump_index`: `number`, this determines when this node will be jumped to (see
- `text`: `string|string[]`, a single string for just one line, a list with >1
entries for multiple lines.
This text will be SELECTed when the `insertNode` is jumped into.
- `node_opts`: `table`, described in [Node](#node)
If the `jump_index` is `0`, replacing its' `text` will leave it outside the
`insertNode` (for reasons, check out Luasnip#110).
# FunctionNode
Function Nodes insert text based on the content of other nodes using a
user-defined function:
local function fn(
args, -- text from i(2) in this example i.e. { { "456" } }
parent, -- parent snippet or parent node
user_args -- user_args from opts.user_args
return '[' .. args[1][1] .. user_args .. ']'
s("trig", {
i(1), t '<-i(1) ',
f(fn, -- callback (args, parent, user_args) -> string
{2}, -- node indice(s) whose text is passed to fn, i.e. i(2)
{ user_args = { "user_args_value" }} -- opts
t ' i(2)->', i(2), t '<-i(2) i(0)->', i(0)
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`f(fn, argnode_references, node_opts)`:
- `fn`: `function(argnode_text, parent, user_args1,...,user_argsn) -> text`
- `argnode_text`: `string[][]`, the text currently contained in the argnodes
(e.g. `{{line1}, {line1, line2}}`). The snippet indent will be removed from
all lines following the first.
- `parent`: The immediate parent of the `functionNode`.
It is included here as it allows easy access to some information that could
be useful in functionNodes (see [Snippets-Data](#data) for some examples).
Many snippets access the surrounding snippet just as `parent`, but if the
`functionNode` is nested within a `snippetNode`, the immediate parent is a
`snippetNode`, not the surrounding snippet (only the surrounding snippet
contains data like `env` or `captures`).
- `user_args`: The `user_args` passed in `opts`. Note that there may be multiple user_args
(e.g. `user_args1, ..., user_argsn`).
`fn` shall return a string, which will be inserted as is, or a table of
strings for multiline strings, where all lines following the first will be
prefixed with the snippets' indentation.
- `argnode_references`: `node_reference[]|node_refernce|nil`.
Either no, a single, or multiple [Node Reference](#node-reference)s.
Changing any of these will trigger a re-evaluation of `fn`, and insertion of
the updated text.
If no node reference is passed, the `functionNode` is evaluated once upon
- `node_opts`: `table`, see [Node](#node). One additional key is supported:
- `user_args`: `any[]`, these will be passed to `fn` as `user_arg1`-`user_argn`.
These make it easier to reuse similar functions, for example a functionNode
that wraps some text in different delimiters (`()`, `[]`, ...).
local function reused_func(_,_, user_arg1)
return user_arg1
s("trig", {
f(reused_func, {}, {
user_args = {"text"}
f(reused_func, {}, {
user_args = {"different text"}
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- Use captures from the regex trigger using a functionNode:
s({trig = "b(%d)", regTrig = true},
f(function(args, snip) return
"Captured Text: " .. snip.captures[1] .. "." end, {})
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- `argnodes_text` during function evaluation:
s("trig", {
i(1, "text_of_first"),
i(2, {"first_line_of_second", "second_line_of_second"}),
f(function(args, snip)
-- order is 2,1, not 1,2!!
end, {2, 1} )})
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At `--here`, `args` would look as follows (provided no text was changed after
args = {
{"first_line_of_second", "second_line_of_second"},
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- [Absolute Indexer](#absolute-indexer):
s("trig", {
i(1, "text_of_first"),
i(2, {"first_line_of_second", "second_line_of_second"}),
f(function(args, snip)
-- just concat first lines of both.
return args[1][1] .. args[2][1]
end, {ai[2], ai[1]} )})
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If the function only performs simple operations on text, consider using
the `lambda` from `luasnip.extras` (See [Extras-Lambda](#lambda))
# Node Reference
Node references are used to refer to other nodes in various parts of luasnip's
For example, argnodes in functionNode, dynamicNode or lambda are
node references.
These references can be either of:
- `number`: the jump-index of the node.
This will be resolved relative to the parent of the node this is passed to.
(So, only nodes with the same parent can be referenced. This is very easy to
grasp, but also limiting)
- `key_indexer`: the key of the node, if it is present. This will come in
handy if the node that is being referred to is not in the same
snippet/snippetNode as the one the node reference is passed to.
Also, it is the proper way to refer to a non-interactive node (a
functionNode, for example)
- `absolute_indexer`: the absolute position of the node. Just like
`key_indexer`, it allows addressing non-sibling nodes, but is a bit more
awkward to handle since a path from root to node has to be determined,
whereas `key_indexer` just needs the key to match.
Due to this, `key_indexer` should be generally preferred.
(More information in [Absolute Indexer](#absolute-indexer)).
- `node`: just the node. Usage of this is discouraged since it can lead to
subtle errors (for example, if the node passed here is captured in a closure
and therefore not copied with the remaining tables in the snippet; there's a
big comment about just this in commit 8bfbd61).
# ChoiceNode
ChoiceNodes allow choosing between multiple nodes.
s("trig", c(1, {
t("Ugh boring, a text node"),
i(nil, "At least I can edit something now..."),
f(function(args) return "Still only counts as text!!" end, {})
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`c(jump_index, choices, node_opts)`
- `jump_index`: `number`, since choiceNodes can be jumped to, they need a
jump-index (Info in [Basics-Jump-Index](#jump-index)).
- `choices`: `node[]|node`, the choices. The first will be initially active.
A list of nodes will be turned into a `snippetNode`.
- `node_opts`: `table`. `choiceNode` supports the keys common to all nodes
described in [Node](#node), and one additional key:
- `restore_cursor`: `false` by default. If it is set, and the node that was
being edited also appears in the switched to choice (can be the case if a
`restoreNode` is present in both choice) the cursor is restored relative to
that node.
The default is `false` as enabling might lead to decreased performance. It's
possible to override the default by wrapping the `choiceNode` constructor
in another function that sets `opts.restore_cursor` to `true` and then using
that to construct `choiceNode`s:
local function restore_cursor_choice(pos, choices, opts)
if opts then
opts.restore_cursor = true
opts = {restore_cursor = true}
return c(pos, choices, opts)
Jumpable nodes that normally expect an index as their first parameter don't
need one inside a choiceNode; their jump-index is the same as the choiceNodes'.
As it is only possible (for now) to change choices from within the choiceNode,
make sure that all of the choices have some place for the cursor to stop at!
This means that in `sn(nil, {...nodes...})` `nodes` has to contain e.g. an
`i(1)`, otherwise luasnip will just "jump through" the nodes, making it
impossible to change the choice.
c(1, {
t"some text", -- textNodes are just stopped at.
i(nil, "some text"), -- likewise.
sn(nil, {t"some text"}) -- this will not work!
sn(nil, {i(1), t"some text"}) -- this will.
The active choice for a choiceNode can be changed by either calling one of
`ls.change_choice(1)` (forwards) or `ls.change_choice(-1)` (backwards), or by
calling `ls.set_choice(choice_indx)`.
One way to easily interact with choiceNodes is binding `change_choice(1/-1)` to
-- set keybinds for both INSERT and VISUAL.
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<C-n>", "<Plug>luasnip-next-choice", {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("s", "<C-n>", "<Plug>luasnip-next-choice", {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<C-p>", "<Plug>luasnip-prev-choice", {})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("s", "<C-p>", "<Plug>luasnip-prev-choice", {})
Apart from this, there is also a picker (see [select_choice](#select_choice)
where no cycling is necessary and any choice can be selected right away, via
# SnippetNode
SnippetNodes directly insert their contents into the surrounding snippet.
This is useful for `choiceNode`s, which only accept one child, or
`dynamicNode`s, where nodes are created at runtime and inserted as a
Their syntax is similar to `s`, however, where snippets require a table
specifying when to expand, `snippetNode`s, similar to `insertNode`s, expect
a jump-index.
s("trig", sn(1, {
t("basically just text "),
i(1, "And an insertNode.")
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`sn(jump_index, nodes, node_opts)`
- `jump_index`: `number`, the usual [Jump-Index](#jump-index).
- `nodes`: `node[]|node`, just like for `s`.
Note that `snippetNode`s don't accept an `i(0)`, so the jump-indices of the nodes
inside them have to be in `1,2,...,n`.
- `node_opts`: `table`: again, the keys common to all nodes (documented in
[Node](#node)) are supported, but also
- `callbacks`,
- `child_ext_opts` and
- `merge_child_ext_opts`,
which are further explained in [Snippets](#snippets).
# IndentSnippetNode
By default, all nodes are indented at least as deep as the trigger. With these
nodes it's possible to override that behaviour:
s("isn", {
isn(1, {
t({"This is indented as deep as the trigger",
"and this is at the beginning of the next line"})
}, "")
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(Note the empty string passed to isn).
Indent is only applied after linebreaks, so it's not possible to remove indent
on the line where the snippet was triggered using `ISN` (That is possible via
regex triggers where the entire line before the trigger is matched).
Another nice use case for `ISN` is inserting text, e.g. `//` or some other comment
string before the nodes of the snippet:
s("isn2", {
isn(1, t({"//This is", "A multiline", "comment"}), "$PARENT_INDENT//")
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Here the `//` before `This is` is important, once again, because indent is only
applied after linebreaks.
To enable such usage, `$PARENT_INDENT` in the indentstring is replaced by the
parent's indent.
`isn(jump_index, nodes, indentstring, node_opts)`
All of these parameters except `indentstring` are exactly the same as in
- `indentstring`: `string`, will be used to indent the nodes inside this
All occurrences of `"$PARENT_INDENT"` are replaced with the actual indent of
the parent.
# DynamicNode
Very similar to functionNode, but returns a snippetNode instead of just text,
which makes them very powerful as parts of the snippet can be changed based on
user input.
`d(jump_index, function, node-references, opts)`:
- `jump_index`: `number`, just like all jumpable nodes, its' position in the
jump-list ([Basics-Jump-Index](#jump-index)).
- `function`: `fn(args, parent, old_state, user_args) -> snippetNode`
This function is called when the argnodes' text changes. It should generate
and return (wrapped inside a `snippetNode`) nodes, which will be inserted at
the dynamicNode's place.
`args`, `parent` and `user_args` are also explained in
- `args`: `table of text` (`{{"node1line1", "node1line2"}, {"node2line1"}}`)
from nodes the `dynamicNode` depends on.
- `parent`: the immediate parent of the `dynamicNode`.
- `old_state`: a user-defined table. This table may contain anything; its
intended usage is to preserve information from the previously generated
`snippetNode`. If the `dynamicNode` depends on other nodes, it may be
reconstructed, which means all user input (text inserted in `insertNodes`,
changed choices) to the previous `dynamicNode` is lost.
The `old_state` table must be stored in `snippetNode` returned by
the function (`snippetNode.old_state`).
The second example below illustrates the usage of `old_state`.
- `user_args`: passed through from `dynamicNode`-opts; may have more than one
- `node_references`: `node_reference[]|node_references|nil`,
[Node References](#node-reference) to the nodes the dynamicNode depends on: if any
of these trigger an update (for example, if the text inside them
changes), the `dynamicNode`s' function will be executed, and the result
inserted at the `dynamicNode`s place.
(`dynamicNode` behaves exactly the same as `functionNode` in this regard).
- `opts`: In addition to the common [Node](#node)-keys, there is, again,
- `user_args`, which is described in [FunctionNode](#functionnode).
This `dynamicNode` inserts an `insertNode` which copies the text inside the
first `insertNode`.
s("trig", {
t"text: ", i(1), t{"", "copy: "},
d(2, function(args)
-- the returned snippetNode doesn't need a position; it's inserted
-- "inside" the dynamicNode.
return sn(nil, {
-- jump-indices are local to each snippetNode, so restart at 1.
i(1, args[1])
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This snippet makes use of `old_state` to count the number of updates.
To store/restore values generated by the `dynamicNode` or entered into
`insert/choiceNode`, consider using the shortly-introduced `restoreNode` instead
of `old_state`.
local function count(_, _, old_state)
old_state = old_state or {
updates = 0
old_state.updates = old_state.updates + 1
local snip = sn(nil, {
snip.old_state = old_state
return snip
s("trig", {
i(1, "change to update"),
d(2, count, {1})
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As with `functionNode`, `user_args` can be used to reuse similar `dynamicNode`-
# RestoreNode
This node can store and restore a snippetNode as is. This includes changed
choices and changed text. Its' usage is best demonstrated by an example:
s("paren_change", {
c(1, {
sn(nil, { t("("), r(1, "user_text"), t(")") }),
sn(nil, { t("["), r(1, "user_text"), t("]") }),
sn(nil, { t("{"), r(1, "user_text"), t("}") }),
}, {
stored = {
-- key passed to restoreNodes.
