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2020-09-20 00:59:51 +02:00
# aerial.nvim
2021-06-16 17:48:32 +02:00
A code outline window for skimming and quick navigation
2020-09-20 02:29:26 +02:00
2021-06-17 04:22:57 +02:00
![Screenshot from 2021-06-16 19-05-43](
![Screenshot from 2021-06-16 19-17-00](
2020-09-20 02:29:26 +02:00
## Requirements
Neovim 0.5 (nightly)
It's powered by LSP, so you'll need to have that already set up and working.
## Installation
aerial.nvim works with [Pathogen](
cd ~/.vim/bundle/
git clone
and [vim-plug](
Plug 'stevearc/aerial.nvim'
## Setup
2020-09-20 02:29:26 +02:00
Step one is to get a Neovim LSP set up, which is beyond the scope of this guide.
See [nvim-lspconfig]( for instructions.
After you have a functioning LSP setup, you will need to customize the
`on_attach` callback.
local aerial = require'aerial'
local custom_attach = function(client)
-- Aerial does not set any mappings by default, so you'll want to set some up
-- Toggle the aerial window with <leader>a
2021-06-17 20:10:54 +02:00
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', '<leader>a', '<cmd>AerialToggle!<CR>', {})
-- Jump forwards/backwards with '{' and '}'
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', '{', '<cmd>AerialPrev<CR>', {})
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', '}', '<cmd>AerialNext<CR>', {})
-- Jump forwards/backwards at the same tree level with '[[' and ']]'
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', '[[', '<cmd>AerialLPrev<CR>', {})
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', ']]', '<cmd>AerialLNext<CR>', {})
2020-09-20 02:29:26 +02:00
-- This is a great place to set up all your other LSP mappings
-- Set up your LSP clients here, using the custom on_attach method
2020-12-06 05:30:55 +01:00
2020-09-20 02:29:26 +02:00
on_attach = custom_attach,
2021-06-17 20:10:54 +02:00
## Commands
Command | arg | description
------- | --- | -----------
`AerialToggle` | `left`/`right` | Open (and enter) or close the aerial window
`AerialToggle!` | `left`/`right` | Open or close the aerial window
`AerialOpen` | `left`/`right` | Open (and enter) the aerial window
`AerialOpen!` | `left`/`right` | Open the aerial window
`AerialClose` | | Close the aerial window
`AerialPrev` | N=1 | Jump backwards N symbols
`AerialNext` | N=1 | Jump forwards N symbols
`AerialLPrev` | N=1 | Jump backwards N symbols, skip symbols at a diffent tree level
`AerialLNext` | N=1 | Jump forwards N symbols, skip symbols at a diffent tree level
`AerialGo` | N=1, `v`/`h` | Jump to the Nth symbol
2021-06-17 20:10:54 +02:00
## Options
vim.g.aerial = {
2021-06-17 23:20:32 +02:00
-- Enum: persist, close, auto
-- persist - aerial window will stay open until closed
-- close - aerial window will close when original file is no longer visible
-- auto - aerial window will stay open as long as there is a visible
-- buffer to attach to
close_behavior = 'auto',
-- Enum: prefer_right, prefer_left, right, left
-- Determines the default direction to open the aerial window. The 'prefer'
-- options will open the window in the other direction *if* there is a
-- different buffer in the way of the preferred direction
default_direction = 'prefer_right',
-- Fetch document symbols when LSP diagnostics change.
-- If you set this to false, you will need to manually fetch symbols
diagnostics_trigger_update = true,
-- Enum: split_width, full_width, last, none
-- Determines line highlighting mode when multiple buffers are visible
highlight_mode = 'split_width',
-- When jumping to a symbol, highlight the line for this many ms
-- Set to 0 or false to disable
highlight_on_jump = 300,
-- The maximum width of the aerial window
max_width = 40,
-- The minimum width of the aerial window.
-- To disable dynamic resizing, set this to be equal to max_width
min_width = 10,
-- Set default symbol icons to use Nerd Font icons (see
nerd_font = 'auto',
-- Whether to open aerial automatically when entering a buffer.
-- Can also be specified per-filetype as a map (see below)
open_automatic = false,
-- If open_automatic is true, only open aerial if the source buffer is at
-- least this long
open_automatic_min_lines = 0,
-- If open_automatic is true, only open aerial if there are at least this many symbols
open_automatic_min_symbols = 0,
2021-06-18 00:41:32 +02:00
-- Run this command after jumping to a symbol ('' will disable)
post_jump_cmd = 'normal! zvzz',
-- Set to false to not update the symbols when there are LSP errors
update_when_errors = true,
-- A list of all symbols to display. Set to false to show all symbols.
filter_kind = {
-- open_automatic can be specified as a filetype map. For example, the below
-- configuration will open automatically in all filetypes except python and rust
vim.g.aerial = {
open_automatic = {
-- use underscore to specify the default behavior
['_'] = true,
python = false,
rust = false,
-- You can also override the default icons.
vim.g.aerial = {
icons = {
2021-06-17 20:10:54 +02:00
Class = '';
-- The icon to use when a class has been collapsed in the tree
ClassCollapsed = '喇';
2021-06-17 20:10:54 +02:00
Function = '';
Constant = '[c]'
-- The default icon to use when any symbol is collapsed in the tree
2021-06-17 20:10:54 +02:00
Collapsed = '▶';
Setting options in vimscript works the same way
" You can specify with global variables prefixed with 'aerial_'
let g:aerial_default_direction = 'left'
" Or you can set the g:aerial dict all at once
let g:aerial = {
\ 'default_direction': 'left',
All possible SymbolKind values can be found [in the LSP
These are the values used for configuring icons, highlight groups, and
## Default Keybindings
The default keybindings in the aerial window are
Key | Command
--- | -------
`<CR>` | Jump to the symbol under the cursor
`<C-v>` | Jump to the symbol in a vertical split
`<C-s>` | Jump to the symbol in a horizontal split
`<p>` | Scroll to the symbol (stay in aerial buffer)
`<C-j>` | Go down one line and scroll to that symbol
`<C-k>` | Go up one line and scroll to that symbol
`{` | Jump to the previous symbol
`}` | Jump to the next symbol
`[[` | Jump to the previous symbol at the same tree level
`]]` | Jump to the next symbol at the same tree level
`q` | Close the aerial window
`o` | Toggle the tree
`O` | Toggle the tree recursively
## Highlight
There are highlight groups created for each `SymbolKind`. There will be one for
the name of the symbol (`Aerial<SymbolKind>`, and one for the icon
(`Aerial<SymbolKind>Icon`). For example:
hi link AerialClass Type
hi link AerialClassIcon Special
hi link AerialFunction Special
hi AerialFunctionIcon guifg=#cb4b16 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE gui=NONE cterm=NONE
" There's also this group for the cursor position
hi link AerialLine QuickFixLine