2023-05-30 19:08:03 -03:00

187 lines
6.9 KiB

"Main component": {
"prefix": "main",
"body": [
"component Main {",
"\tfun render : Html {",
"description": "The component named Main is the one that get's rendered on the screen."
"Store": {
"prefix": "store",
"body": ["store ${1:StoreName}.Store {", "\t$0", "}"],
"description": "Stores are global containers of application specific data."
"Store property": {
"prefix": "prop",
"body": ["property ${1:name} : ${2:Number} = ${0:0}"],
"description": "The property keyword when used in a store defines part of the data that the store contains."
"Functions": {
"prefix": "fun",
"body": [
"fun ${1:name}(${2:object} : ${3:String}) : ${4:Void} {",
"description": "Functions can be defined on modules, components, stores and providers."
"Next Call": {
"prefix": "next",
"body": ["next { state | ${1:name} = ${1:name} + 1 }"],
"description": "Functions can be defined on modules, components, stores and providers."
"Render": {
"prefix": "render",
"body": ["fun render : Html {", "\t$0", "}"],
"description": "The render function renders the component into an HTML tree."
"HTML Elements": {
"prefix": "div",
"body": ["<${1:div}::${2:stylename}>", "\t$0", "</${1:div}>"],
"description": "HTML elements can be written as in standard HTML."
"Span Element": {
"prefix": "span",
"body": ["<${1:span}::${2:stylename}>", "\t$0", "</${1:span}>"],
"description": "HTML elements can be written as in standard HTML."
"Paragraph Element": {
"prefix": "p",
"body": ["<${1:p}::${2:stylename}>", "\t$0", "</${1:p}>"],
"description": "HTML elements can be written as in standard HTML."
"Title Element": {
"prefix": "h",
"body": ["<${1:h1}::${2:stylename}>", "\t$0", "</${1:h1}>"],
"description": "HTML elements can be written as in standard HTML."
"Button Element": {
"prefix": "button",
"body": [
"<${1:button}::${2:stylename} ${3:disabled}={${4:disabled}}>",
"\t<{ \"${5:Text}\" }>",
"description": "HTML elements can be written as in standard HTML."
"HTML Expressions": {
"prefix": "exp",
"body": ["<{ \"${Message}\" }>"],
"description": "HTML Expressions allows inserting data into HTML elements or components."
"Attributes": {
"prefix": "att",
"body": ["{${disabled}}"],
"description": "Attributes are either strings or expressions."
"Modules": {
"prefix": "mod",
"body": ["module ${1:ModuleName} {", "\t$0", "}"],
"description": "Modules are kind of containers for a set of relatable functions, usually used to gather functions that relate to a specific type."
"Components": {
"prefix": "com",
"body": ["component ${1:ComponentName} {", "\t$0", "}"],
"description": "Components are reusable pieces of code that have specific behavior, styles and content."
"Components Tags": {
"prefix": "tag",
"body": ["<${1:Component} ${2:attribute}={${3:value}}/>"],
"description": "Tags that have the name of a component will render that component at the point where the tag is defined."
"Events": {
"prefix": "event",
"body": ["${onEvent}={\\event : Html.Event => ${handler}()}"],
"description": "All event handlers are functions, they take an event record and return Void."
"Connect": {
"prefix": "con",
"body": ["connect ${1:StoreName}.Store exposing { $0 }"],
"description": "The connect directive lets you connect a component to a store which allows you to call the stores functions and properties without using the stores name."
"Style": {
"prefix": "sty",
"body": ["style ${1:base} {", "\t${2:attribute}: ${3:value};", "}"],
"description": "Styles define with CSS how an HTML element looks."
"Computed Properties": {
"prefix": "get",
"body": ["get ${1:computedProperty} : ${2:String} {", "\t$0", "}"],
"description": "Computed properties works like regular properties but instead of returning a constant value it can return different values base on the state and the properties."
"If": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": [
"if (${1:condition}) {",
"} else {",
"description": "The if...else conditional expression can return two different values based on a condition."
"Case": {
"prefix": "case",
"body": [
"case (${1:condition}) {",
"\t${2:match1} => ${3:value1}",
"\t${4:match3} => ${5:value3}",
"\t=> ${6:defaultValue}",
"description": "A case expression is useful for matching enums or exact values, while also supporting a default value."
"Record": {
"prefix": "record",
"body": [
"record ${1:User} {",
"\t${2:name} : ${3:String},",
"\t${4:email} : ${5:String}",
"description": "Records are object like data structures, that have a fix set of keys and values."
"Try": {
"prefix": "try",
"body": [
"try {",
"} catch ${2:Json}.Error => error {",
"description": "try is a control expression for handling synchronous computations that might fail, for example when you are trying to convert an untyped JavaScript object into a typed Record."
"Do": {
"prefix": "do",
"body": [
"do {",
"} catch ${2:Http}.Error => error {",
"description": "do expressions are for two things: handling asynchronous computations that might fail, for example when loading something with a request, or executing asynchronous expressions sequentially."
"Routes": {
"prefix": "routes",
"body": [
"routes {",
"\t/ {",
"\t/${2:user}/:${3:id} {",
"\t\t do {",
"description": "In Mint routes of an application are defined at the top level with the routes block."