["user_text"] = i(1, "default_text")
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Here the text entered into `user_text` is preserved upon changing choice.
`r(jump_index, key, nodes, node_opts)`:
- `jump_index`, when to jump to this node.
- `key`, `string`: `restoreNode`s with the same key share their content.
- `nodes`, `node[]|node`: the content of the `restoreNode`.
Can either be a single node, or a table of nodes (both of which will be
wrapped inside a `snippetNode`, except if the single node already is a
The content for a given key may be defined multiple times, but if the
contents differ, it's undefined which will actually be used.
If a key's content is defined in a `dynamicNode`, it will not be initially
used for `restoreNodes` outside that `dynamicNode`. A way around this
limitation is defining the content in the `restoreNode` outside the
The content for a key may also be defined in the `opts`-parameter of the
snippet-constructor, as seen in the example above. The `stored`-table accepts
the same values as the `nodes`-parameter passed to `r`.
If no content is defined for a key, it defaults to the empty `insertNode`.
An important-to-know limitation of `restoreNode` is that, for a given key, only
one may be visible at a time. See
[this issue]( for details.
The `restoreNode` is especially useful for storing input across updates of a
`dynamicNode`. Consider this:
local function simple_restore(args, _)
return sn(nil, {i(1, args[1]), i(2, "user_text")})
s("rest", {
i(1, "preset"), t{"",""},
d(2, simple_restore, 1)
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Every time the `i(1)` in the outer snippet is changed, the text inside the
`dynamicNode` is reset to `"user_text"`. This can be prevented by using a
local function simple_restore(args, _)
return sn(nil, {i(1, args[1]), r(2, "dyn", i(nil, "user_text"))})
s("rest", {
i(1, "preset"), t{"",""},
d(2, simple_restore, 1)
Now the entered text is stored.
`restoreNode`s indent is not influenced by `indentSnippetNodes` right now. If
that really bothers you feel free to open an issue.
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# Key Indexer
A very flexible way of referencing nodes ([Node Reference](#node-reference)).
While the straightforward way of addressing nodes via their
[Jump-Index](#jump-index) suffices in most cases, a `dynamic/functionNode` can
only depend on nodes in the same snippet(Node), its siblings (since the index is
interpreted as relative to their parent). Accessing a node with a different
parent is thus not possible. Secondly, and less relevant, only nodes that
actually have a jump-index can be referred to (a `functionNode`, for example,
cannot be depended on).
Both of these restrictions are lifted with `key_indexer`:
It allows addressing nodes by their key, which can be set when the node is
constructed, and is wholly independent of the nodes' position in the snippet,
thus enabling descriptive labeling.
The following snippets demonstrate the issue and the solution by using
First, the addressed problem of referring to nodes outside the `functionNode`s
s("trig", {
i(1), c(2, {
sn(nil, {
t"cannot access the argnode :(",
return args[1]
end, {???}) -- can't refer to i(1), since it isn't a sibling of `f`.
And the solution: first give the node we want to refer to a key, and then pass
the same to the `functionNode`.
s("trig", {
i(1, "", {key = "i1-key"}), c(2, {
sn(nil, { i(1),
t"can access the argnode :)",
return args[1]
end, k("i1-key") )
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# Absolute Indexer
`absolute_indexer` allows accessing nodes by their unique jump-index path from
the snippet-root. This makes it almost as powerful as [Key
Indexer](#key-indexer), but again removes the possibility of referring to
non-jumpable nodes and makes it all a bit more error-prone since the jump-index
paths are hard to follow, and (unfortunately) have to be a bit verbose (see the
long example of `absolute_indexer`-positions below). Consider just using [Key
Indexer](#key-indexer) instead.
(The solution-snippet from [Key Indexer](#key-indexer), but using `ai` instead.)
s("trig", {
i(1), c(2, {
sn(nil, { i(1),
t"can access the argnode :)",
return args[1]
end, ai(1) )
There are some quirks in addressing nodes:
s("trig", {
i(2), -- ai[2]: indices based on jump-index, not position.
sn(1, { -- ai[1]
i(1), -- ai[1][1]
t"lel", -- not addressable.
i(2) -- ai[1][2]
c(3, { -- ai[3]
i(nil), -- ai[3][1]
t"lel", -- ai[3][2]: choices are always addressable.
d(4, function() -- ai[4]
return sn(nil, { -- ai[4][0]
i(1), -- ai[4][0][1]
end, {}),
r(5, "restore_key", -- ai[5]
i(1) -- ai[5][0][1]: restoreNodes always store snippetNodes.
r(6, "restore_key_2", -- ai[6]
sn(nil, { -- ai[6][0]
i(1) -- ai[6][0][1]
Note specifically that the index of a dynamicNode differs from that of the
generated snippetNode, and that restoreNodes (internally) always store a
snippetNode, so even if the restoreNode only contains one node, that node has
to be accessed as `ai[restoreNodeIndx][0][1]`.
`absolute_indexer`s' can be constructed in different ways:
* `ai[1][2][3]`
* `ai(1, 2, 3)`
* `ai{1, 2, 3}`
are all the same node.
# MultiSnippet
There are situations where it might be comfortable to access a snippet in
different ways. For example, one might want to enable auto-triggering in regions
where the snippets usage is common, while leaving it manual-only in others.
This is where `ms` should be used: A single snippet can be associated with multiple
`context`s (the `context`-table determines the conditions under which a snippet
may be triggered).
This has the advantage (compared with just registering copies) that all
`context`s are backed by a single snippet, and not multiple, and it's (at least
should be :D) more comfortable to use.
`ms(contexts, nodes, opts) -> addable`:
- `contexts`: table containing list of `contexts`, and some keywords.
`context` are described in [Snippets](#snippets), here they may also be tables
or strings.
So far, there is only one valid keyword:
- `common`: Accepts yet another context.
The options in `common` are applied to (but don't override) the other
contexts specified in `contexts`.
- `nodes`: List of nodes, exactly like in [Snippets](#snippets).
- `opts`: Table, options for this function:
- `common_opts`: The snippet-options (see also [Snippets](#snippets)) applied
to the snippet generated from `nodes`.
The returned object is an `addable`, something which can be passed to
`add_snippets`, or returned from the lua-loader.
ls.add_snippets("all", {
ms({"a", "b"}, {t"a or b"})
ls.add_snippets("all", {
common = {snippetType = "autosnippet"},
}, {
t"a or b (but autotriggered!!)"
ls.add_snippets("all", {
common = {snippetType = "autosnippet"},
{trig = "a", snippetType = "snippet"},
{trig = "c", condition = function(line_to_cursor)
return line_to_cursor == ""
}, {
t"a or b (but autotriggered!!)"
# Extras
## Lambda
A shortcut for `functionNode`s that only do very basic string
`l(lambda, argnodes)`:
- `lambda`: An object created by applying string-operations to `l._n`, objects
representing the `n`th argnode.
For example:
- `l._1:gsub("a", "e")` replaces all occurrences of "a" in the text of the
first argnode with "e", or
- `l._1 .. l._2` concatenates text of the first and second argnode.
If an argnode contains multiple lines of text, they are concatenated with
`"\n"` prior to any operation.
- `argnodes`, a [Node Reference](#node-reference), just like in function- and
There are many examples for `lambda` in `Examples/snippets.lua`
## Match
`match` can insert text based on a predicate (again, a shorthand for `functionNode`).
`match(argnodes, condition, then, else)`:
* `argnode`: A single [Node Reference](#node-reference). May not be nil, or
a table.
* `condition` may be either of
* `string`: interpreted as a lua pattern. Matched on the `\n`-joined (in case
it's multiline) text of the first argnode (`args[1]:match(condition)`).
* `function`: `fn(args, snip) -> bool`: takes the same parameters as the
`functionNode`-function, any value other than nil or false is interpreted
as a match.
* `lambda`: `l._n` is the `\n`-joined text of the nth argnode.
Useful if string manipulations have to be performed before the string is matched.
Should end with `match`, but any other truthy result will be interpreted
as matching.
* `then` is inserted if the condition matches,
* `else` if it does not.
Both `then` and `else` can be either text, lambda or function (with the same parameters as
specified above).
`then`'s default-value depends on the `condition`:
* `pattern`: Simply the return value from the `match`, e.g. the entire match,
or, if there were capture groups, the first capture group.
* `function`: the return value of the function if it is either a string, or a
table (if there is no `then`, the function cannot return a table containing
something other than strings).
* `lambda`: Simply the first value returned by the lambda.
* `match(n, "^ABC$", "A")` .
* `match(n, lambda._1:match(lambda._1:reverse()), "PALINDROME")`
s("trig", {
i(1), t":",
i(2), t"::",
m({1, 2}, l._1:match("^"..l._2.."$"), l._1:gsub("a", "e"))
* ```lua
s("extras1", {
i(1), t { "", "" }, m(1, "^ABC$", "A")
Inserts "A" if the node with jump-index `n` matches "ABC" exactly, nothing otherwise.
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* ```lua
s("extras2", {
i(1, "INPUT"), t { "", "" }, m(1, l._1:match(l._1:reverse()), "PALINDROME")
Inserts `"PALINDROME"` if i(1) contains a palindrome.
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* ```lua
s("extras3", {
i(1), t { "", "" }, i(2), t { "", "" },
m({ 1, 2 }, l._1:match("^" .. l._2 .. "$"), l._1:gsub("a", "e"))
This inserts the text of the node with jump-index 1, with all occurrences of
`a` replaced with `e`, if the second insertNode matches the first exactly.
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## Repeat
Inserts the text of the passed node.
- `node_reference`, a single [Node Reference](#node-reference).
s("extras4", { i(1), t { "", "" }, extras.rep(1) })
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## Partial
Evaluates a function on expand and inserts its value.
`partial(fn, params...)`
- `fn`: any function
- `params`: varargs, any, will be passed to `fn`.
For example `partial(, "%Y")` inserts the current year on expansion.
s("extras5", { extras.partial(, "%Y") })
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## Nonempty
Inserts text if the referenced node doesn't contain any text.
`nonempty(node_reference, not_empty, empty)`:
- `node_reference`, a single [Node Reference](#node-reference).
- `not_empty`, `string`: inserted if the node is not empty.
- `empty`, `string`: inserted if the node is empty.
s("extras6", { i(1, ""), t { "", "" }, extras.nonempty(1, "not empty!", "empty!") })
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## Dynamic Lambda
Pretty much the same as lambda, but it inserts the resulting text as an
insertNode, and, as such, it can be quickly overridden.
`dynamic_lambda(jump_indx, lambda, node_references)`
- `jump_indx`, as usual, the jump-indx.
The remaining arguments carry over from lambda.
s("extras7", { i(1), t { "", "" }, extras.dynamic_lambda(2, l._1 .. l._1, 1) })
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## FMT
Authoring snippets can be quite clunky, especially since every second node is
probably a `textNode`, inserting a small number of characters between two more
complicated nodes.
`fmt` can be used to define snippets in a much more readable way. This is
achieved by borrowing (as the name implies) from `format`-functionality (our
syntax is very similar to
`fmt` accepts a string and a table of nodes. Each occurrence of a delimiter pair
in the string is replaced by one node from the table, while text outside the
delimiters is turned into textNodes.
Simple example:
ls.add_snippets("all", {
-- important! fmt does not return a snippet, it returns a table of nodes.
s("example1", fmt("just an {iNode1}", {
iNode1 = i(1, "example")
s("example2", fmt([[
if {} then
]], {
-- i(1) is at nodes[1], i(2) at nodes[2].
i(1, "not now"), i(2, "when")
s("example3", fmt([[
if <> then
]], {
-- i(1) is at nodes[1], i(2) at nodes[2].
i(1, "not now"), i(2, "when")
}, {
delimiters = "<>"
s("example4", fmt([[
repeat {a} with the same key {a}
]], {
a = i(1, "this will be repeat")
}, {
repeat_duplicates = true
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One important detail here is that the position of the delimiters does not, in
any way, correspond to the jump-index of the nodes!
