2023-05-30 19:08:03 -03:00

162 lines
4.5 KiB

"case": {
"prefix": ["case"],
"body": [
"case ${1:expression} of",
"\t${2:case1} -> ${3:result}",
"\t${4:case2} -> ${5:result}$0"
"description": "Case statement"
"block_comment": {
"prefix": ["--", "comment", "block_comment"],
"body": ["{- $0 -}"],
"description": "Block Comment"
"data_inline": {
"prefix": ["data inline"],
"body": ["data ${1:type} = ${2:data}$0 ${3:deriving (${4:Show, Eq})}"],
"description": "Inline data"
"data_record": {
"prefix": ["data record"],
"body": [
"data ${1:Type} = $1",
"\t{ ${2:field} :: ${3:Type}",
"\t, ${4:field} :: ${5:Type}$0",
"\t} ${6:deriving (${7:Show, Eq})}"
"description": "Data record"
"fn": {
"prefix": ["fns", "simple function"],
"body": [
"${1:f} :: ${2:a} ${3:-> ${4:b}}",
"$1 ${5:x} = ${6:undefined}$0 "
"description": "Simple function"
"fn_clause": {
"prefix": ["fnc", "clause function"],
"body": [
"${1:f} :: ${2:a} ${3:-> ${4:b}}",
"$1 ${5:pattern} = ${7:undefined}",
"$1 ${6:pattern} = ${8:undefined}$0"
"description": "Clause function"
"fn_guarded": {
"prefix": ["fng", "guarded function"],
"body": [
"${1:f} :: ${2:a} ${3:-> ${4:b}}",
"$1 ${5:x}",
"\t| ${6:condition} = ${8:undefined}",
"\t| ${7:condition} = ${9:undefined}$0"
"description": "Guarded function"
"fn_where": {
"prefix": ["fnw", "where function"],
"body": [
"${1:f} :: ${2:a} ${3:-> ${4:b}}",
"$1 ${5:x} = ${6:undefined}$0",
"description": "Function with where"
"get": {
"prefix": ["get"],
"body": ["${1:x} <- ${2:undefined}$0"],
"description": "Monadic get"
"if_inline": {
"prefix": ["if inline"],
"body": [
"if ${1:condition} then ${2:undefined} else ${3:undefined}$0,"
"description": "If inline"
"if": {
"prefix": ["if simple"],
"body": [
"if ${1:condition}",
"\tthen ${2:undefined}",
"\telse ${3:undefined}$0"
"description": "If block"
"import": {
"prefix": ["import simple"],
"body": ["import ${1:module} ${2:(${3:f})}$0"],
"description": "Simple import"
"import_qualified": {
"prefix": ["import qual"],
"body": ["import qualified ${1:module} as ${2:name}"],
"description": "Qualified import"
"instance": {
"prefix": ["inst"],
"body": [
"instance ${1:Class} ${2:Data} where",
"\t${3:f} = ${4:undefined}$0"
"description": "typeclass instance"
"lambda": {
"prefix": ["\\", "lambda"],
"body": ["\\${1:x} -> ${2:undefined}$0"],
"description": "lambda function"
"pragma": {
"prefix": ["lang"],
"body": ["{-# LANGUAGE ${1:extension} #-}$0"],
"description": "Language extension pragma"
"let": {
"prefix": ["let"],
"body": ["let ${1:x} = ${2:undefined}$0"],
"description": "let statement"
"main": {
"prefix": ["main"],
"body": [
"module Main where",
"main :: IO ()",
"main = do",
"return ()"
"description": "main module"
"module": {
"prefix": ["mods", "mod simple"],
"body": ["module ${1:mod} where$0"],
"description": "simple module"
"module exports": {
"prefix": ["modu", "mod exports"],
"body": [
"module ${1:mod} (",
"\t${3:, ${4:export}}",
") where$0"
"description": "simple module with exports"
"newtype": {
"prefix": ["new"],
"body": [
"newtype ${1:Type} ${2:a} = $1 { un$1 :: ${3:a} } ${4:deriving (${5:Show, Eq})}$0"
"description": "Newtype definition"
"opt pragma": {
"prefix": ["opt"],
"body": ["{-# OPTIONS_GHC ${1:opt} #-}$0"],
"description": "GHC options pragma"