2023-05-30 19:08:03 -03:00

195 lines
5.4 KiB

"Module": {
"prefix": ["module"],
"body": ["module ${1:Name} = {", "\t${2:// Module contents}", "}"]
"Switch": {
"prefix": ["switch"],
"body": [
"switch ${1:value} {",
"| ${2:pattern1} => ${3:expression}",
"${4:| ${5:pattern2} => ${6:expression}}",
"Try": {
"prefix": ["try"],
"body": [
"try {",
"} catch {",
"| ${2:MyException} => ${3:expression}",
"For Loop": {
"prefix": ["for"],
"body": [
"for ${1:i} in ${2:startValueInclusive} to ${3:endValueInclusive} {",
"Reverse For Loop": {
"prefix": ["for"],
"body": [
"for ${1:i} in ${2:startValueInclusive} downto ${3:endValueInclusive} {",
"Global External Object": {
"prefix": ["@bs", "external"],
"body": [
"@val external ${1:setTimeout}: ${2:(unit => unit, int) => float} = \"${3:setTimeout}\""
"Global External Module": {
"prefix": ["@bs", "external"],
"body": [
"@scope(\"${1:Math}\") @val external ${2:random}: ${3:unit => float} = \"${4:random}\""
"JS Module External": {
"prefix": ["@bs", "external"],
"body": [
"@module(\"${1:path}\") external ${2:dirname}: ${3:string => string} = \"${4:dirname}\""
"JS Module Default External": {
"prefix": ["@bs", "external"],
"body": [
"@module external ${1:leftPad}: ${2:(string, int) => string} = \"${3:leftPad}\""
"variable": {
"prefix": ["l", "let", "var"],
"body": ["let ${1:x} = ${2:\"hello\"}"]
"mutable variable": {
"prefix": ["lm", "letm", "mvar"],
"body": ["let ${1:x} = ref(${2:\"hello\"})"]
"type": {
"prefix": ["t", "tp", "type"],
"body": ["type ${1:x} = ${2:int}"]
"type with generic": {
"prefix": ["tpg", "typeg"],
"body": ["type ${1:x}<'${2:a}> = ${3:int}"]
"type polimorphic variant": {
"prefix": ["tpv", "typepv"],
"body": ["type ${1:x} = [ #${2:one} | #${3:two} ]"]
"inline functin": {
"prefix": ["fn"],
"body": ["let ${1:name} = (${2}) => ${0}"]
"function": {
"prefix": ["function"],
"body": ["let ${1:doSomeStuff} = (${2}) => {", "\t${0}", "}"]
"pipe functions": {
"prefix": ["fnpp", "funcpp", "pipe"],
"body": ["${1:firstFunction}", "\t->${2:secondFunction}"]
"console.log": {
"prefix": ["cl", "col"],
"body": ["Js.log(${1:something})"]
"": {
"prefix": ["ci", "coi"],
"body": ["${1:something})"]
"console.warn": {
"prefix": ["cw", "cow"],
"body": ["Js.warn(${1:something})"]
"console.error": {
"prefix": ["ce", "cer"],
"body": ["Js.error(${1:something})"]
"console.trace": {
"prefix": ["ct", "ctr"],
"body": ["Js.trace(${1:something})"]
"console.timeStart": {
"prefix": ["cts"],
"body": ["Js.timeStart(${1:something})"]
"console.timeEnd": {
"prefix": ["cte"],
"body": ["Js.timeEnd(${1:something})"]
"Belt. fromString": {
"prefix": ["bfs", "bfstr"],
"body": ["Belt.Int.fromString(${1:10})"]
"Belt. toString": {
"prefix": ["bts", "btstr"],
"body": ["Belt.Int.toString(${1:10})"]
"if inline": {
"prefix": ["ifi"],
"body": ["if ${1:a} {${2:b}} else {${3:c}}"]
"Ternary operator": {
"prefix": ["to"],
"body": ["${1:a} ? ${2:b} : ${3:c}"]
"Object destructuring": {
"prefix": ["dob"],
"body": ["let {${1:a}} = ${2:data}"]
"Array destructuring": {
"prefix": ["dar"],
"body": ["let [${1:a}] = ${2:data}"]
"Raise exception": {
"prefix": ["rs", "raise"],
"body": ["raise(${1:SomeError}(${2:// write your text}))"]
"@genType": {
"prefix": ["gt"],
"body": ["@genType"]
"@genType import": {
"prefix": ["gti"],
"body": ["@genType.import(\"${1:./MyMath}\")"]
"@genType alias": {
"prefix": ["gta"],
"body": ["\"${1:CB}\")"]
"@@warning": {
"prefix": ["@w"],
"body": ["@@warning(\"${1:-27}\")"]
"alias": {
"prefix": ["@a"],
"body": ["@as(\"${1:aria-label}\")"]
"compiler deprecation warn": {
"prefix": ["@dw"],
"body": [
"@deprecated(\"${1:This field deprecated}. Use ${2:something} instead\")"
"Top level js embed": {
"prefix": ["tle", "tlr"],
"body": ["%%raw(`", "\t${1://js code}", "`)"]
"expression level js embed": {
"prefix": ["ele", "exe", "elr"],
"body": ["%raw(\"${1://js expression}\")"]
"js debugger": {
"prefix": ["dbg"],
"body": ["%%debugger"]
"React Component": {
"prefix": ["react.component", "@react"],
"body": ["@react.component", "let make = (${1}) => {", "\t${2}", "}"]