`fmt(format:string, nodes:table of nodes, opts:table|nil) -> table of nodes`
* `format`: a string. Occurrences of `{<somekey>}` ( `{}` are customizable; more
on that later) are replaced with `content[<somekey>]` (which should be a
node), while surrounding text becomes `textNode`s.
To escape a delimiter, repeat it (`"{{"`).
If no key is given (`{}`) are numbered automatically:
`"{} ? {} : {}"` becomes `"{1} ? {2} : {3}"`, while
`"{} ? {3} : {}"` becomes `"{1} ? {3} : {4}"` (the count restarts at each
numbered placeholder).
If a key appears more than once in `format`, the node in
`content[<duplicate_key>]` is inserted for the first, and copies of it for
subsequent occurrences.
* `nodes`: just a table of nodes.
* `opts`: optional arguments:
* `delimiters`: string, two characters. Change `{}` to some other pair, e.g.
* `strict`: Warn about unused nodes (default true).
* `trim_empty`: remove empty (`"%s*"`) first and last line in `format`. Useful
when passing multiline strings via `[[]]` (default true).
* `dedent`: remove indent common to all lines in `format`. Again, makes
passing multiline-strings a bit nicer (default true).
* `repeat_duplicates`: repeat nodes when a key is reused instead of copying
the node if it has a jump-index, refer to [Basics-Jump-Index](#jump-index) to
know which nodes have a jump-index (default false).
There is also `require("luasnip.extras.fmt").fmta`. This only differs from `fmt`
by using angle brackets (`<>`) as the default delimiter.
## Conditions
This module (`luasnip.extras.condition`) contains functions that can be passed to
a snippet's `condition` or `show_condition`. These are grouped accordingly into
`luasnip.extras.conditions.expand` and ``:
- `line_begin`: only expand if the cursor is at the beginning of the line.
- `line_end`: only expand at the end of the line.
- `has_selected_text`: only expand if there's selected text stored after pressing
Additionally, `expand` contains all conditions provided by `show`.
### Condition Objects
`luasnip.extras.conditions` also contains condition objects. These can, just
like functions, be passed to `condition` or `show_condition`, but can also be
combined with each other into logical expressions:
- `-c1 -> not c1`
- `c1 * c2 -> c1 and c2`
- `c1 + c2 -> c1 or c2`
- `c1 - c2 -> c1 and not c2`: This is similar to set differences:
`A \ B = {a in A | a not in B}`. This makes `-(a + b) = -a - b` an identity
representing de Morgan's law: `not (a or b) = not a and not b`. However,
since boolean algebra lacks an additive inverse, `a + (-b) = a - b` does not
hold. Thus, this is NOT the same as `c1 + (-c2)`.
- `c1 ^ c2 -> c1 xor(!=) c2`
- `c1 % c2 -> c1 xnor(==) c2`: This decision may seem weird, considering how
there is an overload for the `==`-operator. Unfortunately, it's not possible
to use this for our purposes (some info
so we decided to make use of a more obscure symbol (which will hopefully avoid
false assumptions about its meaning).
This makes logical combinations of conditions very readable. Compare
condition = conditions.expand.line_end + conditions.expand.line_begin
with the more verbose
condition = function(...) return conditions.expand.line_end(...) or conditions.expand.line_begin(...) end
The conditions provided in `show` and `expand` are already condition objects. To
create new ones, use
## On The Fly-Snippets
Sometimes it's desirable to create snippets tailored for exactly the current
situation. For example inserting repetitive, but just slightly different
invocations of some function, or supplying data in some schema.
On-the-fly snippets enable exactly this use case: they can be quickly created
and expanded with as little disruption as possible.
Since they should mainly fast to write and don't necessarily need all bells and
whistles, they don't make use of lsp/textmate-syntax, but a more simplistic one:
* `$anytext` denotes a placeholder (`insertNode`) with text "anytext". The text
also serves as a unique key: if there are multiple placeholders with the same
key, only the first will be editable, the others will just mirror it.
* ... That's it. `$` can be escaped by preceding it with a second `$`, all other
symbols will be interpreted literally.
There is currently only one way to expand on-the-fly snippets:
`require('luasnip.extras.otf').on_the_fly("<some-register>")` will interpret
whatever text is in the register `<some-register>` as a snippet, and expand it
The idea behind this mechanism is that it enables a very immediate way of
supplying and retrieving (expanding) the snippet: write the snippet-body into
the buffer, cut/yank it into some register, and call `on_the_fly("<register>")`
to expand the snippet.
Here's one set of example keybindings:
" in the first call: passing the register is optional since `on_the_fly`
" defaults to the unnamed register, which will always contain the previously cut
" text.
vnoremap <c-f> "ec<cmd>lua require('luasnip.extras.otf').on_the_fly("e")<cr>
inoremap <c-f> <cmd>lua require('luasnip.extras.otf').on_the_fly("e")<cr>
Obviously, `<c-f>` is arbitrary and can be changed to any other key combo.
Another interesting application is allowing multiple on-the-fly snippets at the
same time by retrieving snippets from multiple registers:
" For register a
vnoremap <c-f>a "ac<cmd>lua require('luasnip.extras.otf').on_the_fly()<cr>
inoremap <c-f>a <cmd>lua require('luasnip.extras.otf').on_the_fly("a")<cr>
" For register b
vnoremap <c-f>a "bc<cmd>:lua require('luasnip.extras.otf').on_the_fly()<cr>
inoremap <c-f>b <cmd>lua require('luasnip.extras.otf').on_the_fly("b")<cr>
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## select_choice
It's possible to leverage `` for selecting a choice directly,
without cycling through the available choices.
All that is needed for this is calling
`require("luasnip.extras.select_choice")`, most likely via some keybind, e.g.
inoremap <c-u> <cmd>lua require("luasnip.extras.select_choice")()<cr>
while inside a choiceNode.
The `opts.kind` hint for `` will be set to `luasnip`.
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## Filetype-Functions
Contains some utility functions that can be passed to the `ft_func` or
* `from_filetype`: the default for `ft_func`. Simply returns the filetype(s) of
the buffer.
* `from_cursor_pos`: uses treesitter to determine the filetype at the cursor.
With that, it's possible to expand snippets in injected regions, as long as
the treesitter parser supports them.
If this is used in conjunction with `lazy_load`, extra care must be taken that
all the filetypes that can be expanded in a given buffer are also returned by
`load_ft_func` (otherwise their snippets may not be loaded).
This can easily be achieved with `extend_load_ft`.
* `extend_load_ft`: `fn(extend_ft:map) -> fn`
A simple solution to the problem described above is loading more filetypes
than just that of the target buffer when `lazy_load`ing. This can be done
ergonomically via `extend_load_ft`: calling it with a table where the keys are
filetypes, and the values are the filetypes that should be loaded additionally
returns a function that can be passed to `load_ft_func` and takes care of
extending the filetypes properly.
load_ft_func =
-- Also load both lua and json when a markdown-file is opened,
-- javascript for html.
-- Other filetypes just load themselves.
markdown = {"lua", "json"},
html = {"javascript"}
## Postfix-Snippet
Postfix snippets, famously used in
[rust analyzer]( and various IDEs, are a type
of snippet which alters text before the snippet's trigger. While these
can be implemented using regTrig snippets, this helper makes the process easier
in most cases.
The simplest example, which surrounds the text preceding the `.br` with
brackets `[]`, looks like:
postfix(".br", {
f(function(_, parent)
return "[" .. parent.snippet.env.POSTFIX_MATCH .. "]"
end, {}),
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and is triggered with `` and expands to `[xxx]`.
Note the `parent.snippet.env.POSTFIX_MATCH` in the function node. This is additional
field generated by the postfix snippet. This field is generated by extracting
the text matched (using a configurable matching string, see below) from before
the trigger. In the case above, the field would equal `"xxx"`. This is also
usable within dynamic nodes.
This field can also be used within lambdas and dynamic nodes.
postfix(".br", {
l("[" .. l.POSTFIX_MATCH .. "]"),
postfix(".brd", {
d(1, function (_, parent)
return sn(nil, {t("[" .. parent.env.POSTFIX_MATCH .. "]")})
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The arguments to `postfix` are identical to the arguments to `s` but with a few
extra options.
The first argument can be either a string or a table. If it is a string, that
string will act as the trigger, and if it is a table it has the same valid keys
as the table in the same position for `s` except:
- `wordTrig`: This key will be ignored if passed in, as it must always be
false for postfix snippets.
- `match_pattern`: The pattern that the line before the trigger is matched
against. The default match pattern is `"[%w%.%_%-]+$"`. Note the `$`. This
matches since only the line _up until_ the beginning of the trigger is
matched against the pattern, which makes the character immediately
preceding the trigger match as the end of the string.
Some other match strings, including the default, are available from the postfix
module. `require("luasnip.extras.postfix).matches`:
- `default`: `[%w%.%_%-%"%']+$`
- `line`: `^.+$`
The second argument is identical to the second argument for `s`, that is, a
table of nodes.
The optional third argument is the same as the third (`opts`) argument to the
`s` function, but with one difference:
The postfix snippet works using a callback on the pre_expand event of the
snippet. If you pass a callback on the pre_expand event (structure example
below) it will get run after the builtin callback.
callbacks = {
[-1] = {
[events.pre_expand] = function(snippet, event_args)
-- function body to match before the dot
-- goes here
## Treesitter-Postfix-Snippet
Instead of triggering a postfix-snippet when some pattern matches in front of
the trigger, it might be useful to match if some specific treesitter-nodes
surround/are in front of the trigger.
While this functionality can also be implemented by a custom
`resolveExpandParams`, this helper simplifies the common cases.
This matching of treesitter-nodes can be done either
* by providing a query and the name of the capture that should be in front of
the trigger (in most cases, the complete match, but requiring specific nodes
before/after the matched node may be useful as well), or
* by providing a function that manually walks the node-tree, and returns the
node in front of the trigger on success (for increased flexibility).
A simple example, which surrounds the previous node's text preceding the `.mv`
with `std::move()` in cpp files, looks like:
local treesitter_postfix = require("luasnip.extras.treesitter_postfix").treesitter_postfix
trig = ".mv",
matchTSNode = {
query = [[
] @prefix
query_lang = "cpp"
f(function(_, parent)
local node_content = table.concat(parent.snippet.env.LS_TSMATCH, '\n')
local replaced_content = ("std::move(%s)"):format(node_content)
return vim.split(ret_str, "\n", { trimempty = false })
`LS_TSMATCH` is the treesitter-postfix equivalent to `POSTFIX_MATCH`, and is
populated with the match (in this case the text of a treesitter-node) in front
of the trigger.
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The arguments to `treesitter_postfix` are identical to the arguments to `s` but
with a few extra options.
The first argument has to be a table, which defines at least `trig` and
`matchTSNode`. All keys from the regular `s` may be set here (except for
`wordTrig`, which will be ignored), and additionally the following:
- `reparseBuffer`, `string?`: Sometimes the trigger may interfere with
treesitter recognizing queries correctly. With this option, the trigger may
either be removed from the live-buffer (`"live"`), from a copy of the buffer
(`"copy"`), or not at all (`nil`).
- `matchTSNode`: How to determine whether there is a matching node in front of
the cursor. There are two options:
* `fun(parser: LuaSnip.extra.TSParser, pos: { [1]: number, [2]: number }): LuaSnip.extra.NamedTSMatch?, TSNode?
Manually determine whether there is a matching node that ends just before
`pos` (the beginning of the trigger).
Return `nil,nil` if there is no match, otherwise first return a table
mapping names to nodes (the text, position and type of these will be
provided via `snip.env`), and second the node that is the matched node.
* `LuaSnip.extra.MatchTSNodeOpts`, which represents a query and provides all
captures of the matched pattern in `NamedTSMatch`. It contains the following
* `query`, `string`: The query, in textual form.
* `query_name`, `string`: The name of the runtime-query to be used (passed
to `query.get()`), defaults to `"luasnip"` (so one could create a
file which only contains queries used by luasnip, like
`$CONFDIR/queries/<lang>/luasnip.scm`, which might make sense to define
general concepts independent of a single snippet).
`query` and `query_name` are mutually exclusive, only one of both shall be
* `query_lang`, `string`: The language of the query. This is the only
required parameter to this function, since there's no sufficiently
straightforward way to determine the language of the query for us.
Consider using `extend_override` to define a `ts_postfix`-function that
automatically fills in the language for the filetype of the snippet-file.
