2023-05-30 19:08:03 -03:00

520 lines
16 KiB

"all": {
"prefix": "all",
"body": "all(${1:mask}${2:, dim=${3:1}})",
"description": "all",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"alloc": {
"prefix": "alloc",
"body": [
"allocate(${1:array}, stat=${2:err})",
"if ($2 /= 0) print *, \"$1: Allocation request denied\"",
"if (allocated($1)) deallocate($1, stat=$2)",
"if ($2 /= 0) print *, \"$1: Deallocation request denied\""
"description": "Allocate and Deallocate array",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"al": {
"body": [
"allocate(${1:array}, stat=${2:err})",
"if ($2 /= 0) print *, \"$1: Allocation request denied\""
"prefix": "al",
"description": "Allocate Array"
"and": {
"prefix": "and",
"body": ".and.",
"description": "And",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"any": {
"prefix": "any",
"body": "any(${1:mask}${2:, dim=${3:1}})",
"description": "any",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"case": {
"prefix": "case",
"body": "case ${1:default}\n\t$0",
"description": "case",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"char": {
"prefix": "char",
"body": "character(len=$1${2:, kind=$3})${4:, ${5:attributes}} :: ${6:name}",
"description": "Character",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"close": {
"prefix": "close",
"body": "close(unit=${1:iounit}, iostat=${2:ios}${3:, status=\"delete\"})\nif ($2 /= 0) stop \"Error closing file unit $1\"\n",
"description": "Close File",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"count": {
"prefix": "count",
"body": "count(${1:mask}${2:, dim=${3:1}})",
"description": "count",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"typ": {
"prefix": "typ",
"body": "type(${1:type name})${2:, ${3:attributes}} :: ${4:name}",
"description": "Custom Type",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"cy": {
"prefix": "cy",
"body": "cycle",
"description": "cycle",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"data": {
"prefix": "data",
"body": "data ${1:variable} / ${2:data} /",
"description": "data",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"deal": {
"prefix": "deal",
"body": "if (allocated($1)) deallocate(${1:array}, stat=${2:err})\nif ($2 /= 0) print *, \"$1: Deallocation request denied$0\"",
"description": "Deallocate Array",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"dow": {
"prefix": "dow",
"body": "do while (${1:condition})\n\t$0\nend do",
"description": "do while",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"do": {
"prefix": "do",
"body": "do${1: ${2:i} = ${3:1}, ${4:100}, ${5:1}}\n\t$0\nend do",
"description": "do",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"dot": {
"prefix": "dot",
"body": "dot_product($1,$2)",
"description": "Dot Product of Vectors",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"elif": {
"prefix": "elif",
"body": "else if (${1:condition}) then\n\t",
"description": "else if",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"eq": {
"prefix": "eq",
"body": ".eq.",
"description": "Equal",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"eqv": {
"prefix": "eqv",
"body": ".eqv.",
"description": "Equality",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"for": {
"prefix": "for",
"body": "forall (${1:i=1:100}${2:, mask})\n\t$0\nend forall",
"description": "forall",
"scope": "source.fortran.modern"
"fun": {
"prefix": "fun",
"body": [
"function ${1:name}(${2:input}) result(${3:output})",
"\t${4:argument type}, intent(${5:inout}) :: $2",
"\t${6:function type} :: $3",
"end function $1"
"description": "function",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"ge": {
"prefix": "ge",
"body": ".ge.",
"description": "Greater or Equal",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"gt": {
"prefix": "gt",
"body": ".gt.",
"description": "Greater Than",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"if": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": "if (${1:condition}) ",
"description": "if (single line)",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"if1": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": "if (${1:condition}) then\n\t$0\nend if",
"description": "if",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"imp": {
"prefix": "imp",
"body": "implicit none\n",
"description": "implicit none",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"ido": {
"prefix": "ido",
"body": "(${1:i}, $1 = ${2:1}, ${3:100}, ${4:1})$0",
"description": "Implied do",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"maxloc": {
"prefix": "maxloc",
"body": "maxloc(${1:source}${2:, mask=${3:($1>0)}})",
"description": "Index of Maximum",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"minloc": {
"prefix": "minloc",
"body": "minloc(${1:source}${2:, mask=${3:$1>0}})",
"description": "Index of Minimum",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"open": {
