2023-05-30 19:08:03 -03:00

417 lines
13 KiB

"for": {
"prefix": "for",
"body": [
"for (${1:size_t} ${2:i} = ${3:0}; $2 < ${4:length}; $2++) {",
"description": "Code snippet for 'for' loop"
"forr": {
"prefix": "forr",
"body": [
"for (${1:size_t} ${2:i} = ${3:length} - 1; $2 >= ${4:0}; $2--) {",
"description": "Code snippet for reverse 'for' loop"
"forin": {
"prefix": "forin",
"body": [
"for (${1:type *object} in ${2:collection}) {",
"description": "Code snippet for reverse 'forin' loop"
"while": {
"prefix": "while",
"body": ["while ($1) {", "\t$0", "}"],
"description": ""
"if": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": ["if ($1) {", "\t$0", "}"],
"description": "Code snippet for if statement"
"else": {
"prefix": "else",
"body": ["else {", "\t$0", "}"],
"description": "Code snippet for else statement"
"else if": {
"prefix": "else if",
"body": ["else if ($1) {", "\t$0", "}"],
"description": "Code snippet for else-if statement"
"enum": {
"prefix": "enum",
"body": ["enum ${1:MyEnum} {", "\t$0", "};"],
"description": "Code snippet for enum"
"nsoptions": {
"prefix": "nsoptions",
"body": [
"typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, ${1:MyEnum}) {",
"\t${2:MyEnumValueA} = 1 << 0,",
"\t${3:MyEnumValueB} = 1 << 1,",
"\t${4:MyEnumValueC} = 1 << 2,",
"description": "Code snippet for NS_OPTIONS"
"nsenum": {
"prefix": "nsenum",
"body": [
"typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, ${1:MyEnum}) {",
"description": "Code snippet for NS_ENUM"
"#ifdef": {
"prefix": "#ifdef",
"body": ["#ifdef ${1:DEBUG}", "$0", "#endif /* $1 */"],
"description": "Code snippet for #ifdef"
"#ifndef": {
"prefix": "#ifndef",
"body": ["#ifndef ${1:DEBUG}", "$0", "#endif /* !$1 */"],
"description": "Code snippet for #ifndef"
"#if": {
"prefix": "#if",
"body": ["#if ${1:0}", "$0", "#endif /* $1 */"],
"description": "Code snippet for #if"
"struct": {
"prefix": "struct",
"body": ["struct ${1:MyStruct} {", "\t$0", "};"],
"description": "Code snippet for struct"
"typedef struct": {
"prefix": "structt",
"body": ["typedef struct {", "\t$0", "} ${1:MyStruct};"],
"description": "Code snippet to define a type with struct"
"switch": {
"prefix": "switch",
"body": [
"switch (${1:switch_on}) {",
"description": "Code snippet for switch statement"
"case": {
"prefix": "case",
"body": ["case $1:", "\t$0", "\tbreak;"],
"description": "Code snippet for case branch"
"union": {
"prefix": "union",
"body": ["union ${1:MyUnion} {", "\t$0", "};"],
"description": "Code snippet for union"
"#imp": {
"prefix": "#imp",
"body": ["#import \"$0\""],
"description": "Code snippet for #import \" \""
"#imp<": {
"prefix": "#imp<",
"body": ["#import <$0>"],
"description": "Code snippet for #import < >"
"#inc": {
"prefix": "#inc",
"body": ["#include \"$0\""],
"description": "Code snippet for #include \" \""
"#inc<": {
"prefix": "#inc<",
"body": ["#include <$0>"],
"description": "Code snippet for #include < >"
"#def": {
"prefix": "def",
"body": ["#define $0"],
"description": "Code snippet for #define \" \""
"Main function template": {
"prefix": "main",
"body": [
"int main (int argc, char *argv[])",
"\treturn 0;",
"description": "A standard main function for a C program"
"Standard Starter Template": {
"prefix": "sst",
"body": [
"#include <stdio.h>",
"int main (int argc, char *argv[])",
"\treturn 0;",
"description": "A standard starter template for a C program"
"Stdlib Variant Starter Template": {
"prefix": "libsst",
"body": [
"#include <stdio.h>",
"#include <stdlib.h>",
"int main (int argc, char *argv[])",
"\treturn 0;",
"description": "A standard starter template for a C program with stdlib included"
"Do...while loop": {
"prefix": "do",
"body": ["do {", "\t$1", "} while($2);"],
"description": "Creates a do...while loop"
"Create protocol declaration": {
"prefix": ["proto", "@protocol"],
"body": [
"@protocol ${1:protocol name} : ${2:NSObject}\n",
"description": "Create an Objc protocol declaration"
"Create Class interface": {
"prefix": ["class", "@interface"],
"body": [
"@interface ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE} : ${2:NSObject}\n",
"description": "Create an Objc Class interface"
"Create Class implementation": {
"prefix": "@implementation",
"body": [
"@implementation ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}\n",
"description": "Create an Objc Class implementation"
"Create property": {
"prefix": ["@property", "prop"],
"body": ["@property (nonatomic, ${1:memory control}) ${2:property};\n"],
"description": "Create an Objc property"
"Create property for copied text": {
"prefix": ["makeproperty", "mp"],
"body": [