* `match_captures`, `string|string[]`: The capture(s) to use for determining
the actual prefix (so the node that should be immediately in front of the
trigger). This defaults to just `"prefix"`.
* `select`, `string?|fun(): LuaSnip.extra.MatchSelector`: Since there may be
multiple matching captures in front of the cursor, there has to be some
way to select the node that will actually be used.
If this is a string, it has to be one of "any", "shortest", or "longest",
which mean that any, the shortest, or the longest match is used.
If it is a function, it must return a table with two fields, `record` and
`retrieve`. `record` is called with a TSMatch and a potential node for the
ts-match, and may return `true` to abort the selection-procedure.
`retrieve` must return either a TSMatch-TSNode-tuple (which is used as the
match) or `nil`, to signify that there is no match.
`lua/luasnip/extras/_treesitter.lua` contains the table
`builtin_tsnode_selectors`, which contains the implementations for
any/shortest/longest, which can be used as examples for more complicated
The text of the matched node can be accessed as `snip.env.LS_TSMATCH`.
The text of the nodes returned as `NamedTSMatch` can be accessed as
`snip.env.LS_TSCAPTURE_<node-name-in-caps>`, and their range and type as
`snip.env.LS_TSDATA.<node-name-NOT-in-caps>.range/type` (where range is a
tuple of row-col-tuples, both 0-indexed).
For a query like
name: (identifier) @fname
parameters: (parameters) @params
body: (block) @body
) @prefix
matched against
function add(a, b)
return a + b
`snip.env` would contain:
* `LS_TSMATCH`: `{ "function add(a, b)", "\treturn a + b", "end" }`
body = {
range = { { 1, 1 }, { 1, 13 } },
type = "block"
fname = {
range = { { 0, 9 }, { 0, 12 } },
type = "identifier"
params = {
range = { { 0, 12 }, { 0, 18 } },
type = "parameters"
prefix = {
range = { { 0, 0 }, { 2, 3 } },
type = "function_declaration"
* `LS_TSCAPTURE_FNAME`: `{ "add" }`
* `LS_TSCAPTURE_PARAMS`: `{ "(a, b)" }`
* `LS_TSCAPTURE_BODY`: `{ "return a + b" }`
* `LS_TSCAPTURE_PREFIX`: `{ "function add(a, b)", "\treturn a + b", "end" }`
(note that all variables containing text of nodes are string-arrays, one entry
for each line)
There is one important caveat when accessing `LS_TSDATA` in
function/dynamicNodes: It won't contain the values as specified here while
generating docstrings (in fact, it won't even be a table).
Since docstrings have to be generated without any runtime-information, we just
have to provide dummy-data in `env`, which will be some kind of string related
to the name of the env-variable.
Since the structure of `LS_TSDATA` obviously does not fit that model, we can't
really handle it in a nice way (at least yet). So, for now, best include a check
like `local static_evaluation = type(env.LS_TSDATA) == "string"`, and behave
accordingly if `static_evaluation` is true (for example, return some value
tailored for displaying it in a docstring).
One more example, which actually uses a few captures:
matchTSNode = {
query = [[
name: (identifier) @fname
parameters: (parameters) @params
body: (block) @body
) @prefix
query_lang = "lua",
trig = ".var"
}, fmt([[
local {} = function{}
]], {
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The module `luasnip.extras.treesitter_postfix` contains a few functions that may
be useful for creating more efficient ts-postfix-snippets.
Nested in `builtin.tsnode_matcher` are:
* `fun find_topmost_types(types: string[]): MatchTSNodeFunc`: Generates
a `LuaSnip.extra.MatchTSNodeFunc` which returns the last parent whose type
is in `types`.
* `fun find_first_types(types: string[]): MatchTSNodeFunc`: Similar to
`find_topmost_types`, only this one matches the first parent whose type is in
* `find_nth_parent(n: number): MatchTSNodeFunc`: Simply matches the `n`-th
parent of the innermost node infront of the trigger.
With `find_topmost_types`, the first example can be implemented more
efficiently (without needing a whole query):
local postfix_builtin = require("luasnip.extras.treesitter_postfix").builtin
ls.add_snippets("all", {
matchTSNode = postfix_builtin.tsnode_matcher.find_topmost_types({
trig = ".mv"
}, {
l(l_str.format("std::move(%s)", l.LS_TSMATCH))
}, {key = "asdf"})
## Snippet List
local sl = require("luasnip.extras.snippet_list")
Makes an `open` function available to use to open currently available snippets
in a different buffer/window/tab.
* `opts`: optional arguments:
* `snip_info`: `snip_info(snippet) -> table representation of snippet`
* `printer`: `printer(snippets:table) -> any`
* `display`: `display(snippets:any)`
Benefits include: syntax highlighting, searching, and customizability.
Simple Example:
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Customization Examples:
-- making our own snip_info
local function snip_info(snippet)
return { name = }
-- using it{snip_info = snip_info})
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-- making our own printer
local function printer(snippets)
local res = ""
for ft, snips in pairs(snippets) do
res = res .. ft .. "\n"
for _, snip in pairs(snips) do
res = res .. " " .. "Name: " .. .. "\n"
res = res .. " " .. "Desc: " .. snip.description[1] .. "\n"
res = res .. " " .. "Trigger: " .. snip.trigger .. "\n"
res = res .. " ----" .. "\n"
return res
-- using it{printer = printer})
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-- making our own display
local function display(printer_result)
-- right vertical split
vim.cmd("botright vnew")
-- get buf and win handle
local buf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local win = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()
-- setting window and buffer options
vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(win, "foldmethod", "manual")
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(buf, "filetype", "javascript")
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(buf, "buftype", "nofile")
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(buf, "bufhidden", "wipe")
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(buf, "buflisted", false)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(buf, "Custom Display buf " .. buf)
-- dump snippets
local replacement = vim.split(printer_result)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(buf, 0, 0, false, replacement)
-- using it{display = display})
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There is a **caveat** with implementing your own printer and/or display
function. The **default** behavior for the printer function is to return a
string representation of the snippets. The display function uses the results
from the printer function, therefore by **default** the display function is
expecting that result to be a string.
However, this doesn't have to be the case. For example, you can implement your
own printer function that returns a table representation of the snippets
**but** you would have to then implement your own display function or some
other function in order to return the result as a string.
An `options` table, which has some core functionality that can be used
to customize 'common' settings, is provided.
* `sl.options`: options table:
* `display`: `display(opts:table|nil) -> function(printer_result:string)`
You can see from the example above that making a custom display is a fairly
involved process. What if you just wanted to change a buffer option like the
name or just the filetype? This is where `sl.options.display` comes in. It
allows you to customize buffer and window options while keeping the default
`sl.options.display(opts:table|nil) -> function(printer_result:string)`
* `opts`: optional arguments:
* `win_opts`: `table which has a {window_option = value} form`
* `buf_opts`: `table which has a {buffer_option = value} form`
* `get_name`: `get_name(buf) -> string`
Let's recreate the custom display example above:
-- keeping the default display behavior but modifying window/buffer
local modified_default_display = sl.options.display({
buf_opts = {filetype = "javascript"},
win_opts = {foldmethod = "manual"},
get_name = function(buf) return "Custom Display buf " .. buf end
-- using it{display = modified_default_display})
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![modified display](
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## Snippet Location
This module can consume a snippets [source](#source), more specifically, jump to
the location referred by it.
This is primarily implemented for snippet which got their source from one of the
loaders, but might also work for snippets where the source was set manually.
* `snip_location.jump_to_snippet(snip, opts)`
Jump to the definition of `snip`.
* `snip`: a snippet with attached source-data.
* `opts`: `nil|table`, optional arguments, valid keys are:
* `hl_duration_ms`: `number`, duration for which the definition should be highlighted,
in milliseconds. 0 disables the highlight.
* `edit_fn`: `function(file)`, this function will be called with the file
the snippet is located in, and is responsible for jumping to it.
We assume that after it has returned, the current buffer contains `file`.
* `snip_location.jump_to_active_snippet(opts)`
Jump to definition of active snippet.
* `opts`: `nil|table`, accepts the same keys as the `opts`-parameter of
# Extend Decorator
Most of luasnip's functions have some arguments to control their behaviour.
Examples include `s`, where `wordTrig`, `regTrig`, ... can be set in the first
argument to the function, or `fmt`, where the delimiter can be set in the third
This is all good and well, but if these functions are often used with
non-default settings, it can become cumbersome to always explicitly set them.
This is where the `extend_decorator` comes in:
it can be used to create decorated functions which always extend the arguments
passed directly with other previously defined ones.
An example:
local fmt = require("luasnip.extras.fmt").fmt
fmt("{}", {i(1)}) -- -> list of nodes, containing just the i(1).
-- when authoring snippets for some filetype where `{` and `}` are common, they
-- would always have to be escaped in the format-string. It might be preferable
-- to use other delimiters, like `<` and `>`.
fmt("<>", {i(1)}, {delimiters = "<>"}) -- -> same as above.
-- but it's quite annoying to always pass the `{delimiters = "<>"}`.
-- with extend_decorator:
local fmt_angle = ls.extend_decorator.apply(fmt, {delimiters = "<>"})
fmt_angle("<>", {i(1)}) -- -> same as above.
-- the same also works with other functions provided by luasnip, for example all
-- node/snippet-constructors and `parse_snippet`.
`extend_decorator.apply(fn, ...)` requires that `fn` is previously registered
via `extend_decorator.register`.
(This is not limited to LuaSnip's functions; although, for usage outside of
LuaSnip, best copy the source file: `/lua/luasnip/util/extend_decorator.lua`).
`register(fn, ...)`:
* `fn`: the function.
* `...`: any number of tables. Each specifies how to extend an argument of `fn`.
The tables accept:
* arg_indx, `number` (required): the position of the parameter to override.
* extend, `fn(arg, extend_value) -> effective_arg` (optional): this function
is used to extend the args passed to the decorated function.
It defaults to a function which just extends the arg-table with the
extend table (accepts `nil`).
This extend behaviour is adaptable to accommodate `s`, where the first
argument may be string or table.
`apply(fn, ...) -> decorated_fn`:
* `fn`: the function to decorate.
* `...`: The values to extend with. These should match the descriptions passed
in `register` (the argument first passed to `register` will be extended with
the first value passed here).
One more example for registering a new function:
local function somefn(arg1, arg2, opts1, opts2)
-- not important
-- note the reversed arg_indx!!
extend_decorator.register(somefn, {arg_indx=4}, {arg_indx=3})
local extended = extend_decorator.apply(somefn,
{key = "opts2 is extended with this"},
{key = "and opts1 with this"})
# LSP-Snippets
LuaSnip is capable of parsing LSP-style snippets using
`ls.parser.parse_snippet(context, snippet_string, opts)`:
ls.parser.parse_snippet({trig = "lsp"}, "$1 is ${2|hard,easy,challenging|}")
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`context` can be:
- `string|table`: treated like the first argument to `ls.s`, `parse_snippet`
returns a snippet.
- `number`: `parse_snippet` returns a snippetNode, with the position
- `nil`: `parse_snippet` returns a flat table of nodes. This can be used
like `fmt`.
Nested placeholders(`"${1:this is ${2:nested}}"`) will be turned into
choiceNodes with:
- the given snippet(`"this is ${1:nested}"`) and
- an empty insertNode
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This behaviour can be modified by changing `parser_nested_assembler` in
LuaSnip will also modify some snippets that it is incapable of representing
- if the `$0` is a placeholder with something other than just text inside
- if the `$0` is a choice
- if the `$0` is not an immediate child of the snippet (it could be inside a
placeholder: `"${1: $0 }"`)
To remedy those incompatibilities, the invalid `$0` will be replaced with a
tabstop/placeholder/choice which will be visited just before the new `$0`. This
new `$0` will be inserted at the (textually) earliest valid position behind the
invalid `$0`.
`opts` can contain the following keys:
- `trim_empty`: boolean, remove empty lines from the snippet. Default true.
- `dedent`: boolean, remove common indent from the snippet's lines.
Default true.
Both `trim_empty` and `dedent` will be disabled for snippets parsed via
`ls.lsp_expand`: it might prevent correct expansion of snippets sent by lsp.
## Snipmate Parser
It is furthermore possible to parse SnipMate snippets (this includes support for
SnipMate snippets need to be parsed with a different function,
ls.parser.parse_snipmate("year", "The year is `strftime('%Y')`")
`parse_snipmate` accepts the same arguments as `parse_snippet`, only the
snippet body is parsed differently.
