2024-01-29 02:55:03 +01:00

147 lines
3.4 KiB

"Inner class": {
"prefix": "class",
"body": ["class $1 extends ${2:Reference}", "\t$3"]
"Print messages to console": {
"prefix": "pr",
"body": ["print($1)"]
"_ready method of Node": {
"prefix": "ready",
"body": ["func _ready():", "\t${1:pass}"]
"_init method of Object": {
"prefix": "init",
"body": ["func _init():", "\t${1:pass}"]
"_process method of Node": {
"prefix": "process",
"body": ["func _process(delta):", "\t${1:pass}"]
"_input method of Node": {
"prefix": "input",
"body": ["func _input(event):", "\t${1:pass}"]
"_input_event method of Node": {
"prefix": "inpute",
"body": ["func _input_event(event):", "\t${1:pass}"]
"_draw method of Node": {
"prefix": "draw",
"body": ["func _draw():", "\t${1:pass}"]
"_gui_input method of Node": {
"prefix": "guii",
"body": ["func _gui_input(event):", "\t${1:pass}"]
"for loop": {
"prefix": "for",
"body": ["for $1 in $2:", "\t${3:pass}"]
"for range loop": {
"prefix": "for",
"body": ["for $1 in range(${2:start},${3:end}):", "\t${4:pass}"]
"if elif else": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": [
"if ${1:condition}:",
"elif ${2:condition}:",
"if else": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": ["if ${1:condition}:", "\t${2:pass}", "else:", "\t${3:pass}"]
"if": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": ["if ${1:condition}:", "\t${2:pass}"]
"while": {
"prefix": "while",
"body": ["while ${1:condition}:", "\t${2:pass}"]
"function define": {
"prefix": "func",
"body": ["func ${1:method}(${2:args}):", "\t${3:pass}"]
"match": {
"prefix": "match",
"body": ["match ${1:expression}:\n\t${2:pattern}:\n\t\t${3}\n\t_:\n\t\t${0:default}"]
"signal declaration": {
"prefix": "signal",
"body": ["signal ${1:signalname}(${2:args})"]
"export variables": {
"prefix": "export",
"body": [
"export(${1:type}${2:,other_configs}) var ${3:name}${4: = }${5:}${6: setget }"
"define variables": {
"prefix": "var",
"body": ["var ${1:name}${2: = }${3:}${4: setget }"]
"define onready variables": {
"prefix": "onready",
"body": ["onready var ${1:name} = get_node($2)"]
"Is instance of a class or script": {
"prefix": "is",
"body": ["${1:instance} is ${2:class}"]
"element in array": {
"prefix": "in",
"body": ["${1:element} in ${$2:array}"]
"GDScript template": {
"prefix": "gdscript",
"body": [
"extends ${1:BaseClass}",
"# class member variables go here, for example:",
"# var a = 2",
"# var b = \"textvar\"",
"func _ready():",
"\t# Called every time the node is added to the scene.",
"\t# Initialization here",
"pass statement": {
"prefix": "pass",
"body": ["pass"]