"prefix": "open",
"body": "open(unit=${1:iounit}, file=${2:name}, iostat=${3:ios}, status=\"${4:old}\", action=\"${5:read}\")\nif ($3 /= 0) stop \"Error opening file ${2/[\\\"\\'](.*)[\\\"\\']/$1/}\"\n",
"description": "Input File",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"inq": {
"prefix": "inq",
"body": "inquire(file=${1:filename}, opened=${2:ioopen}, exists=${3:ioexist}, number=${4:iounit})",
"description": "Inquire (by Filename)",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"inq1": {
"prefix": "inq",
"body": "inquire(unit=${1:iounit}, opened=${2:ioopen}, name=${3:filename}, action=${4:ioaction})",
"description": "Inquire (by Unit)",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"int": {
"prefix": "int",
"body": "integer${1:(${2:kind})}${3:, ${4:attributes}} :: ${5:name}",
"description": "Integer",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"interf": {
"prefix": "interf",
"body": "interface ${1:name}\n\t$0\nend interface $1",
"description": "interface",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"le": {
"prefix": "le",
"body": ".le.",
"description": "Less or Equal",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"lt": {
"prefix": "lt",
"body": ".lt.",
"description": "Less Than",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"log": {
"prefix": "log",
"body": "logical${1:(${2:kind})}${3:, ${4:attributes}} :: ${5:name}",
"description": "Logical",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"lbound": {
"prefix": "lbound",
"body": "lbound(${1:source}${2:, dim=${3:1}})",
"description": "Lower Bound",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"mat": {
"prefix": "mat",
"body": "matmul($1,$2)",
"description": "Matrix Multiplication",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"max": {
"prefix": "max",
"body": "max($1, $2${, $3:...})$0",
"description": "max",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"maxval": {
"prefix": "maxval",
"body": "maxval(${1:source}${2:, dim=${3:1}}${4:, mask=${5:($1>0)}})",
"description": "Maximum Value",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"merge": {
"prefix": "merge",
"body": "merge(${1:source}, ${2:alternative}, mask=(${2:$1>0}))",
"description": "merge",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"min": {
"prefix": "min",
"body": "min($1, $2${, $3:...})$0",
"description": "min",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"minval": {
"prefix": "minval",
"body": "minval(${1:source}${2:, dim=${3:1}}${4:, mask=${5:($1>0)}})",
"description": "Minimum Value",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"mp": {
"prefix": "mp",
"body": "module procedure ${0:name}",
"description": "module procedure",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"mod": {
"prefix": "mod",
"body": "module ${1:name}\n\n\timplicit none\n\t$0\n\nend module $1\n",
"description": "module",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"neqv": {
"prefix": "neqv",
"body": ".neqv.",
"description": "Non-Equality",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"not": {
"prefix": "not",
"body": ".not.",
"description": "Not",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"open1": {
"prefix": "open",
"body": "open(unit=${1:iounit}, file=${2:name}, iostat=${3:ios}, &\n status=\"${4:old/new/replace/scratch/unknown}\", action=\"${5:read/write/readwrite}\", access=\"${7:sequential/direct}\"${7/(direct)$|.*/(?1:, recl=)/}$0)\nif ($3 /= 0) stop \"Error opening file ${2/[\\\"\\'](.*)[\\\"\\']/$1/}\"",
"description": "Open File",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"or": {
"prefix": "or",
"body": ".or.",
"description": "Or",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"open2": {
"prefix": "open",
"body": "open(unit=${1:iounit}, file=${2:name}, iostat=${3:ios}, status=\"${4:new}\", action=\"${5:write}\")\nif ($3 /= 0) stop \"Error opening file ${2/[\\\"\\'](.*)[\\\"\\']/$1/}\"\n",
"description": "Output File",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"pack": {
"prefix": "pack",
"body": "pack(${1:array}, mask=(${2:$1>0})${3:, vector=${4:destination vector}})",
"description": "pack",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"pr": {
"prefix": "pr",
"body": "print*, ",
"description": "Quick Print",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"prod": {
"prefix": "prod",
"body": "product(${1:source}${2:, dim=${3:1}}${4:, mask=${5:($1>0)}})",
"description": "Product of Elements",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"prog": {
"prefix": "prog",
"body": "program ${1:name}\n\n\timplicit none\n\t$0\n\nend program $1\n",
"description": "program",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"c": {
"prefix": "c",
"body": "character(len=*) :: ",
"description": "Quick Character",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"t": {
"prefix": "t",
"body": "type(${1:type name}) :: ",