## Transformations
To apply
luasnip needs to apply ECMAScript regexes.
This is implemented by relying on [`jsregexp`](
The easiest (but potentially error-prone) way to install it is by calling `make
install_jsregexp` in the repo root.
This process can be automated by `packer.nvim`:
use { "L3MON4D3/LuaSnip", run = "make install_jsregexp" }
If this fails, first open an issue :P, and then try installing the
`jsregexp`-luarock. This is also possible via
`packer.nvim`, although actual usage may require a small workaround, see
[here]( or
Alternatively, `jsregexp` can be cloned locally, `make`d, and the resulting
`` placed in some place where nvim can find it (probably
If `jsregexp` is not available, transformations are replaced by a simple copy.
# Variables
All `TM_something`-variables are supported with two additions:
`LS_SELECT_RAW` and `LS_SELECT_DEDENT`. These were introduced because
`TM_SELECTED_TEXT` is designed to be compatible with VSCode's behavior, which
can be counterintuitive when the snippet can be expanded at places other than
the point where selection started (or when doing transformations on selected text).
Besides those we also provide `LS_TRIGGER` which contains the trigger of the snippet,
and `LS_CAPTURE_n` (where n is a positive integer) that contains the n-th capture
when using a regex with capture groups as `trig` in the snippet definition.
All variables can be used outside of lsp-parsed snippets as their values are
stored in a snippets' `snip.env`-table:
s("selected_text", f(function(args, snip)
local res, env = {}, snip.env
table.insert(res, "Selected Text (current line is " .. env.TM_LINE_NUMBER .. "):")
for _, ele in ipairs(env.LS_SELECT_RAW) do table.insert(res, ele) end
return res
end, {}))
To use any `*SELECT*` variable, the `store_selection_keys` must be set via
`require("luasnip").config.setup({store_selection_keys="<Tab>"})`. In this case,
hitting `<Tab>` while in visual mode will populate the `*SELECT*`-vars for the next
snippet and then clear them.
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## Environment Namespaces
You can also add your own variables by using the `ls.env_namespace(name, opts)` where:
* `name`: `string` the names the namespace, can't contain the character "_"
* `opts` is a table containing (in every case `EnvVal` is the same as `string|list[string]`:
* `vars`: `(fn(name:string)->EnvVal) | map[string, EnvVal]`
Is a function that receives a string and returns a value for the var with that name
or a table from var name to a value
(in this case, if the value is a function it will be executed lazily once per snippet expansion).
* `init`: `fn(info: table)->map[string, EnvVal]` Returns
a table of variables that will set to the environment of the snippet on expansion,
use this for vars that have to be calculated in that moment or that depend on each other.
The `info` table argument contains `pos` (0-based position of the cursor on expansion),
the `trigger` of the snippet and the `captures` list.
* `eager`: `list[string]` names of variables that will be taken from `vars` and appended eagerly (like those in init)
* `multiline_vars`: `(fn(name:string)->bool)|map[sting, bool]|bool|string[]` Says if certain vars are a table or just a string,
can be a function that get's the name of the var and returns true if the var is a key,
a list of vars that are tables or a boolean for the full namespace, it's false by default. Refer to
[issue#510]( for more information.
The four fields of `opts` are optional but you need to provide either `init` or `vars`, and `eager` can't be without `vars`.
Also, you can't use namespaces that override default vars.
A simple example to make it more clear:
local function random_lang()
return ({"LUA", "VIML", "VIML9"})[math.floor(math.random()/2 + 1.5)]
ls.env_namespace("MY", {vars={ NAME="LuaSnip", LANG=random_lang }})
-- then you can use $MY_NAME and $MY_LANG in your snippets
ls.env_namespace("SYS", {vars=os.getenv, eager={"HOME"}})
-- then you can use $SYS_HOME which was eagerly initialized but also $SYS_USER (or any other system environment var) in your snippets
lsp.env_namespace("POS", {init=function(info) return {VAL=vim.inspect(info.pos)} end})
-- then you can use $POS_VAL in your snippets
s("custom_env", d(1, function(args, parent)
local env = parent.snippet.env
return sn(nil, t {
"NAME: " .. env.MY_NAME,
"LANG: " .. env.MY_LANG,
"HOME: " .. env.SYS_HOME,
"USER: " .. env.SYS_USER,
"VAL: " .. env.POS_VAL
end, {}))
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## LSP-Variables
All variables, even ones added via `env_namespace`, can be accessed in
LSP snippets as `$VAR_NAME`.
The lsp-spec states:
With `$name` or `${name:default}` you can insert the value of a variable.
When a variable isn't set, its default or the empty string is inserted.
When a variable is unknown (that is, its name isn't defined) the name of the variable is inserted and it is transformed into a placeholder.
The above necessitates a differentiation between `unknown` and `unset` variables:
For LuaSnip, a variable `VARNAME` is `unknown` when `env.VARNAME` returns `nil` and `unset`
if it returns an empty string.
Consider this when adding env-variables which might be used in LSP snippets.
# Loaders
Luasnip is capable of loading snippets from different formats, including both
the well-established VSCode and SnipMate format, as well as plain Lua files for
snippets written in Lua.
All loaders (except the vscode-standalone-loader) share a similar interface:
where `opts` can contain the following keys:
- `paths`: List of paths to load. Can be a table, or a single
comma-separated string.
The paths may begin with `~/` or `./` to indicate that the path is
relative to your `$HOME` or to the directory where your `$MYVIMRC` resides
(useful to add your snippets).
If not set, `runtimepath` is searched for
directories that contain snippets. This procedure differs slightly for
each loader:
- `lua`: the snippet-library has to be in a directory named
- `snipmate`: similar to lua, but the directory has to be `"snippets"`.
- `vscode`: any directory in `runtimepath` that contains a
`package.json` contributing snippets.
- `lazy_paths`: behaves essentially like `paths`, with two exceptions: if it is
`nil`, it does not default to `runtimepath`, and the paths listed here do not
need to exist, and will be loaded on creation.
LuaSnip will do its best to determine the path that this should resolve to,
but since the resolving we do is not very sophisticated it may produce
incorrect paths. Definitely check the log if snippets are not loaded as
- `exclude`: List of languages to exclude, empty by default.
- `include`: List of languages to include, includes everything by default.
- `{override,default}_priority`: These keys are passed straight to the
`add_snippets`-calls (documented in [API](#api)) and can therefore change the
priority of snippets loaded from some collection (or, in combination with
`{in,ex}clude`, only some of its snippets).
- `fs_event_providers`: `table<string, boolean>?`, specifies which mechanisms
should be used to watch files for updates/creation.
If `autocmd` is set to `true`, a `BufWritePost`-hook watches files of this
collection, if `libuv` is set, the file-watcher-api exposed by libuv is used
to watch for updates.
Use `libuv` if you want snippets to update from other neovim-instances, and
`autocmd` if the collection resides on a filesystem where the libuv-watchers
may not work correctly. Or, of course, just enable both :D
By default, only `autocmd` is enabled.
While `load` will immediately load the snippets, `lazy_load` will defer loading until
the snippets are actually needed (whenever a new buffer is created, or the
filetype is changed luasnip actually loads `lazy_load`ed snippets for the
filetypes associated with this buffer. This association can be changed by
customizing `load_ft_func` in `setup`: the option takes a function that, passed
a `bufnr`, returns the filetypes that should be loaded (`fn(bufnr) -> filetypes
All of the loaders support reloading, so simply editing any file contributing
snippets will reload its snippets (according to `fs_event_providers` in the
instance where the file was edited, or in other instances as well).
As an alternative (or addition) to automatic reloading, luasnip can also process
manual updates to files: Call `require("luasnip.loaders").reload_file(path)` to
reload the file at `path`.
This may be useful when the collection is controlled by some other plugin, or
when enabling the other reload-mechanisms is for some reason undesirable
(performance? minimalism?).
For easy editing of these files, LuaSnip provides a ``-based dialog
([Loaders-edit_snippets](#edit_snippets)) where first the filetype, and then the
file can be selected.
## Snippet-specific filetypes
Some loaders (vscode,lua) support giving snippets generated in some file their
own filetype (vscode via `scope`, lua via the underlying `filetype`-option for
snippets). These snippet-specific filetypes are not considered when determining
which files to `lazy_load` for some filetype, this is exclusively determined by
the `language` associated with a file in vscodes' `package.json`, and the
file/directory-name in lua.
* This can be resolved relatively easily in vscode, where the `language`
advertised in `package.json` can just be a superset of the `scope`s in the file.
* Another simplistic solution is to set the language to `all` (in lua, it might
make sense to create a directory `luasnippets/all/*.lua` to group these files
* Another approach is to modify `load_ft_func` to load a custom filetype if the
snippets should be activated, and store the snippets in a file for that
filetype. This can be used to group snippets by e.g. framework, and load them
once a file belonging to such a framework is edited.
return {
s({filetype = "css", trig = ...}, ...),
s({filetype = "html", trig = ...}, ...),
s({filetype = "js", trig = ...}, ...),
load_ft_func = function(bufnr)
if "<bufnr-in-react-framework>" then
-- will load `react.lua` for this buffer
return {"react"}
return require("luasnip.extras.filetype_functions").from_filetype_load
See the [Troubleshooting-Adding Snippets-Loaders](#troubleshooting-adding-snippets-loaders)
section if one is having issues adding snippets via loaders.
## VS-Code
As a reference on the structure of these snippet libraries, see
We support a small extension: snippets can contain LuaSnip-specific options in
the `luasnip`-table:
"example1": {
"prefix": "options",
"body": [
"whoa! :O"
"luasnip": {
"priority": 2000,
"autotrigger": true,
"wordTrig": false
Files with the extension `jsonc` will be parsed as `jsonc`, [json with
while `*.json` are parsed with a regular `json` parser, where comments are
disallowed. (the json-parser is a bit faster, so don't default to `jsonc` if
it's not necessary).
"name": "example-snippets",
"contributes": {
"snippets": [
"language": [
"path": "./snippets/all.json"
"language": [
"path": "./lua.json"
"snip1": {
"prefix": "all1",
"body": [
"expands? jumps? $1 $2 !"
"snip2": {
"prefix": "all2",
"body": [
"multi $1",
"line $2",
"snip1": {
"prefix": "lua",
"body": [
This collection can be loaded with any of
-- don't pass any arguments, luasnip will find the collection because it is
-- (probably) in rtp.
-- specify the full path...
require("luasnip.loaders.from_vscode").lazy_load({paths = "~/.config/nvim/my_snippets"})
-- or relative to the directory of $MYVIMRC
require("luasnip.loaders.from_vscode").load({paths = "./my_snippets"})
### Standalone
Beside snippet-libraries provided by packages, vscode also supports another
format which can be used for project-local snippets, or user-defined snippets,
The layout of these files is almost identical to that of the package-provided
snippets, but there is one additional field supported in the
snippet-definitions, `scope`, with which the filetype of the snippet can be set.
If `scope` is not set, the snippet will be added to the global filetype (`all`).
- `opts`: `table`, can contain the following keys:
- `path`: `string`, Path to the `*.code-snippets`-file that should be loaded.
Just like the paths in `load`, this one can begin with a `"~/"` to be
relative to `$HOME`, and a `"./"` to be relative to the
- `{override,default}_priority`: These keys are passed straight to the
`add_snippets`-calls (documented in [API](#api)) and can be used to change
the priority of the loaded snippets.
- `lazy`: `boolean`, if it is set, the file does not have to exist when
`load_standalone` is called, and it will be loaded on creation.
`false` by default.
// a comment, since `.code-snippets` may contain jsonc.
