Urmish Shah 7801e3cb6e
Update perl snippets (#460)
* include perl in package.json to trigger perl snippets
* fixed/updated some perl snippets
* Escape $$ and  $! occurrences
* With native neovim snippets $0 is buggy

Ok, apologies for multiple commits, but $0 placement is very buggy in neovim native snippets usage. The placeholder text for ${0:placeholder text} is not replaced when you actually start typing at that location. Instead of waiting for a fix in neovim, native-snippets.nvim or whatever tool, I'd rather just work around this in the snippets I'm writing.

* fix join command
2024-06-09 16:01:25 -04:00

176 lines
4.3 KiB

"print statement": {
"prefix": "print",
"body": ["print \"$1\\n\";"]
"if statement": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": ["if ( ${1:condition} ) {", "\t${2:body}", "}"]
"if else statement": {
"prefix": "ife",
"body": [
"if ( ${1:condition} ) {",
"} else {",
"if else if statement": {
"prefix": "iffe",
"body": [
"if ( ${1:condition} ) {",
"} elsif ( ${3:condition} ) {",
"else statement": {
"prefix": "else",
"body": ["else {", "\t${1:body}", "}"]
"elsif statement": {
"prefix": "elsif",
"body": ["elsif ( ${1:condition} ) {", "\t${2:body}", "}"]
"unless": {
"prefix": "unless",
"body": ["unless ( ${1:condition} ) {", "\t${2:body}", "}"]
"for loop": {
"prefix": "for",
"body": [
"for (my \\$${1:loop var} = 0; \\$$1 < ${2:count}; \\$$1++) {",
"foreach loop": {
"prefix": "foreach",
"body": ["foreach my \\$${1:element} ( @${2:array} ) {", "\t${3:body}", "}"]
"while Loop": {
"prefix": "while",
"body": ["while ( ${1:condition} ) {", "\t${2:body}", "}"]
"do while Loop": {
"prefix": "dowhile",
"body": ["do {", "\t${2:body}", "} while ( ${1:condition} );"]
"subroutine": {
"prefix": "sub",
"body": ["sub ${1:sub_name} {", "\t${2:body}", "}"]
"Comment block for subroutine": {
"prefix": "documentation",
"body": [
"# Author: ${1:Author}",
"# Description: ${2:Description}",
"# Arguments:",
"# * ${3:argument_name} - ${4:description}",
"open file to read": {
"prefix": "openr",
"body": [
"open(my \\$${1:fh}, '<', \"${2:file name}\") or die \"Cannot open file '$2' for reading: \\$!\";"
"open file to write": {
"prefix": "openw",
"body": [
"open(my \\$${1:fh}, '>', \"${2:file name}\") or die \"Cannot open file '$2' for writing: \\$!\";"
"print to file": {
"prefix": "file print",
"body": ["print \\$${1:fh} \"${1:string}\\n\";"]
"read file into a scalar": {
"prefix": "slurp",
"body": [
"use File::Slurp;",
"my \\$${1:contents} = read_file(\"${2:file_path}\")"
"read a directory": {
"prefix": "readdir",
"body": [
"opendir(my \\$${1:dir}, '$2') or die \"Cannot open directory '$2': \\$!\";",
"my @files = readdir(\\$$1);",
"create a directory": {
"prefix": "mkdir",
"body": [
"mkdir \"${1:dir}\" or die \"Cannot create directory '$1': \\$!\";"
"split a string": {
"prefix": "split",
"body": [
"my @${1:array var} = split(/${2:delimiter pattern}/, \"${3:string}\");"
"join array": {
"prefix": "join",
"body": [
"my \\$${1:string var} = join('${2:delimiter pattern}', @${3:array_var});"
"format time": {
"prefix": "strftime",
"body": [
"use POSIX qw(strftime);",
"my $formatted = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime($1));"
"try catch block": {
"prefix": "trycatch",
"body": [
"use Try::Tiny;",
"try {",
"} catch {",
"\tmy \\$catch_error = shift;",
"\tprint \"Error: \\$catch_error\\n\";",
"} finally {",
"\tif (@_) {",
"\t\tprint \"The try block died with error: @_\\n\"",
"\t} else {",
"\t\tprint \"The try ran successfully.\\n\"",
"perl module": {
"prefix": "module package",
"body": [
"package ${1:ModuleName};",
"use strict;",
"use warnings;",
"sub new {",
"\tmy (\\$class, %args) = @_;",
"\tmy \\$self = bless {%args}, \\$class;",
"\treturn \\$self;",
"# Add more methods here",
"1; # Return true to indicate successful module loading"