Peter Benjamin ad4fe8c532
feat(editorconfig): add editorconfig snippets (#392)
* feat(editorconfig): add editorconfig snippets
2024-02-16 20:25:43 -05:00

47 lines
2 KiB

"root": {
"prefix": "root",
"body": "# EditorConfig is awesome:\n\n# top-most EditorConfig file\nroot = true\n\n# Unix-style newlines with a newline ending every file\n[*]\nend_of_line = lf\ninsert_final_newline = true\n\n# Matches multiple files with brace expansion notation\n# Set default charset\n[*.{js,py}]\ncharset = utf-8\n\n# 4 space indentation\n[*.py]\nindent_style = space\nindent_size = 4\n\n# Tab indentation (no size specified)\n[Makefile]\nindent_style = tab\n\n# Indentation override for all JS under lib directory\n[lib/**.js]\nindent_style = space\nindent_size = 2\n\n# Matches the exact files either package.json or .travis.yml\n[{package.json,.travis.yml}]\nindent_style = space\nindent_size = 2",
"description": "Editorconfig root configuration"
"indent_style": {
"prefix": "istyle",
"body": "indent_style = space",
"description": "Indentation Style (tab or space)"
"indent_size": {
"prefix": "isize",
"body": "indent_size = 2",
"description": "Indentation Size (integer or 'tab')"
"tab_width": {
"prefix": "tw",
"body": "tab_width = 4",
"description": "Width of a single tabstop character"
"end_of_line": {
"prefix": "eol",
"body": "end_of_line = lf",
"description": "Line ending file format (lf, crlf, or cr)"
"charset": {
"prefix": "char",
"body": "charset = utf-8",
"description": "File character encoding (latin1, utf-8, utf-16be, utf-16le, utf-8-bom)"
"trim_trailing_space": {
"prefix": "tts",
"body": "trim_trailing_whitespace = true",
"description": "Denotes whether whitespace is removed from the end of lines"
"insert_final_newline": {
"prefix": "ifn",
"body": "insert_final_newline = true",
"description": "Denotes whether file should end with a newline"
"max_line_length": {
"prefix": "mll",
"body": "max_line_length = 80",
"description": "Forces hard line wrapping after the amount of characters specified. 'off' to turn off this feature."