"c/cpp-snippet": {
"prefix": [
"body": [
"this is $1",
"my snippet $2"
"description": "A description of the snippet.",
"scope": "c,cpp"
"python-snippet": {
"prefix": "trig",
"body": [
"this is $1",
"a different snippet $2"
"description": "Another snippet-description.",
"scope": "python"
"global snippet": {
"prefix": "trigg",
"body": [
"this is $1",
"the last snippet $2"
"description": "One last snippet-description.",
This file can be loaded by calling
require("luasnip.loaders.from_vscode").load_standalone({path = "a.code-snippets"})
Luasnip does not support the full snipmate format: Only `./{ft}.snippets` and
`./{ft}/*.snippets` will be loaded. See
[honza/vim-snippets]( for lots of
Like VSCode, the SnipMate format is also extended to make use of some of
LuaSnip's more advanced capabilities:
priority 2000
autosnippet options
whoa :O
# this is a comment
snippet c c-snippet
extends c
snippet cpp cpp-snippet
This can, again, be loaded with any of
-- specify the full path...
require("luasnip.loaders.from_snipmate").lazy_load({paths = "~/.config/nvim/snippets"})
-- or relative to the directory of $MYVIMRC
require("luasnip.loaders.from_snipmate").lazy_load({paths = "./snippets"})
Stuff to watch out for:
* Using both `extends <ft2>` in `<ft1>.snippets` and
`ls.filetype_extend("<ft1>", {"<ft2>"})` leads to duplicate snippets.
* `${VISUAL}` will be replaced by `$TM_SELECTED_TEXT` to make the snippets
compatible with LuaSnip
* We do not implement eval using \` (backtick). This may be implemented in the
## Lua
Instead of adding all snippets via `add_snippets`, it's possible to store them
in separate files and load all of those.
The file-structure here is exactly the supported snipmate-structure, e.g.
`<ft>.lua` or `<ft>/*.lua` to add snippets for the filetype `<ft>`.
There are two ways to add snippets:
* the files may return two lists of snippets, the snippets in the first are all
added as regular snippets, while the snippets in the second will be added as
autosnippets (both are the defaults, if a snippet defines a different
`snippetType`, that will have preference)
* snippets can also be appended to the global (only for these files - they are not
visible anywhere else) tables `ls_file_snippets` and `ls_file_autosnippets`.
This can be combined with a custom `snip_env` to define and add snippets with
one function call:
snip_env = {
s = function(...)
local snip = ls.s(...)
-- we can't just access the global `ls_file_snippets`, since it will be
-- resolved in the environment of the scope in which it was defined.
table.insert(getfenv(2).ls_file_snippets, snip)
parse = function(...)
local snip = ls.parser.parse_snippet(...)
table.insert(getfenv(2).ls_file_snippets, snip)
-- remaining definitions.
This is more flexible than the previous approach since the snippets don't have
to be collected; they just have to be defined using the above `s` and `parse`.
As defining all of the snippet constructors (`s`, `c`, `t`, ...) in every file
is rather cumbersome, LuaSnip will bring some globals into scope for executing
these files.
By default, the names from [`luasnip.config.snip_env`][snip-env-src] will be used, but it's
possible to customize them by setting `snip_env` in `setup`.
return {
s("trig", t("loaded!!"))
return {
s("ctrig", t("also loaded!!"))
}, {
s("autotrig", t("autotriggered, if enabled"))
Load via
require("luasnip.loaders.from_lua").load({paths = "~/snippets"})
### Reloading when editing `require`'d files
While the lua-snippet-files will be reloaded on edit, this does not
automatically happen if a file the snippet-file depends on (eg. via `require`)
is changed.
Since this still may still be desirable, there are two functions exposed when a
file is loaded by the lua-loader: `ls_tracked_dofile` and
`ls_tracked_dopackage`. They perform like `dofile` and (almost like) `require`,
but both register the loaded file internally as a dependency of the
snippet-file, so it can be reloaded when the loaded file is edited. As stated,
`ls_tracked_dofile` behaves exactly like `dofile`, but does the dependency-work
as well.
`ls_tracked_dopackage` mimics `require` in that it does not take a path, but a
module-name like `"luasnip.loaders.from_lua"`, and then searches the
`runtimepath/lua`-directories, and path and cpath for the module.
Unlike `require`, the file will not be cached, since that would complicate the
## edit_snippets
To easily edit snippets for the current session, the files loaded by any loader
can be quickly edited via
When called, it will open a ``-dialog to select first a filetype,
and then (if there are multiple) the associated file to edit.
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`opts` contains four settings:
* `ft_filter`: `fn(filetype:string) -> bool`
Optionally filter initially listed filetypes.
`true` -> filetype will be listed, `false` -> not listed.
Accepts all filetypes by default.
* `format`: `fn(file:string, source_name:string) -> string|nil`
`file` is simply the path to the file, `source_name` is one of `"lua"`,
`"snipmate"` or `"vscode"`.
If a string is returned, it is used as the title of the item, `nil` on the
other hand will filter out this item.
The default simply replaces some long strings (packer-path and config-path)
in `file` with shorter, symbolic names (`"$PLUGINS"`, `"$CONFIG"`), but
this can be extended to
* filter files from some specific source/path
* more aggressively shorten paths using symbolic names, e.g.
Example: hide the `*.lua` snippet files, and shorten the path with `$LuaSnip`:
require "luasnip.loaders" .edit_snippet_files {
format = function(file, source_name)
if source_name == "lua" then return nil
else return file:gsub("/root/.config/nvim/luasnippets", "$LuaSnip")
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* `edit`: `fn(file:string)` This function is supposed to open the file for
editing. The default is a simple `vim.cmd("edit " .. file)` (replace the
current buffer), but one could open the file in a split, a tab, or a floating
window, for example.
* `extend`: `fn(ft:string, ft_paths:string[]) -> (string,string)[]`
This function can be used to create additional choices for the file-selection.
* `ft`: The filetype snippet-files are queried for.
* `ft_paths`: list of paths to the known snippet files.
The function should return a list of `(string,string)`-tuples. The first of
each pair is the label that will appear in the selection-prompt, and the
second is the path that will be passed to the `edit()` function if that item
was selected.
This can be used to create a new snippet file for the current filetype:
require("luasnip.loaders").edit_snippet_files {
extend = function(ft, paths)
if #paths == 0 then
return {
{ "$CONFIG/" .. ft .. ".snippets",
string.format("%s/%s.snippets", <PERSONAL_SNIPPETS_FOLDER>, ft) }
return {}
One comfortable way to call this function is registering it as a command:
command! LuaSnipEdit :lua require("luasnip.loaders").edit_snippet_files()
# SnippetProxy
`SnippetProxy` is used internally to alleviate the upfront cost of
loading snippets from e.g. a SnipMate library or a VSCode package. This is
achieved by only parsing the snippet on expansion, not immediately after reading
it from some file.
`SnippetProxy` may also be used from Lua directly to get the same benefits:
This will parse the snippet on startup:
ls.parser.parse_snippet("trig", "a snippet $1!")
while this will parse the snippet upon expansion:
local sp = require("luasnip.nodes.snippetProxy")
sp("trig", "a snippet $1")
`sp(context, body, opts) -> snippetProxy`
- `context`: exactly the same as the first argument passed to `ls.s`.
- `body`: the snippet body.
- `opts`: accepts the same `opts` as `ls.s`, with some additions:
- `parse_fn`: the function for parsing the snippet. Defaults to
`ls.parser.parse_snippet` (the parser for LSP snippets), an alternative is
the parser for SnipMate snippets (`ls.parser.parse_snipmate`).
# ext_opts
`ext_opts` can be used to set the `opts` (see `nvim_buf_set_extmark`) of the
extmarks used for marking node positions, either globally, per snippet or
per node.
This means that they allow highlighting the text inside of nodes, or adding
virtual text to the line the node begins on.
This is an example for the `node_ext_opts` used to set `ext_opts` of single nodes:
local ext_opts = {
-- these ext_opts are applied when the node is active (e.g. it has been
-- jumped into, and not out yet).
active =
-- this is the table actually passed to `nvim_buf_set_extmark`.
-- highlight the text inside the node red.
hl_group = "GruvboxRed"
-- these ext_opts are applied when the node is not active, but
-- the snippet still is.
passive = {
-- add virtual text on the line of the node, behind all text.
virt_text = {{"virtual text!!", "GruvboxBlue"}}
-- visited or unvisited are applied when a node was/was not jumped into.
visited = {
hl_group = "GruvboxBlue"
unvisited = {
hl_group = "GruvboxGreen"
-- and these are applied when both the node and the snippet are inactive.
snippet_passive = {}
s("trig", {
i(1, "text1", {
node_ext_opts = ext_opts
i(2, "text2", {
node_ext_opts = ext_opts
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In the above example, the text inside the insertNodes is higlighted in green if
they were not yet visited, in blue once they were, and red while they are.
The virtual text "virtual text!!" is visible as long as the snippet is active.
To make defining `ext_opts` less verbose, more specific states inherit from less
specific ones:
- `passive` inherits from `snippet_passive`
- `visited` and `unvisited` from `passive`
- `active` from `visited`
<!-- panvimdoc-ignore-start -->
flowchart TD
visited --> active
passive --> visited
passive --> unvisited
snippet_passive --> passive
<!-- panvimdoc-ignore-end -->
To disable a key from a less specific state, it has to be explicitly set to its
default, e.g. to disable highlighting inherited from `passive` when the node is
`active`, `hl_group` should be set to `None`.
As stated earlier, these `ext_opts` can also be applied globally or for an
entire snippet. For this, it's necessary to specify which kind of node a given
set of `ext_opts` should be applied to:
local types = require("luasnip.util.types")
ext_opts = {
[types.insertNode] = {
active = {...},
visited = {...},
passive = {...},
snippet_passive = {...}
[types.choiceNode] = {
active = {...},
unvisited = {...}
[types.snippet] = {
passive = {...}
The above applies the given `ext_opts` to all nodes of these types, in all
local types = require("luasnip.util.types")
s("trig", { i(1, "text1"), i(2, "text2") }, {
child_ext_opts = {
[types.insertNode] = {
passive = {
hl_group = "GruvboxAqua"
However, the `ext_opts` here are only applied to the `insertNodes` inside this
By default, the `ext_opts` actually used for a node are created by extending the
`node_ext_opts` with the `effective_child_ext_opts[node.type]` of the parent,
which are in turn the parent's `child_ext_opts` extended with the global
`ext_opts` (those set `ls.setup`).
It's possible to prevent both of these merges by passing
`merge_node/child_ext_opts=false` to the snippet/node-opts:
ext_opts = {
[types.insertNode] = {
active = {...}
s("trig", {
i(1, "text1", {
node_ext_opts = {
active = {...}
merge_node_ext_opts = false
i(2, "text2")
}, {
child_ext_opts = {
[types.insertNode] = {
passive = {...}
merge_child_ext_opts = false
The `hl_group` of the global `ext_opts` can also be set via standard
highlight groups:
vim.cmd("hi link LuasnipInsertNodePassive GruvboxRed")
vim.cmd("hi link LuasnipSnippetPassive GruvboxBlue")
-- needs to be called for resolving the effective ext_opts.
The names for the used highlight groups are
`"Luasnip<node>{Passive,Active,SnippetPassive}"`, where `<node>` can be any kind of
node in PascalCase (or "Snippet").
One problem that might arise when nested nodes are highlighted is that the
highlight of inner nodes should be visible, e.g. above that of nodes they are
nested inside.
This can be controlled using the `priority`-key in `ext_opts`. In
`nvim_buf_set_extmark`, that value is an absolute value, but here it is relative
to some base-priority, which is increased for each nesting level of
Both the initial base-priority and its' increase and can be controlled using
`ext_base_prio` and `ext_prio_increase`:
ext_opts = {
[types.insertNode] = {
active = {
hl_group = "GruvboxBlue",
-- the priorities should be \in [0, ext_prio_increase).
priority = 1
[types.choiceNode] = {
active = {
hl_group = "GruvboxRed"
-- priority defaults to 0
ext_base_prio = 200,
ext_prio_increase = 2
Here the highlight of an insertNode nested directly inside a choiceNode is
always visible on top of it.
# Docstrings
Snippet docstrings can be queried using `snippet:get_docstring()`. The function
evaluates the snippet as if it was expanded regularly, which can be problematic
if e.g. a dynamicNode in the snippet relies on inputs other than
the argument nodes.
`snip.env` and `snip.captures` are populated with the names of the queried
variable and the index of the capture respectively
(`snip.env.TM_SELECTED_TEXT` -> `'$TM_SELECTED_TEXT'`, `snip.captures[1]` ->
`'$CAPTURES1'`). Although this leads to more expressive docstrings, it can
cause errors in functions that e.g. rely on a capture being a number:
s({trig = "(%d)", regTrig = true}, {
f(function(args, snip)
return string.rep("repeatme ", tonumber(snip.captures[1]))
end, {})
This snippet works fine because `snippet.captures[1]` is always a number.
During docstring generation, however, `snippet.captures[1]` is `'$CAPTURES1'`,
which will cause an error in the functionNode.
