notAxion ef8a9b6b58
fix(description): description typos in sql (#371)
* fix(description): description typos in sql snippets
2023-10-01 00:23:51 -04:00

262 lines
7.5 KiB

"createt": {
"prefix": "createt",
"body": ["CREATE TABLE ${1:tableName} (", "\t${2:attribute(s)}", ");"],
"description": "Create regular table"
"createti": {
"prefix": "createti",
"body": [
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${1:tableName} (",
"description": "Create table with conditional"
"created": {
"prefix": "created",
"body": ["CREATE DATABASE ${1:name};"],
"description": "Create regular table"
"createdi": {
"prefix": "createdi",
"body": ["CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ${1:name};"],
"description": "Create table with conditional"
"insert": {
"prefix": "insert",
"body": [
"INSERT INTO ${1:tableName} (",
") VALUES ( ${3:values} )"
"description": "Insert value(s)"
"dropt": {
"prefix": "dropt",
"body": ["DROP TABLE ${1:tableName};"],
"description": "Drop table"
"dropd": {
"prefix": "dropd",
"body": ["DROP DATABASE ${1:dbName};"],
"description": "Drop database"
"dropti": {
"prefix": "dropti",
"body": ["DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${1:tableName};"],
"description": "Drop table with conditional"
"dropdi": {
"prefix": "dropdi",
"body": ["DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${1:dbName};"],
"description": "Drop database with conditional"
"showt": {
"prefix": "showt",
"body": ["SHOW TABLES;"],
"description": "Show tables"
"showd": {
"prefix": "showd",
"body": ["SHOW DATABASES;"],
"description": "Show databases"
"select": {
"prefix": "select",
"body": ["SELECT ${1:attribute(s)} FROM ${2:tableName};"],
"description": "Regular select"
"selectd": {
"prefix": "selectd",
"body": ["SELECT DISTINCT ${1:attribute(s)}", "\tFROM ${2:tableName};"],
"description": "Select Distinct"
"selectw": {
"prefix": "selectw",
"body": [
"SELECT ${1:attribute(s)}",
"\tFROM ${2:tableName}",
"\tWHERE ${3:condition};"
"description": "Select with condition"
"selector": {
"prefix": "selector",
"body": [
"SELECT ${1:attribute(s)}",
"\tFROM ${2:tableName}",
"\tORDER BY ${3:attribute(s)} ${4:ASC|DESC};"
"description": "Select with order"
"updatet": {
"prefix": "updatet",
"body": [
"UPDATE ${1:tableName}",
"\tSET ${2:attribute(s)}",
"\tWHERE ${3:condition};"
"description": "Update table"
"delete": {
"prefix": "delete",
"body": ["DELETE FROM ${1:tableName}", "\tWHERE ${3:condition};"],
"description": "Delete records"
"altert": {
"prefix": "altert",
"body": ["ALTER TABLE ${1:tableName}", "\t ${2:intructions};"],
"description": "Alter table"
"alterad": {
"prefix": "alterad",
"body": ["ALTER TABLE ${1:tableName}", "\tADD COLUMN ${2:col_name};"],
"description": "Alter table - Add column"
"alteraf": {
"prefix": "alteraf",
"body": [
"ALTER TABLE ${1:tableName}",
"\tADD COLUMN ${2:col_name}",
"\tAFTER ${5:col_name};"
"description": "Alter table - Add column after"
"alterdb": {
"prefix": "alterdb",
"body": [
"ALTER DATABASE ${1:dbName}",
"\tCHARACTER SET ${2:charset}",
"\tCOLLATE ${3:utf8_unicode_ci};"
"description": "Alter database"
"ijoin": {
"prefix": "ijoin",
"body": [
"SELECT ${1:attribute(s)}",
"\tFROM ${2:tableName}",
"\tINNER JOIN ${3:tableName2}",
"\tON ${4:match};"
"description": "Inner Join"
"rjoin": {
"prefix": "rjoin",
"body": [
"SELECT ${1:attribute(s)}",
"\tFROM ${2:tableName}",
"\tRIGHT JOIN ${3:tableName2}",
"\tON ${4:match};"
"description": "Right Join"
"ljoin": {
"prefix": "ljoin",
"body": [
"SELECT ${1:attribute(s)}",
"\tFROM ${2:tableName}",
"\tLEFT JOIN ${3:tableName2}",
"\tON ${4:match};"
"description": "Left Join"
"fjoin": {
"prefix": "fjoin",
"body": [
"SELECT ${1:attribute(s)}",
"\tFROM ${2:tableName}",
"\tFULL JOIN OUTER ${3:tableName2}",
"\tON ${4:match}",
"\tWHERE ${5:condition};"
"description": "Full Join"
"union": {
"prefix": "union",
"body": [
"SELECT ${1:attribute(s)} FROM ${2:tableName}",
"SELECT ${3:attribute(s)} FROM ${4:tableName2};"
"description": "Regular union"
"uniona": {
"prefix": "uniona",
"body": [
"SELECT ${1:attribute(s)} FROM ${2:tableName}",
"SELECT ${3:attribute(s)} FROM ${4:tableName2};"
"description": "All union"
"groupb": {
"prefix": "groupb",
"body": [
"SELECT ${1:attribute(s)}",
"\tFROM ${2:tableName}",
"\tGROUP BY ${3:attribute(s)};"
"description": "Group by"
"bakupd": {
"prefix": "bakupd",
"body": ["BACKUP DATABASE ${1:dbName}", "\tTO DISK ${2:filepath};"],
"description": "Backup database"
"bakupdw": {
"prefix": "bakupdw",
"body": [
"BACKUP DATABASE ${1:dbName}",
"\tTO DISK ${2:filepath}",
"description": "Differential backup database"
"primaryk": {
"prefix": "primaryk",
"body": ["PRIMARY KEY(${1:attribute})"],
"description": "Primary Key"
"primarykc": {
"prefix": "primarykc",
"body": ["CONSTRAINT ${1:attribute} PRIMARY KEY(${2:attribute(s)})"],
"description": "Constraint Primary Key"
"foreingk": {
"prefix": "foreingk",
"body": [
"FOREIGN KEY(${1:attribute}) REFERENCES ${2:tableName}(${3:attribute})"
"description": "Foreign Key"
"foreingkc": {
"prefix": "foreingkc",
"body": [
"CONSTRAINT ${1:attribute} FOREIGN KEY (${2:attribute(s)})",
"\tREFERENCES ${3:tableName}(${4:attribute})"
"description": "Constraint foreign Key"
"check": {
"prefix": "check",
"body": ["CHECK ( ${1:condition} )"],
"description": "Check"
"creteuser": {
"prefix": "createuser",
"body": "CREATE USER '${1:username}'@'${2:localhost}' IDENTIFIED BY '${3:password}';",
"description": "Create User"
"deleteuser": {
"prefix": "deleteuser",
"body": "DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user = '${1:userName}';",
"description": "Delete user"
"grantuser": {
"prefix": "grantuser",
"body": "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ${1:db}.${2:tb} TO '${3:user_name}'@'${4:localhost}';",
"description": "Grant privileges"