"@property (nonatomic, ${1:memory control}) ${2:type} ${3:$CLIPBOARD};\n"
"description": "Create an Objc property with copied text"
"Create class method interface": {
"prefix": ["funccd", "+interface"],
"body": ["+ (${1:void}) ${2:func name};\n"],
"description": "Create an Objc class method interface"
"Create class method implementation": {
"prefix": ["funcci", "+impl"],
"body": ["+ (${1:void}) ${2:func name} {", "$4", "}"],
"description": "Create an Objc class method implementation"
"Create instance method interface": {
"prefix": ["funcid", "-interface"],
"body": ["- (${1:void}) ${2:func name};\n"],
"description": "Create an Objc instance method interface"
"Create instance method implementation": {
"prefix": ["funcii", "-impl"],
"body": ["- (${1:void}) ${2:func name} {", "$4", "}"],
"description": "Create an Objc instance method implementation"
"Function field": {
"prefix": "field",
"body": [":(${1:type}) ${2:field}"],
"description": "Create an Objc instance method implementation"
"Block type var": {
"prefix": "blockvar",
"body": [
"${1:void} (^${2:name}) (${3:parameters}) = ^${1:void}(${3:parameters}) {\n",
"description": "Create a block local variable"
"Block property": {
"prefix": "@propertyblock",
"body": [
"@property (nonatomic, copy, ${1:nullability}) ${2:void} (^${3:name})(${4:parameters});\n"
"description": "Create a block property"
"@selector": {
"prefix": "@selector",
"body": ["@selector(${1:method}}"],
"description": "Create a @selector"
"@protocol": {
"prefix": "@proto",
"body": ["@protocol(${1:protocol name}}"],
"description": "Create a @protocol"
"Block field": {
"prefix": "fieldblock",
"body": [":(${1:void} (^${2:nullability}) (${3:parameters}))${4:name)"],
"description": "Create a block field"
"Block typedef": {
"prefix": "typedefblock",
"body": ["typedef ${1:void} (^${2:type_name}) (${3:parameters})"],
"description": "Create a block field"
"Dispatch once snip": {
"prefix": "dispatchoncesnip",
"body": [
"static dispatch_once_t onceToken;",
"dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{",
"\t${1:code to be executed once}",
"description": "Create a dispatch_once"
"Dispatch sync": {
"prefix": "dispatchsync",
"body": [
"dispatch_sync(${1:dispatch_queue_t _Nonnull queue}, ${2:^(void)block})"
"description": "Create a dispatch_sync"
"Dispatch async": {
"prefix": "dispatchasync",
"body": [
"dispatch_async(${1:dispatch_queue_t _Nonnull queue}, ${2:^(void)block})"
"description": "Create a dispatch_async"
"Dispatch get main queue": {
"prefix": "dispatchgetmainqueue",
"body": ["dispatch_get_main_queue()"],
"description": "Create a dispatch_get_main_queue"
"Dispatch get global queue": {
"prefix": "dispatchgetglobalqueue",
"body": [
"dispatch_get_global_queue(${1:intptr_t identifier}, ${2:uintptr_t flags})"
"description": "Create a dispatch_get_global_queue"
"Dispatch semaphore create": {
"prefix": "dispatchsemaphorecreate",
"body": ["dispatch_semaphore_create(${1:intptr_t value})"],
"description": "Create a dispatch_semaphore_create"
"NSLog": {
"prefix": "NSLog",
"body": ["NSLog(@\"${1:%@}\"$2);"],
"description": "Create a NSLog"
"try-catch-finally": {
"prefix": "@try",
"body": [
"@try {",
"@catch (NSException * e) {",
"@finally {",
"description": "Create a try-catch-finally block"
"catch": {
"prefix": "@catch",
"body": ["@catch (NSException * e) {", "\t${2:handler}", "}"],
"description": "Create a catch block"
"finally": {
"prefix": "@finally",
"body": ["@finally {", "\t${0:statements}", "}"],
"description": "Create a finally block"
"@synchronized": {
"prefix": "@synchronized",
"body": ["@synchronized (${1:token}) {", "\t${2:statements}", "}"],
"description": "Create a finally block"
"MARK: -": {
"prefix": "mark",
"body": ["// MARK: - ${1:lable}"],
"description": "Create a MARK"
"MARK: - Private": {
"prefix": "markprivate",
"body": ["// MARK: - Private"],
"description": "Create a MARK: - Private"
"MARK: - Public": {
"prefix": "markpublic",
"body": ["// MARK: - Public"],
"description": "Create a MARK: - Public"
"MARK: - UI": {
"prefix": "markui",
"body": ["// MARK: - UI"],
"description": "Create a MARK: - UI"
"MARK: - Data": {
"prefix": "markdata",
"body": ["// MARK: - Public"],
"description": "Create a MARK: - Data"
"MARK: - Override": {
"prefix": "markoverride",
"body": ["// MARK: - Override"],
"description": "Create a MARK: - Override"
"MARK: - copied text": {
"prefix": "markselected",
"body": ["// MARK: - $CLIPBOARD"],
"description": "Create a MARK for copied text"
"Create file documents": {
"prefix": "filedoc",
"body": [
"// Copyright © $CURRENT_YEAR ${VIM:\\$USER}. All rights reserved.",
"description": "Create a file documents header"