Issues with `snippet.captures` can be prevented by specifying `docTrig` during
s({trig = "(%d)", regTrig = true, docTrig = "3"}, {
f(function(args, snip)
return string.rep("repeatme ", tonumber(snip.captures[1]))
end, {})
`snippet.captures` and `snippet.trigger` will be populated as if actually
triggered with `3`.
Other issues will have to be handled manually by checking the contents of e.g.
`snip.env` or predefining the docstring for the snippet:
s({trig = "(%d)", regTrig = true, docstring = "repeatmerepeatmerepeatme"}, {
f(function(args, snip)
return string.rep("repeatme ", tonumber(snip.captures[1]))
end, {})
Refer to [#515]( for a
better example to understand `docTrig` and `docstring`.
# Docstring-Cache
Although generation of docstrings is pretty fast, it's preferable to not
redo it as long as the snippets haven't changed. Using
`ls.store_snippet_docstrings(snippets)` and its counterpart
`ls.load_snippet_docstrings(snippets)`, they may be serialized from or
deserialized into the snippets.
Both functions accept a table structsured like this: `{ft1={snippets},
ft2={snippets}}`. Such a table containing all snippets can be obtained via
`load` should be called before any of the `loader`-functions as snippets loaded
from VSCode style packages already have their `docstring` set (`docstrings`
wouldn't be overwritten, but there'd be unnecessary calls).
The cache is located at `stdpath("cache")/luasnip/docstrings.json` (probably
# Events
Events can be used to react to some action inside snippets. These callbacks can
be defined per snippet (`callbacks`-key in snippet constructor), per-node by
passing them as `node_callbacks` in `node_opts`, or globally (autocommand).
`callbacks`: `fn(node[, event_args]) -> event_res`
All callbacks receive the `node` associated with the event and event-specific
optional arguments, `event_args`.
`event_res` is only used in one event, `pre_expand`, where some properties of
the snippet can be changed. If multiple callbacks return `event_res`, we only
guarantee that one of them will be effective, not all of them.
Luasnip uses `User`-events. Autocommands for these can be registered using
au User SomeUserEvent echom "SomeUserEvent was triggered"
vim.api.nvim_create_autocommand("User", {
pattern = "SomeUserEvent",
command = "echom SomeUserEvent was triggered"
The node and `event_args` can be accessed through `require("luasnip").session`:
* `node`: `session.event_node`
* `event_args`: `session.event_args`
* `enter/leave`: Called when a node is entered/left (for example when jumping
around in a snippet).
`User-event`: `"Luasnip<Node>{Enter,Leave}"`, with `<Node>` in
PascalCase, e.g. `InsertNode` or `DynamicNode`.
`event_args`: none
* `change_choice`: When the active choice in a choiceNode is changed.
`User-event`: `"LuasnipChangeChoice"`
`event_args`: none
* `pre_expand`: Called before a snippet is expanded. Modifying text is allowed,
the expand-position will be adjusted so the snippet expands at the same
position relative to existing text.
`User-event`: `"LuasnipPreExpand"`
* `expand_pos`: `{<row>, <column>}`, position at which the snippet will be
expanded. `<row>` and `<column>` are both 0-indexed.
* `expand_pos_mark_id`: `number`, the id of the extmark luasnip uses to track
`expand_pos`. This may be moved around freely.
* `env_override`: `map string->(string[]|string)`, override or extend the
snippet's environment (`snip.env`).
A pretty useless, beyond serving as an example here, application of these would
be printing e.g. the node's text after entering:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "LuasnipInsertNodeEnter",
callback = function()
local node = require("luasnip").session.event_node
print(table.concat(node:get_text(), "\n"))
or some information about expansions:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "LuasnipPreExpand",
callback = function()
-- get event-parameters from `session`.
local snippet = require("luasnip").session.event_node
local expand_position =
print(string.format("expanding snippet %s at %s:%s",
table.concat(snippet:get_docstring(), "\n"),
# Cleanup
The function ls.cleanup() triggers the `LuasnipCleanup` user event, that you
can listen to do some kind of cleaning in your own snippets; by default it will
empty the snippets table and the caches of the lazy_load.
# Logging
Luasnip uses logging to report unexpected program states, and information on
what's going on in general. If something does not work as expected, taking a
look at the log (and potentially increasing the loglevel) might give some good
hints towards what is going wrong.
The log is stored in `<vim.fn.stdpath("log")>/luasnip.log`
(`<vim.fn.stdpath("cache")>/luasnip.log` for Neovim versions where
`stdpath("log")` does not exist), and can be opened by calling ``. You can get the log path through `ls.log.log_location()`.
The loglevel (granularity of reported events) can be adjusted by calling
`ls.log.set_loglevel("error"|"warn"|"info"|"debug")`. `"debug"` has the highest
granularity, `"error"` the lowest, the default is `"warn"`.
You can also adjust the datetime formatting through the `ls.log.time_fmt` variable. By default, it uses the `'%X'` formatting, which results in the full time (hour, minutes and seconds) being shown.
Once this log grows too large (10MiB, currently not adjustable), it will be
renamed to `luasnip.log.old`, and a new, empty log created in its place. If
there already exists a `luasnip.log.old`, it will be deleted.
`` can be used to verify the log is working correctly: it will
print a short message to the log.
# Source
It is possible to attach, to a snippet, information about its source. This can
be done either by the various loaders (if it is enabled in `ls.setup`
([Config-Options](#config-options), `loaders_store_source`)), or manually. The
attached data can be used by [Extras-Snippet-Location](#snippet-location) to
jump to the definition of a snippet.
It is also possible to get/set the source of a snippet via API:
* `get(snippet) -> source_data`:
Retrieve the source-data of `snippet`. `source_data` always contains the key
`file`, the file in which the snippet was defined, and may additionally
contain `line` or `line_end`, the first and last line of the definition.
* `set(snippet, source)`:
Set the source of a snippet.
* `snippet`: a snippet which was added via `ls.add_snippets`.
* `source`: a `source`-object, obtained from either `from_debuginfo` or
* `from_location(file, opts) -> source`:
* `file`: `string`, The path to the file in which the snippet is defined.
* `opts`: `table|nil`, optional parameters for the source.
* `line`: `number`, the first line of the definition. 1-indexed.
* `line_end`: `number`, the final line of the definition. 1-indexed.
* `from_debuginfo(debuginfo) -> source`:
Generates source from the table returned by `debug.getinfo` (from now on
referred to as `debuginfo`). `debuginfo` has to be of a frame of a function
which is backed by a file, and has to contain this information, ie. has to be
generated by `debug.get_info(*, "Sl")` (at least `"Sl"`, it may also contain
more info).
# Selection
Many snippets use the `$TM_SELECTED_TEXT` or (for LuaSnip, preferably
`LS_SELECT_RAW` or `LS_SELECT_DEDENT`) variable, which has to be populated by
selecting and then yanking (and usually also cutting) text from the buffer
before expanding.
By default, this is disabled (as to not pollute keybindings which may be used
for something else), so one has to
* either set `cut_selection_keys` in `setup` (see
* or map `ls.cut_keys` as the rhs of a mapping
* or manually configure the keybinding. For this, create a new keybinding that
1. `<Esc>`es to NORMAL (to populate the `<` and `>`-markers)
2. calls `luasnip.pre_yank(<namedreg>)`
3. yanks text to some named register `<namedreg>`
4. calls `luasnip.post_yank(<namedreg>)`
Take care that the yanking actually takes place between the two calls. One way
to ensure this is to call the two functions via `<cmd>lua ...<Cr>`:
vim.keymap.set("v", "<Tab>", [[<Esc><cmd>lua require("").pre_yank("z")<Cr>gv"zs<cmd>lua require('').post_yank("z")<Cr>]])
The reason for this specific order is to allow us to take a snapshot of
registers (in the pre-callback), and then restore them (in the post-callback)
(so that we may get the visual selection directly from the register, which
seems to be the most foolproof way of doing this).
# Config-Options
These are the settings you can provide to `luasnip.setup()`:
- `keep_roots`: Whether snippet-roots should be linked. See
[Basics-Snippet-Insertion](#snippet-insertion) for more context.
- `link_roots`: Whether snippet-roots should be linked. See
[Basics-Snippet-Insertion](#snippet-insertion) for more context.
- `exit_roots`: Whether snippet-roots should exit at reaching at their last
node, `$0`. This setting is only valid for root snippets, not child snippets.
This setting may avoid unexpected behavior by disallowing to jump earlier
(finished) snippets. Check [Basics-Snippet-Insertion](#snippet-insertion) for
more information on snippet-roots.
- `link_children`: Whether children should be linked. See
[Basics-Snippet-Insertion](#snippet-insertion) for more context.
- `history` (deprecated): if not nil, `keep_roots`, `link_roots`, and
`link_children` will be set to the value of `history`, and
`exit_roots` will set to inverse value of `history`. This is just to ensure
- `update_events`: Choose which events trigger an update of the active nodes'
dependents. Default is just `'InsertLeave'`, `'TextChanged,TextChangedI'`
would update on every change.
These, like all other `*_events` are passed to `nvim_create_autocmd` as
`events`, so they can be wrapped in a table, like
update_events = {"TextChanged", "TextChangedI"}
- `region_check_events`: Events on which to leave the current snippet-root if
the cursor is outside its' 'region'. Disabled by default, `'CursorMoved'`,
`'CursorHold'` or `'InsertEnter'` seem reasonable.
- `delete_check_events`: When to check if the current snippet was deleted, and
if so, remove it from the history. Off by default, `'TextChanged'` (perhaps
`'InsertLeave'`, to react to changes done in Insert mode) should work just
fine (alternatively, this can also be mapped using
- `cut_selection_keys`: Mapping for populating `TM_SELECTED_TEXT` and related
variables (not set by default).
See [Selection](#selection) for more infos.
- `store_selection_keys` (deprecated): same as `cut_selection_keys`
- `enable_autosnippets`: Autosnippets are disabled by default to minimize
performance penalty if unused. Set to `true` to enable.
- `ext_opts`: Additional options passed to extmarks. Can be used to add
passive/active highlight on a per-node-basis (more info in
- `parser_nested_assembler`: Override the default behaviour of inserting a
`choiceNode` containing the nested snippet and an empty `insertNode` for
nested placeholders (`"${1: ${2: this is nested}}"`). For an example
(behaviour more similar to vscode), check
- `ft_func`: Source of possible filetypes for snippets. Defaults to a function,
which returns `vim.split(, ".", true)`, but check
[filetype_functions](lua/luasnip/extras/filetype_functions.lua) or the
[Extras-Filetype-Functions](#filetype-functions)-section for more options.
- `load_ft_func`: Function to determine which filetypes belong to a given
buffer (used for `lazy_loading`). `fn(bufnr) -> filetypes (string[])`. Again,
there are some examples in
- `snip_env`: The best way to author snippets in lua involves the
lua-loader (see [Loaders-Lua](#lua)).
Unfortunately, this requires that snippets are defined in separate files,
which means that common definitions like `s`, `i`, `sn`, `t`, `fmt`, ... have
to be repeated in each of them, and that adding more customized functions to
ease writing snippets also requires some setup.
`snip_env` can be used to insert variables into exactly the places where
lua-snippets are defined (for now only the file loaded by the lua-loader).
Setting `snip_env` to `{ some_global = "a value" }` will add (amongst the
defaults stated at the beginning of this documentation) the global variable
`some_global` while evaluating these files.
There are special keys which, when set in `snip_env` change the behaviour of
this option, and are not passed through to the lua-files:
* `__snip_env_behaviour`, string: either `"set"` or `"extend"` (default
If this is `"extend"`, the variables defined in `snip_env` will complement (and
override) the defaults. If this is not desired, `"set"` will not include the
defaults, but only the variables set here.
One side-effect of this is that analysis-tools (most likely
`lua-language-server`) for lua will generate diagnostics for the usage of
undefined symbols. If you mind the (probably) large number of generated
warnings, consider adding the undefined globals to the globals recognized by
`lua-language-server` or add `---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global`
somewhere in the affected files.
- `loaders_store_source`, boolean, whether loaders should store the source of
the loaded snippets.
Enabling this means that the definition of any snippet can be jumped to via
[Extras-Snippet-Location](#snippet-location), but also entails slightly
increased memory consumption (and load-time, but it's not really noticeable).
