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Find a file
2020-05-09 18:17:52 +02:00
autoload Replace custom location callback with a BufReadCmd hook 2020-04-20 22:01:26 +02:00
lua Add a javap command to show bytecode of current file 2020-05-09 18:17:52 +02:00
plugin Replace custom location callback with a BufReadCmd hook 2020-04-20 22:01:26 +02:00
.editorconfig Add logic 2020-04-14 18:43:54 +02:00
.luacheckrc Add logic 2020-04-14 18:43:54 +02:00 Add a javap command to show bytecode of current file 2020-05-09 18:17:52 +02:00


Extensions for the built-in Language Server Protocol support in Neovim (>= 0.5) for

Warning: This is early state. Neovim 0.5 hasn't been released yet, so APIs can change and things may break.


  • Command to organize imports
  • Open class file contents
  • Code action extensions (java.apply.workspaceEdit).
  • toString generation.
  • hashCode and equals generation.
  • javap command to show bytecode of current file
  • Integration with nvim-dap


  • Requires Neovim HEAD/nightly
  • nvim-jdtls is a plugin. Install it like any other Vim plugin.
  • Call :packadd nvim-jdtls if you install nvim-jdtls to 'packpath'.


nvim-jdtls doesn't contain logic to spawn a LSP client for, see :help lsp for information on how to launch a LSP client. To make use of all the functionality nvim-jdtls provides, you need to override some of the lsp callbacks, set some extra capabilities and set a couple of initialization options.

The callbacks:

  local jdtls = require 'jdtls'
  vim.lsp.callbacks['workspace/applyEdit'] = jdtls.workspace_apply_edit,

Additional capabilities:

local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()
capabilities.textDocument.codeAction = {
  dynamicRegistration = false;
  codeActionLiteralSupport = {
    codeActionKind = {
      valueSet = {
capabilities.workspace = {
  applyEdit = true;

Initialization options:

config['init_options'] = {
  extendedClientCapabilities = {
    classFileContentsSupport = true;
    generateToStringPromptSupport = true;
    hashCodeEqualsPromptSupport = true;

You may also want to create mappings for the code action command and to organize imports:

nnoremap <A-CR> <Cmd>lua require'jdtls'.code_action()<CR>
nnoremap <A-o> <Cmd>lua require'jdtls'.organize_imports()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>df <Cmd>lua require'jdtls'.test_class()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>dn <Cmd>lua require'jdtls'.test_nearest_method()<CR>


nvim-jdtls provides integration with nvim-dap.

For this to work, needs to load the java-debug extension. To do so, clone java-debug and run ./mvnw clean install in the cloned directory, then extend the initializationOptions with which you start

config['init_options'] = {
  bundles = {

You also need to call require('jdtls').setup_dap() to have it register a java adapter for nvim-dap and to create configurations for all discovered main classes:

config['on_attach'] = function(client, bufnr)

Furthermore, nvim-jdtls supports running and debugging tests. For this to work the bundles from vscode-java-test need to be installed:

  • Clone the repo
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm run build-plugin
  • Extend the bundles:
local bundles = {
vim.list_extend(bundles, vim.split(vim.fn.glob("/path/to/microsoft/vscode-java-test/server/*.jar"), "\n"))
config['init_options'] = {
  bundles = bundles;