2023-05-30 19:08:03 -03:00

209 lines
6 KiB

"Activity": {
"prefix": "act",
"body": "\"$1\"",
"description": "Describe the activity being done"
"Actor": {
"prefix": "act",
"body": "actor $0",
"description": "An actor in the system"
"Aggregation": {
"prefix": "ag",
"body": " o-- $1 $2",
"description": "An object aggregates X number of other objects"
"Arrow-down": {
"prefix": "down",
"body": " -down-> ",
"description": [
"down arrow, format: box -down-> box 2 (it will point downwards to the box 2"
"Arrow-left": {
"prefix": "la",
"body": " -left-> ",
"description": [
"left arrow, format: box -left-> box 2 (it will point left towards the box 2"
"Arrow-right": {
"prefix": "ra",
"body": " -right-> ",
"description": [
"Right arrow, format: box -right-> box 2 (it will point right towards the box 2"
"Arrow-up": {
"prefix": "up",
"body": " -up-> ",
"description": [
"Up arrow, format: box -up-> box 2 (it will point upwards to the box 2"
"Block comment": {
"prefix": "block",
"body": "/'\n' $1\n'/",
"description": "Places a block comment in the document"
"Boundary": {
"prefix": "bound",
"body": "boundary $0",
"description": "Model a boundary of the system"
"Class": {
"prefix": "cla",
"body": "class $1 {\n$2\n}\n",
"description": "Class Object where fields are defined: \n public (+)\n private (-)\n protected (#) \n package (~).\n\nFunctions can also be named here ex:\n +funcName()"
"Cloud": {
"prefix": "cl",
"body": "cloud $1",
"description": "Model the cloud servers"
"Constant": {
"prefix": "const",
"body": "!define $1 $2",
"description": "$1 is param name, $2 is param value"
"Control": {
"prefix": "ctrl",
"body": "control $0",
"description": "Models a loop back for control"
"Composition": {
"prefix": "com",
"body": " *-- $1",
"description": "Model an object composition"
"Database": {
"prefix": "db",
"body": "database $0",
"description": "Models a Database (depicted as a cylinder)"
"Dotted aggregation": {
"prefix": "ag",
"body": " o.. $1 $2",
"description": "An object aggregates X number of other objects"
"Dotted composition": {
"prefix": "dcom",
"body": " *.. $1",
"description": "Model an object composition"
"Dotted extension": {
"prefix": "dext",
"body": " <|.. $1",
"description": "Arrow for object extends another object"
"Entity": {
"prefix": "ent",
"body": "entity $0",
"description": "Models an entity of the system"
"Example": {
"prefix": "example",
"body": ["@startuml\nAlice -> Bob\nBob -> Alice\n@enduml"],
"description": "Simple example to get started with PlantUML"
"Extend Arrow (left)": {
"prefix": "lext",
"body": " ..> $1",
"description": "Extend, Include"
"Extend Arrow (Right)": {
"prefix": "rext",
"body": " <.. $1",
"description": "Extend, Include"
"Extension": {
"prefix": "ext",
"body": " <|-- $1",
"description": "Arrow for object extends another object"
"Folder": {
"prefix": "fol",
"body": "folder $1",
"description": "A folder for project organization"
"Frame": {
"prefix": "frame",
"body": "frame $1",
"description": "A frame of the components"
"If-else": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": ["if $1 then\n->[ok] $2\nelse\n -->[$3]\nendif\n"]
"Initial State activity": {
"prefix": "init-state",
"body": "(*) -> $1",
"description": "Model an initial starting point for the activity diagram"
"Node": {
"prefix": "no",
"body": "node $1",
"description": "A cube modelling a node in the system"
"Note left": {
"prefix": "note-lf",
"body": "note left : $0",
"description": "A note that appears on the left"
"Note right": {
"prefix": "note-rt",
"body": "note right : $0",
"description": "A note that appears on the right"
"Object": {
"prefix": "ob",
"body": "object $1 {\n$2\n}\n",
"description": "A default Object"
"Package": {
"prefix": "pa",
"body": ["package $1 {\n$2\n}\n"],
"description": "Package UML structure"
"Sequence Message": {
"prefix": "mess",
"body": "$1 -> $2",
"description": "An arrow for the message sent on a Sequence diagram"
"Sequence Return": {
"prefix": "ret",
"body": "$1 <-- $2",
"description": "An arrow for the message return on a Sequence diagram"
"State Final": {
"prefix": "sfinal",
"body": " --> [*]",
"description": "Describe the final state of objects"
"State Initial": {
"prefix": "sinit",
"body": "[*] --> ",
"description": "Describe the initial state of objects"
"Title": {
"prefix": "ti",
"body": "title $0",
"description": "The document title"
"Start Uml Template": {
"prefix": "startuml",
"body": "@startuml\n $1\n@enduml",
"description": "Inside $1 begin defining your diagram"
"Use Arrow (left)": {
"prefix": ">",
"body": " --> $1",
"description": "Object A uses -> () <That is our use case notation to the left>"
"Use Arrow (Right)": {
"prefix": "<",
"body": " <-- $1",
"description": "Object A uses -> () <That is our use case notation to the left>"