# Troubleshooting
## Adding Snippets
<a id="troubleshooting-adding-snippets-loaders"></a>
### Loaders
* **Filetypes**. LuaSnip uses `all` as the global filetype. As most snippet
collections don't explicitly target LuaSnip, they may not provide global
snippets for this filetype, but another, like `_` (`honza/vim-snippets`).
In these cases, it's necessary to extend LuaSnip's global filetype with
the collection's global filetype:
ls.filetype_extend("all", { "_" })
In general, if some snippets don't show up when loading a collection, a good
first step is checking the filetype LuaSnip is actually looking into (print
them for the current buffer via `:lua
print(vim.inspect(require("luasnip").get_snippet_filetypes()))`), against the
one the missing snippet is provided for (in the collection).
If there is indeed a mismatch, `filetype_extend` can be used to also search
the collection's filetype:
ls.filetype_extend("<luasnip-filetype>", { "<collection-filetype>" })
* **Non-default `ft_func` loading**. As we only load `lazy_load`ed snippets on
some events, `lazy_load` will probably not play nice when a non-default
`ft_func` is used: if it depends on e.g. the cursor position, only the
filetypes for the cursor position when the `lazy_load` events are triggered
will be loaded. Check [Extras-Filetype-Function](#filetype-functions)'s
`extend_load_ft` for a solution.
### General
* **Snippets sharing triggers**. If multiple snippets could be triggered at
the current buffer-position, the snippet that was defined first in one's
configuration will be expanded first. As a small, real-world LaTeX math
example, given the following two snippets with triggers `.ov` and `ov`:
postfix( -- Insert over-line command to text via post-fix
{ trig = ".ov", snippetType = "autosnippet" },
f(function(_, parent)
return "\\overline{" .. parent.snippet.env.POSTFIX_MATCH .. "}"
end, {}),
s( -- Insert over-line command
{ trig = "ov", snippetType="autosnippet" },
{ i(1) },
{ delimiters = "<>" }
If one types `x` followed by `.ov`, the postfix snippet expands producing
`\overline{x}`. However, if the `postfix` snippet above is defined *after*
the normal snippet `s`, then the same key press sequence produces
This behaviour can be overridden by explicitly providing a priority to
such snippets. For example, in the above code, if the `postfix` snippet
was defined after the normal snippet `s`, then adding `priority=1001` to the
`postfix` snippet will cause it to expand as if it were defined before
the normal snippet `s`. Snippet `priority` is discussed in the
[Snippets section]( of the documentation.
- `add_snippets(ft:string or nil, snippets:list or table, opts:table or nil)`:
Makes `snippets` (list of snippets) available in `ft`.
If `ft` is `nil`, `snippets` should be a table containing lists of snippets,
the keys are corresponding filetypes.
`opts` may contain the following keys:
- `type`: type of `snippets`, `"snippets"` or `"autosnippets"` (ATTENTION:
plural form used here). This serves as default value for the `snippetType`
key of each snippet added by this call see [Snippets](#snippets).
- `key`: Key that identifies snippets added via this call.
If `add_snippets` is called with a key that was already used, the snippets
from that previous call will be removed.
This can be used to reload snippets: pass an unique key to each
`add_snippets` and just redo the `add_snippets`-call when the snippets have
- `override_priority`: set priority for all snippets.
- `default_priority`: set priority only for snippets without snippet priority.
- `clean_invalidated(opts: table or nil) -> bool`: clean invalidated snippets
from internal snippet storage.
Invalidated snippets are still stored; it might be useful to actually remove
them as they still have to be iterated during expansion.
`opts` may contain:
- `inv_limit`: how many invalidated snippets are allowed. If the number of
invalid snippets doesn't exceed this threshold, they are not yet cleaned up.
A small number of invalidated snippets (<100) probably doesn't affect
runtime at all, whereas recreating the internal snippet storage might.
- `get_id_snippet(id)`: returns snippet corresponding to id.
- `in_snippet()`: returns true if the cursor is inside the current snippet.
- `jumpable(direction)`: returns true if the current node has a
next(`direction` = 1) or previous(`direction` = -1), e.g. whether it's
possible to jump forward or backward to another node.
- `jump(direction)`: returns true if the jump was successful.
- `expandable()`: true if a snippet can be expanded at the current cursor position.
- `expand(opts)`: expands the snippet at(before) the cursor.
`opts` may contain:
- `jump_into_func` passed through to `ls.snip_expand`, check its' doc for a
- `expand_or_jumpable()`: returns `expandable() or jumpable(1)` (exists only
because commonly, one key is used to both jump forward and expand).
- `expand_or_locally_jumpable()`: same as `expand_or_jumpable()` except jumpable
is ignored if the cursor is not inside the current snippet.
- `locally_jumpable(direction)`: same as `jumpable()` except it is ignored if the cursor
is not inside the current snippet.
- `expand_or_jump()`: returns true if jump/expand was succesful.
- `expand_auto()`: expands the autosnippets before the cursor (not necessary
to call manually, will be called via autocmd if `enable_autosnippets` is set
in the config).
- `snip_expand(snip, opts)`: expand `snip` at the current cursor position.
`opts` may contain the following keys:
- `clear_region`: A region of text to clear after expanding (but before
jumping into) snip. It has to be at this point (and therefore passed to
this function) as clearing before expansion will populate `TM_CURRENT_LINE`
and `TM_CURRENT_WORD` with wrong values (they would miss the snippet trigger)
and clearing after expansion may move the text currently under the cursor
and have it end up not at the `i(1)`, but a `#trigger` chars to its right.
The actual values used for clearing are `from` and `to`, both (0,0)-indexed
If the variables don't have to be populated with the correct values, it's
safe to remove the text manually.
- `expand_params`: table, override `trigger`, `captures` or environment of
the snippet.
This is useful for manually expanding snippets where the trigger passed
via `trig` is not the text triggering the snippet, or those which expect
`captures` (basically, snippets with a non-plaintext `trigEngine`).
One example:
snip_expand(snip, {
trigger = "override_trigger",
captures = {"first capture", "second capture"},
env_override = { this_key = "some value", other_key = {"multiple", "lines"}, TM_FILENAME = "some_other_filename.lua" }
- `pos`: position (`{line, col}`), (0,0)-indexed (in bytes, as returned by
`nvim_win_get_cursor()`), where the snippet should be expanded. The
snippet will be put between `(line,col-1)` and `(line,col)`. The snippet
will be expanded at the current cursor if pos is nil.
- `jump_into_func`: fn(snippet) -> node:
Callback responsible for jumping into the snippet. The returned node is
set as the new active node, ie. it is the origin of the next jump.
The default is basically this:
-- jump_into set the placeholder of the snippet, 1
-- to jump forwards.
return snip:jump_into(1)
while this can be used to only insert the snippet:
return snip.insert_nodes[0]
- `indent`: bool?, defaults to `true`. Whether LuaSnip will try to add
additional indents to fit current indent level in snippet expanding. This
option is useful when some LSP server already take indents into
consideration. In such cases, LuaSnip should not try to add additional
indents. If you are using `nvim-cmp`, sample config:
require("cmp").setup {
snippet = {
expand = function(args)
local indent_nodes = true
if vim.api.nvim_get_option_value("filetype", { buf = 0 }) == "dart" then
indent_nodes = false
require("luasnip").lsp_expand(args.body, {
indent = indent_nodes,
`opts` and any of its parameters may be nil.
- `get_active_snip()`: returns the currently active snippet (not node!).
- `choice_active()`: true if inside a choiceNode.
- `change_choice(direction)`: changes the choice in the innermost currently
active choiceNode forward (`direction` = 1) or backward (`direction` = -1).
- `unlink_current()`: removes the current snippet from the jumplist (useful
if luasnip fails to automatically detect e.g. deletion of a snippet) and
sets the current node behind the snippet, or, if not possible, before it.
- `lsp_expand(snip_string, opts)`: expands the LSP snippet defined via
`snip_string` at the cursor.
`opts` can have the same options as `opts` in `snip_expand`.
- `active_update_dependents()`: update all function/dynamicNodes that have the
current node as an argnode (will actually only update them if the text in any
of the argnodes changed).
- `available(snip_info)`: returns a table of all snippets defined for the
current filetypes(s) (`{ft1={snip1, snip2}, ft2={snip3, snip4}}`).
The structure of the snippet is defined by `snip_info` which is a function
(`snip_info(snip)`) that takes in a snippet (`snip`), finds the desired
information on it, and returns it.
`snip_info` is an optional argument as a default has already been defined.
You can use it for more granular control over the table of snippets that is
- `exit_out_of_region(node)`: checks whether the cursor is still within the
range of the root-snippet `node` belongs to. If yes, no change occurs; if no, the
root-snippet is exited and its `$0` will be the new active node.
If a jump causes an error (happens mostly because the text of a snippet was
deleted), the snippet is removed from the jumplist and the current node set to
the end/beginning of the next/previous snippet.
- `store_snippet_docstrings(snippet_table)`: Stores the docstrings of all
snippets in `snippet_table` to a file
Calling `store_snippet_docstrings(snippet_table)` after adding/modifying
snippets and `load_snippet_docstrings(snippet_table)` on startup after all
snippets have been added to `snippet_table` is a way to avoide regenerating
the (unchanged) docstrings on each startup.
(Depending on when the docstrings are required and how luasnip is loaded,
it may be more sensible to let them load lazily, e.g. just before they are
`snippet_table` should be laid out just like `luasnip.snippets` (it will
most likely always _be_ `luasnip.snippets`).
- `load_snippet_docstrings(snippet_table)`: Load docstrings for all snippets
in `snippet_table` from `stdpath("cache")/luasnip/docstrings.json`.
The docstrings are stored and restored via trigger, meaning if two
snippets for one filetype have the same (very unlikely to happen in actual
usage), bugs could occur.
`snippet_table` should be laid out as described in `store_snippet_docstrings`.
- `unlink_current_if_deleted()`: Checks if the current snippet was deleted;
if so, it is removed from the jumplist. This is not 100% reliable as
LuaSnip only sees the extmarks and their beginning/end may not be on the same
position, even if all the text between them was deleted.
- `filetype_extend(filetype:string, extend_filetypes:table of string)`: Tells
luasnip that for a buffer with `ft=filetype`, snippets from
`extend_filetypes` should be searched as well. `extend_filetypes` is a
lua-array (`{ft1, ft2, ft3}`).
`luasnip.filetype_extend("lua", {"c", "cpp"})` would search and expand c and
cpp snippets for lua files.
- `filetype_set(filetype:string, replace_filetypes:table of string)`: Similar
to `filetype_extend`, but where _append_ appended filetypes, _set_ sets them:
`filetype_set("lua", {"c"})` causes only c snippets to be expanded in
lua files; lua snippets aren't even searched.
- `cleanup()`: clears all snippets. Not useful for regular usage, only when
authoring and testing snippets.
- `refresh_notify(ft:string)`: Triggers an autocmd that other plugins can hook
into to perform various cleanup for the refreshed filetype.
Useful for signaling that new snippets were added for the filetype `ft`.
- `set_choice(indx:number)`: Changes to the `indx`th choice.
If no `choiceNode` is active, an error is thrown.
If the active `choiceNode` doesn't have an `indx`th choice, an error is
- `get_current_choices() -> string[]`: Returns a list of multiline-strings
(themselves lists, even if they have only one line), the `i`th string
corresponding to the `i`th choice of the currently active `choiceNode`.
If no `choiceNode` is active, an error is thrown.
- `setup_snip_env()`: Adds the variables defined (during `setup`) in `snip_env`
to the callers environment.
- `get_snip_env()`: Returns `snip_env`.
- `jump_destination(direction)`: Returns the node the next jump in `direction`
(either -1 or 1, for backwards, forwards respectively) leads to, or `nil` if
the destination could not be determined (most likely because there is no node
that can be jumped to in the given direction, or there is no active node).
- `activate_node(opts)`: Activate a node in any snippet.
`opts` contains the following options:
* `pos`, `{[1]: row, [2]: byte-column}?`: The position at which a node should
be activated. Defaults to the position of the cursor.
* `strict`, `bool?`: If set, throw an error if the node under the cursor can't
be jumped into. If not set, fall back to any node of the snippet and enter
that instead.
* `select`, `bool?`: Whether the text inside the node should be selected.
Defaults to true.
Not covered in this section are the various node-constructors exposed by
the module, their usage is shown either previously in this file or in
`Examples/snippets.lua` (in the repo).