"description": "Quick Custom Type",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"i": {
"prefix": "i",
"body": "integer :: ",
"description": "Quick Integer",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"l": {
"prefix": "l",
"body": "logical :: ",
"description": "Quick Logical",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"op": {
"prefix": "op",
"body": "open(unit=${1:iounit}, file=${2:name}, iostat=${3:ios})\nif ($3 /= 0) stop \"Error opening file ${2/[\\\"\\'](.*)[\\\"\\']/$1/}\"",
"description": "Quick Open",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"re": {
"prefix": "re",
"body": "read*, ",
"description": "Quick Read",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"r": {
"prefix": "r",
"body": "real :: ",
"description": "Quick Real",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"wr": {
"prefix": "wr",
"body": "write(unit=${1:iounit}, fmt=*) ${0:variables}\n",
"description": "Quick Write",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"rn": {
"prefix": "rn",
"body": "call random_number($0)",
"description": "Random Number",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"rs": {
"prefix": "rs",
"body": "call random_seed(${1:size=${2:<int>}}${3:put=(/$4/)})",
"description": "Random Seed",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"read": {
"prefix": "read",
"body": "read(unit=${1:iounit}, fmt=\"(${2:format string})\", iostat=${3:istat}, advance='NO', size=${4:number of characters}) ${5:variables}\nif ($3 /= 0) stop \"Read error in file unit $1\"\n",
"description": "Read (Non Advancing Mode)",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"read1": {
"prefix": "read",
"body": "read(unit=${1:iounit}, fmt=\"(${2:format string})\", iostat=${3:istat}) ${4:variables}\nif ($3 /= 0) stop \"Read error in file unit $1\"\n",
"description": "Read",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"rea": {
"prefix": "rea",
"body": "real${1:(${2:kind})}${3:, ${4:attributes}} :: ${5:name}",
"description": "Real",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"resh": {
"prefix": "resh",
"body": "reshape(${1:source}${2:, shape=(/$3/)}${4:, pad=(/$5/)}${6:, order=(/${7:2,1}/)})",
"description": "reshape",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"open3": {
"prefix": "open",
"body": "open(unit=${1:iounit}, iostat=${3:ios}, status=\"${4:scratch}\", action=\"${5:readwrite}\")\nif ($3 /= 0) stop \"Error opening scratch file on unit $1\"\n",
"description": "Scratch File",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"sel": {
"prefix": "sel",
"body": "select case ($1:variable)\n\tcase ($2:values)\n\t\t$0\nend select",
"description": "select case",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"size": {
"prefix": "size",
"body": "size(${1:source}${2:, dim=${3:1}})",
"description": "Size",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"spread": {
"prefix": "spread",
"body": "spread(${1:source}, dim=${2:1}, ncopies=$3)",
"description": "spread",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"stop": {
"prefix": "stop",
"body": "stop \"${1:message}\"",
"description": "stop",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"sub": {
"prefix": "sub",
"body": "subroutine ${1:name}(${2:input})\n\t${3:argument type}, intent(${4:inout}) :: ${2/\\w+\\((.*)\\)|.*/$2/}\n\t$0\nend subroutine ${1/(\\w+).*/$1/}",
"description": "subroutine",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"sum": {
"prefix": "sum",
"body": "sum(${1:source}${2:, dim=${3:1}}${4:, mask=${5:($1>0)}})",
"description": "Sum of Elements",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"type": {
"prefix": "type",
"body": "type ${1:type name}\n\t$0\nend type $1",
"description": "Type Definition",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"unpack": {
"prefix": "unpack",
"body": "unpack(${1:vector}, mask=(${2:$1>0}), field=${3:destination array})",
"description": "unpack",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"ubound": {
"prefix": "ubound",
"body": "ubound(${1:source}${2:, dim=${3:1}})",
"description": "Upper Bound",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"wh": {
"prefix": "wh",
"body": "where ($1 ${2:==} $3) ",
"description": "where (single line)",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"whe": {
"prefix": "whe",
"body": "where ($1 ${2:==} $3)\n\t$0\nend where",
"description": "where",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"write": {
"prefix": "write",
"body": "write(unit=${1:iounit}, fmt=\"(${2:format string})\", iostat=${3:ios}${4:, advance='NO'}) ${5:variables}\nif ($3 /= 0) stop \"Write error in file unit $1\"\n",
"description": "Write",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"fa": {
"prefix": "fa",
"body": ".false.",
"description": ".false.",
"scope": "source.fortran"
"tr": {
"prefix": "tr",
"body": ".true.",
"description": ".true.",
"scope": "source.fortran"